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النشر الإلكتروني

The Use of Salisbury.

The Liturgy of Herman.

Then let the priest take the

child by his sides in his hands, and having asked his name, let him dip him thrice, invoking the holy Trinity thus, N. I baptize thee in the name

First Book of Edward VI.

Then the priest shall take the childe in his handes, and aske the name. And namyng the childe, shall dippe it in the water thrise. first dyppyng the right side; second, the

Second Book of Edward VI.

lastingly rewarded throughe thy mercye, O blessed Lord God, who doest lyve and governe al thinges worlde without ende. AMEN.

Almightie everliving God, whose most dearely beloved sonne Jesus Christ, for the forgevenesse of our sinnes, did shead out of his most precious syde bothe water and bloud, and gave commaundement to his disciples that they shoulde goe teache all nacions and baptize them in the name of the father, the sonne, and of the holy ghost: Regarde we beseche thee, the supplicacions of thy congregacion, and graunte that all thy servantes which shalbe bap-. tised in this water, may receyve the fulnesse of thy grace, and ever remayne in the noumbre of thy faythfull and electe chyldren through Jesus Christ our Lorde.

Then the Priest shal take the child in his handes, and aske the name: and naming the childe shal dippe it in the water, so it be discretely and warely done, sayinge,

The Use of Salisbury.

of the Father; (and let him dip him the first time with his face to the north and his head towards the east) and of the Son; (the second time let him dip him once with his face to the south) and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN. (And let him dip him the third time with his face towards the water.)

The Liturgy of Herman.

Afterwards let the child be clothed with his Chrism-robe, the priest asking his name, and saying,

N. Take the white, holy, and unspotted vesture, that thou mayest bear it before the tribunal of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that thou mayest have eternal life and live for ever and ever. AMEN.

Second Book of Edward VI.

First Book of Edward VI.

left side. Third tyme dyppyng the face towarde the fonte : so it be discretly and warely done, saiyng,,

N. I Baptize thee in the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy ghost. AMEN.

And if the childe be weake, it shal suffice to power water upon it, saiyng the foresayd wordes,

N. I baptise thee, &c. [Then the Godfathers and Godmothers shall take and laye their handes upon the childe, and the minister shall put upon him his white vesture, commonly called the Crisome: and say,

Take this white vesture for a token of the innocency, whiche by Goddes grace in this holy Sacrament of Baptisme, is geven unto the : and for a signe wherby thou art admonished, so long as thou livest, to geve thyself to innocencie of livyng, that after this transitory life, thou mayest be partaker of the life everlastyng. AMEN.

Then the priest shal anoynt the infant upon the head, saiyng,

N. I baptyse thee in the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy Ghost. AMEN.

And yf the chylde be weake, it shall suffyse to power water upon it, sayinge the foresayde wordes,

N. I baptyse thee in the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy Ghost. AMEN.

The Use of Salisbury.

Almighty God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath regenerated thee with water and the Holy Spirit, having given to thee the remission of all thy sins, (here let the priest anoint the crown of the child with chrism by means of his thumb in the form of the cross, saying,) He himself anoint thee with the unction of salvation in the same his son our Lord Jesus Christ unto life eternal.

The Liturgy of Herman.

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