صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


The prayer before imposition of hands.

Who hast vouchsafed to regenerate these thy servants by water and the Holy Ghost, and hast given unto them the forgiveness of all their sins.

EXCEP. This supposeth all the children who are brought to be confirmed have the Spirit of Christ, and the forgiveness of all their sins: whereas a great number of children of that age, having committed many sins since their baptism, do shew no evidence of serious repentance, or of any special saving grace; and therefore this confirmation, if administered to such, would be a perilous and gross abuse.

ANS. This supposeth that all children, &c. It supposeth, and that truly, that all children were, at their baptism, regenerate by water and the Holy Ghost, and had given unto them the forgiveness of all their sins; and it is charitably presumed, that notwithstanding the frailties and slips of their childhood, they have not totally lost what was in baptism conferred upon them; and therefore adds, Strengthen them, we beseech thee, O Lord, with the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, and daily increase in them thy manifold gifts of grace," &c. None that lives in sin open ought to be confirmed.

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The following is a synoptical table, shewing the alterations made in the Baptismal services after the Hampton Court and Savoy Conferences, and the points of agreement between the services, as they at present stand, and the Use of Salisbury and Herman's Liturgy.

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We wyll that Baptisme be ministred onely upon the Sondayes and holye dayes, when the whole congregation is wonte to come togyther, if the weakness of the infantes let not the same, so that it is to be feared that they wyll not lyve tyll the nexte holye daye.


The people are to bee admonished, that it is moste convenient that Baptisme should not bee ministered but upon Sondaies, and other holy daies, when the moste nombre of people maie come together. As well for that the congregacion there present maie testifie the receivyng of them that be newely baptised, into the nombre of Christes Churche, as also because in the baptisme of infantes, every man present maie bee put in remembraunce of his awne profession made to God in his Baptisme. For whiche cause also, it is expedient that Baptisme be ministered in the Englishe toungue. Neverthelesse (if necessitie so require) children ought at all tymes to be Baptysed, either at the Churche or els at home.

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The people are to be admonished, that it is most convenient that Baptism should not be administered but upon Sundays, and other holydays, when the most number of people come together; as well for that the congregation there present may testify the receiving of them that be newly baptised into the number of Christ's Church; as also because in the Baptism of infants, every man present may be put in remembrance of his own profession made to God in his Baptism. For which cause also it is expedient that Baptism be ministered in the vulgar tongue. Nevertheless, (if necessity so require), children may be baptised upon any other day.*

And note, that there

Those parts of the rubric printed in Roman characters, and those of the service in Italics, are peculiar to the last revision of the Prayer-Book.

Use of Salisbury,

Liturgy of Herman.

First Book of Edward VI.

When there are children to be baptised upon the Sondaie or holy daie the Parentes shall geve knowlege over night, or in the mornyng, afore the beginnyng of Mattins to the Curate. And then the Godfathers, Godmothers, and the people, with the children, muste be ready at the Churche doore, either immediately afore the last Canticle at Mattins, or els immediatly afore the last Canticle at Even song, as the Curate by his discrecion shall appoynt. And then standyng there, the priest shall aske whether the children be baptised or If thei answere no. Then shall the priest saie thus,


Deare beloved, forasmuche as all men bee conceived and borne in sinne, and that no man borne in synne, can entre into the Kyngdome of God (except he be rege

Second Book of Edw. VI.

Comm. Prayer, 1604.

beginning of Morning Prayer

and people

at the fonte

after the laste lesson at Morning prayer

the last Lesson at Evening prayer

Dearely beloved,

and that our Saviour Christ sayeth, none

can entre

Common Prayer, 1661. shall be for every male child to be baptised, two godfathers and one godmother; and for every female, one godfather and two godmothers.

When there are children to be baptised, the parents shall give knowledge thereof over night, or in the morning before the beginning of Morning Prayer, to the curate. And then the godfathers and godmothers, and the people with the children, must be ready at the font, either immediately after the last Lesson at Morning Prayer, or else immediately after the last Lesson at Evening Prayer, as the curate by his discretion shall appoint. And the priest coming to the font (which is then to be filled with pure water), and standing there, shall say,

Hath this child been already baptised, or no?

If they answer, No: then shall the priest proceed as followeth.

Dearly beloved, forasmuch as all men are conceived and born in sin; and that our Saviour Christ saith, None can enter into the kingdom of God, except he be re

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