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النشر الإلكتروني

First Book of Edward VI.

Almightie God, the father

of our lorde Jesus Christ who hath regenerate thee by water and the holy ghost and hath geven unto thee remission of all thy sinnes: he vouchsafe to annoynt thee with the unccion of his holy spirit, and bryng thee to the inheritaunce of everlastyng life. ΑΜΕΝ.

When there are many to be baptized, this order of demaundyng, Baptizyng, puttyng on the Crisome and anoyntyng, shalbe used severally with every childe: Those that be first baptized departyng from the fonte, and remainyng in some convenient place within the Churche, until all be baptized.]

Second Book of Edward VI.

Then the Priest shall make a crosse upon the chyldes forehead, sayinge,

We receyve this child into the congregacion of Christes flock, and do signe him with the signe of the crosse, in token that hereafter he shal not be ashamed to confesse the fayth of Christ crucified, and manfully to fight under his banner agaynst synne,

First Book of Edward VI.

Second Book of Edward VI.

the world, and the devyl, and to continue Christes faythful souldiour and servaunt unto his lyves ende. AMEN.

Then shall the priest saye, Seeyng now derely beloved brethren, that these chyldren be regenerate and grafted into the bodye of Christes congregacion: lette us geve thankes unto God for these benefites, and with one accorde make our praiers unto almighty god, that they may leade the rest of theyr lyfe, according to this beginninge.

Then shal be sayde,

Our father which art in

heaven, &c.

Then shall the priest saye, We yelde thee heartie thankes most merciful father, that it hathe pleased thee to regenerate this infant with thy holye spirite, to receyve him for thy owne chylde by adopcion, and to incorporate him into thy holy congregacion. And humbly we beseche thee to graunte that he being dead unto sinne, and living unto

The Use of Salisbury.

The Liturgy of Herman.

Godfathers and Godmo

thers of this child, we charge you, that you charge the father and mother to keep it from fire and water, and other perils, to the age of seven years; and that you teach, or see it be taught the Pater Noster, Ave Maria, and Credo: according to the law of Holy Church; and with convenient speed to be confirmed of my Lord of the Diocese, or his deputy; and that the mother bring again

First Book of Edward VI.

At the last ende, the Priest callyng the Godfathers and Godmothers together: shall say this shorte exhortacion folowyng.

Forasmuche as these children have promised by you to forsake the devil and all his workes, to beleve in God and to serve him : you must remembre that it is your partes and dutie, to see that these infantes be taught, so soone as they shalbe able to learne what a solemne vowe, promise, and profession, they have made by you. And that they may knowe these thynges the better: ye shall call upon them to heare ser

Second Book of Edward VI.

righteousnes and beeinge buried with Christ in his death, may crucify the old man, and utterly abolishe the whole body of sinne: that as he is made partaker of the death of thy sonne, so he may be partaker of his resurreccion: so that finalli with the residue of thy holy congregacion, he maye be an inheritour of thine everlasting kingdome; through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

your partes and duties.

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