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The Use of Salisbury.

These questions having been. asked, Let him (viz. the priest,)

The Liturgy of Herman. mie and warlike power, and causidest thy people of Israel, to passe over wyth dry feete and wouldest shadowe in them holye Baptisme, the laver of regeneration. furthermore who diddest consecrate Jordane wyth the Baptisme of thy sonne Christe Jesu, and other waters to holy deepynge, and washing of synnes, we pray the for thy exceading mercie loke favorably upon thys Infante, geve hym true fayth, and thy holy spirite, that whatsoever fylth he hath taken of Adam, it maye be drouned, and be putte awaye by thys holie floude, that being separated from the numbre of the ungodly he maye be kepte safe in the holye arke of the churche and may confesse and sanctifie thy name with a lustie and fervente spirite, and serve thy kingdome with constante and sure hope, that at lenth He may atteyne to the promises of Eternall lyfe wyth all the Godly. AMEN.

After thys, makynge the figure of the crosse wyth hys

First Book of Edward VI.

dren of Israel safely through the middes thereof: wherby thou diddest figure the washyng of thy holye Baptisme : And by the Baptisme of thy welbeloved sonne Jesus Christ, thou diddest sanctify the flud Jordan, and al other waters to this misticall washyng awaie of synne: we beseche thee (for thy infinite mercies) that thou wilt mercifully loke upon these children, and sanctify them with thy holy gost, that by this holsome laver of regeneracion, whatsoever synne is in theim, maie be washed cleane awaie, that thei beeyng delivered from thy wrathe, mai be received into the Arke of Christes Churche, and SO saved from perishyng; and beyng stedfast in faithe, joyfull through hope, rooted in charitie, maie ever serve thee: And finally attain to everlastyng life, with all thy holy and chosen people. This graunt us, we besech thee for Jesus Christes sake our Lorde. AMEN.

[Here shall the priest aske what shalbe the name of the

Second Book of Edward VI.

to the mistical washinge awaye of sinne: we beseche thee for thy infinite mercies, that thou wylt mercifully loke upon these chyldren, sanctifie them and washe them with thy holy ghoste, that they beyng delivered from thy wrath, may be receyved into the Arke of Christes Church, and beynge stedfast in fayth, joyefull through hope, and rooted in charitie, may so passe the waves of this troublesome world, that finally they maye come to the lande of everlastynge lyfe, there to reynge wyth thee, world without ende: through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

The Use of Salisbury. make with his thumb on the child's forehead the sign of the Cross, using these words, I sign thy forehead with the sign of the Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ; and afterwards upon the breast, saying, I sign thy breast with the sign of the Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Liturgy of Herman.

thombe upon hys foreheade, and upon hys brest, let him


Take the figure of the holye crosse in thy forehead, that thou never be ashamed of God, and Christe thy Savioure, or of hys Gospel; take it also on thy brest, that the power of Christ crucified may be ever thy succour and sure protection in all thinges.

O God, the everliving protection of all who ask,, the deliverance of those who pray, the peace of those who ask, the life of them that believe, the resurrection of the dead; I pray thee in behalf of this thy servant, N., who seeking the gift of thy baptism longs to attain eternal mercy by spiritual regeneration: Accept him, Lord;

First Book of Edward VI.

Child and when the Godfathers and Godmothers, have told the name, then he shall make a crosse upon the Childes forehed and brest: saiyng]

N. Receive the signe of the holy crosse, bothe in thy forehed, and in thy brest, in token that thou shalt not bee ashamed to confesse thy faithe in Christ crucified, and manfully to fight under his banner against synne, the world, and the Devill, and to continue his faithfull souldior and servaunte unto thy lifes ende. AMEN.

[And this he shall doo and saie to as many Children as bee present to bee Baptized, one after another.]

[blocks in formation]

Second Book of Edward VI.

The Use of Salisbury.

and since thou hast deigned to say, Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened; so give now the reward to him that asketh, and open the door to him that knocketh; that by the eternal benediction of the heavenly washing, he may receive the promised kingdoms of thy gift; who livest and reignest with God the Father, in unity of the Holy Spirit, God throughout all ages.

(Pr. Pusey's translation.)

I command thee, O unclean Spirit, in the name of God the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, to come out and depart from this servant of God.-Therefore, O cursed Spirit, remember thy sentence, and give honour to the living and true God, give honour to Jesus Christ his son, and to the Holy Spirit, and depart from this servant of God; because God hath vouchsafed by the gift of the Holy Spirit to call him to himself, and

The Liturgy of Herman.

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