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النشر الإلكتروني

Lieut. Davies, with a pick-axe in his hand, cut his way into the den, and got sufficiently near to fasten a strong rope round his neck, by

small satisfaction of a numerous crowd of anxions spectators. He measured seven feet and a half from the nose to the tail.

Parliament. There are eighteen specimens of historical composition, which are sent in by their respective authors, as bases upon which they found a claim for the two premiums of-which means he was dragged out, to the no fered by the Directors for the two best pictures in that class; these rewards consist of one hundred guineas for the first, in point of merit; and fifty guineas for the second, to be adjudged hereafter by the Committee of Directors. No Member of the Royal Academy is included in this laudable competition, nor are the artists particularized in the catalogue of the establishment.

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In April last, a party of gentlemen went out from Kishenagur to hunt the wild boar; but, not meeting with any sport, one of the number (Mr. Kelso), quitted his companions, and set out on his return home. He had proceeded but a short distance, when a boar was startA meeting of Architects lately took place in ed, and finding himself attacked by the hun London, for the purpose of considering of the ters, took his course across the very road by best mode of establishing an Academy of Ar- which Mr. Kelso was returning. Mr. Kelso chitecture, containing, among other requisites immediately galloped up to the boar, with the in such a foundation, a museum of models, intention of spearing him; but just as he came and a good library. It is understood not to within reach, his horse tripped and unforbe in the least opposed to the Royal Academy. | tunately tell. The shaft of his spear, at the The following singular instance of intrepi- same time, took the ground; while the point dity took place, in March last, at Agoada, entered his side between the ribs and the near Gon. A report was received at the can- haunch-bone, and by the violence of the fall, tonments that a large tiger had been seen on was driven completely through his body,-the the rocks near the sea. About nine o'clock in entire blade and part of the shaft issuing from the morning a number of officers and men the loin of the same side. At the same critical assembled at the spot where it was said to have instant, he was charged by the boar, who ripbeen seen, when, after some search, the ani- ped up the flesh of one of his arms (which be mal was discovered to be in the recess of an instinctively stretched out, with a view to ward immense rock; dogs were set in, in the hopes him off) from the fingers to the elbow, and of starting him, but without effect, they hav would unquestionably have put him to death, ing returned with several wounds. Lient. had not his attention heen diverted by another Evan Davis, of the 7th regiment, attempted of the gentlemen, who providentally came up to enter the den, but was obliged to return, at the moment, and threw his spear, a little finding the passage extremely narrow and way short of the spot, where Mr Kelso lay. dark. He, however, attempted it a second To add to the horrid circumstances of this time, with a pick axe in his hand, with which accident, it was found impracticable to extract be removed some obstrnctions that were in the weapon in any other way than by drawing his way, and having procecded a few yards, its whole length through the wound. This he heard a noise, which he conceived to be was acordingly done, and Mr. Kelso was conthat of the animal in question. He then re- veyed to Kishenagur. Notwithstanding the turned, and communicated the same to Licnt. formidable appearance and dangerous course Thew, who also went in the same distance, and of the wound, it fortunately had not passed was of a similar opinion. What course to through any vital part, and the great flow of pursue was doubtful; some proposed blowing || blood effectually contributed to prevent inup the rock, others smoaking him out. At Blammation, without proceeding to such a length a porture was tied to the end of a bam- height as to be itself a source of danger. We hoo, and introduced into a small crevice which learn with much pleasure, that, contrary to Jed towards the den. Lieut. Davies went on the apprehensions at first entertained, Mr. his hands and knees down the narrow passage Kelso is now considered to be in a fair way of which led to it (which he accomplished with recovery. jmment danger to himself) and by the light fit he was enabled to discover the auimal; paving returned he said he could kill him with a pistol; which being procured, he eutered again, and fired, but without success, owing șo the awkward situation he was then placed jo, with his left band only at liberty. He went again with a musket and bayonet, and wound. ei him in the loins, but was obliged to retreat as quick as the narrow passage would allow, the tiger having forced the mosket back to wards the mouth of the den. He then procured a rifle, with which he again forced his way into the place, and taking a deliberate sim at his head, fired, and put an end to his existence. Another difficulty still presented itself how to get him out required some consideration. Ropes were procured, but every sitempt to reach him proved fruitless, till


The particulars of the late earthquakes at the Cape of Good Hope, are given in the fol||lowing letter from that Colony:

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"Cape Town, Dec. 6, 1809.-I have now to inform you as accurately as my circumscribed observations will admit, of an event extremely uncommon and awful, which has just occurred. On the 30th of November the weather was unusually warm, for so early a period of the season. The thermometer varying in the shade from 86° to 92°, with a sky perfectly clear, and but little wind. Thus it continued till the evening of the 3d instant; when a cool breeze, westerly, attended with a slight fog, came in from the sea.-On Monday at nine A. M. the fog still continued; thermometer 74°, barometer 29o 80o. In the middle of the day (4th Dec.) the mountains of Hottentot Holland in the S. E., were covered with fleecy

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accounts from the country, but innumerable vague reports are in circulation; and the inhabitants of the town, who are extremely susceptible of alarm, give credit to them all. One child of eight years dropped down in the street, and instantly expired through terror. Two or three persons have been deprived of speech; and several others have been suffering severely in various ways from the effect of extreme fear. Some are so much intimidated by this unexpected and awful visitation, as seriously to talk of selling their houses and property here, and removing to Batavia!-This powerful operation of terror on their minds, may probably appear astonishing to Europeans; but it is to be considered, that the inhabitants of this climate have been hitherto totally exempted from the tremendous convulsions of nature, which are frequently experienced in other quarters of the globe.-We now find that the shocks, violent as they were here, have not been felt at the hot baths, about eighty miles to the eastward; nor at sea, as we learu by the Camel, which ship arrived yesterday. It has been generally remarked that a great many watches stopped, and several lost from two to ten, and even twelve, and fifteen hours, Within the last half hour we have had auother slight shock. The inhabitants still coutinue in a considerable degree of alarmn, and every unusual noise is dreaded as the forerunner of an earthquake. This is not to be wondered at."

electric clouds, which are often observed at this time of the year. Several violent gusts of wind, which raised the dust to a considerable|| height in the air, were experienced in Cape Town, the intervals between them being perfeetly calm. The sky for the whole day, after twelve at noon, except at Hottentot Holland, a distance of 30 miles from Cape Town, was perfectly clear. At five P. M. a strong S. E. wind came on (unattended with the usual cloud over Table mountajn) which lasted three or four hours. At ten minutes past ten P. M. a very violent shock of an earthquake was felt through the whole town, which was succeeded by two others, equally tremendous: they continued about twelve or fourteen seconds, and followed each other at intervals of about half a minute, attended with a noise very different from thunder, but much louder. The shocks proceeded in the direction from S. E. to N. W. Between the hours of ten on Monday night, and six in the morning of the 5th instant, about fourteen shocks were experienced; and two or three more in the course of the day. Excepting the three first felt, they were slight; producing no perceptible motion of the earth, but resembling distant thunder. The last shock was at six A. M. this day, but not stronger than the others. When the first shock was felt, the thermometer was at 77o in the house; (probably at 74° out of doors). At two A. M. of the 5th instant, thermometer 68° in the open air: barometer at five P. M. on the same day 29° 8', wind W. with rain; the night was very dark. On the next morning there was a very strong wind from the westward, and some rain. Several meteors, or falling stars, were observed during the night of the 4th instant, with a very luminous aurora australis.leagues distant, by which some dainage was

The ships in the bay, although the water was not apparently agitated, were so strongly affected by the shocks, that several men ou board them were thrown out of their liam mocks! I apprehend nearly one fourth part of the houses in Cape Town are more or less dainaged. Several pillars, urns, and other ornaments, have been destroyed. As yet I have heard of only one house that was entirely thrown down, but a great many have lost portions of their walls, and are cracked from top to bottom. The house which was entirely demolished, was at some little distance from the town. The inhabitauts in general forsook their houses during the whole night of the 4th instant, and so great was their consternation, that implicit credit was given to a very absard and terrifying prognostication—that similar shocks would be felt the next night. Of the Dutch inhabitants I do not believe there was one who went to bed before day light! Tents were pitched in the parade, in the market, and in all the open places, and those persons who could not procure tents, had their waggons fitted out, and sat up in them. As yet we have received no particular

Jan. 14, The island of Bosson or Penguin, sometimes called Seal Island, at the westerw extremity of Table Bay, has entirely disappeared beneath the water. In December, an earthquake was felt at Cape Town, only two

occasioned to the houses, but we do not find that any lives were lost at that place; and it is supposed that the convulsion extended to Bosson. The island was about two miles in length and one in breadth, and was, although flat, somewhat more elevated above the surface of the sea than the contiguous Island of Elizabeth. The Dutch, when in possession of the Cape, kept a guard of twenty four men on Basson, and it was employed as a place of ban`shment for criminals, to the number of from seventy to one hundred, who dug lime stone to supply materials for the buildings on the adjacent continent. No women were then permitted to reside there, not even the wife of the port-master. It was not allowed that strangers should visit it, since a Danish ship which had lost great part of her crew, and refused assistance at the Cape, sent a boat on shore, dispersed the guard, and received on board as many malefactors as were necessary to navigate her to Europe. At the southern extremity of the island, a flag was hoisted on the approach of any vessel.-How many lives have been lost by this awful visitation is not ascertained.



FEB. 17. About seven o'clock in the evening, as Elizabeth Shella, a servant to Mrs. Guiswell, who resides at the Queen's Palace, was returning home, she was attacked by a tall man, in a long dark great coat, near Davies-street, Berkleysquare. The villain struck the young woman in the arm with a sharp instrument made like a lancet. The unfortunate sufferer, who is only nineteen years of age, proceeded to Miss Goldsworthy's house, in Hill-street, Berkley-square, where she received every attention, and was taken to the Queen's Palace; surgical assistance was immediately obtained, and upon examining the wound, it was found the instrument had penetrated to the very bone of the arm.

be heard as any man who is paid for filling the place he holds." On this the Chancellor of the Exchequer moved, "That the words of the Hon. Member should be taken down," which was agreed to. The House resumed, and Sir Jobu Anstruther, the Chairman, reported the expres sions of Mr. Fuller. The Speaker then informed the House, that it had come to his knowledge that a Member had used unparliamentary language, which was a breach of the privileges of that Hon. House. He felt sorry that it would become his duty to name him.-Upon which Mr. Fuller said, "You need not be diffident-it's I, Jack Fuller." The Speaker ordered the Hon. Member to with draw; but he declined, until several of his friends A woman, who had been left in the sole care of interfered. The Chancellor of the Exchequer a house near Hendon, in which there was some moved, "That he should be taken into the cusvaluable property, had been uneasy several days, tody of the Serjeant at Arms," which was agreed from an apprehension that some attack might be to, without a dissenting voice.-Mr. Fuller, who made upon it in so unprotected a state. On the was in the lobby, on the vote of the Horse being 21st of February her uncasiness was such that she communicated to him, rushed into the body of the went to a neighbouring cottage, and requested the House, and, in a loud voice said, the Speaker had woman who resided in it to go and sleep in the not the power or authority to order him into cushouse with her, or to induce oue of her family to tody, he was only the servant of the Members, do so. Not being able to succeed, she proceeded and by their submitting to him, they had made to a public-house for the saine purpose. A young him their master; he meant "the insignificant soldier, who was quartered in that house, agreed little fellow with the wig."-The Speaker directed to go with the poor woman. When they reached the Serjeant at Arms should collect the persons the mansion, they found one of the windows open, under his command to remove Mr. Fuller from and on entering, the soldier was attacked by a the House. It was with difficulty that the Serman with a large knife. The soldier immediatelyjeant and four Messengers took him into custody, ran his bayonet through the ruffian, and killed hiu on the spot. Immediately after, another man came forward with a pistol in his hand, which he aimed at the soldier, which luckily missed fire! The latter then attacked the second robber, and killed him immediately. It is said, that upon inquiry, it was found that the two robbers were the husband and son of the cottager to whom the housekeeper had first applied for assistance.

where he remained till the first of March; when, after receiving a severe reprimand from the Chair, he was discharged on paying his fees.

An inquisition was taken, at the Brown Bear public-house, Horse-Ferry, Westminster, on view of the body of the Hon. W. F. Eden, eldest son of Lord Auckland, and a Member of Parliament, who was found drowned in the Thames, after he had been missing above five weeks. R. Western, FEB. 27. This day a cause of nullity of mar- a bargeman, stated, that on Sunday the 25th Feb, riage, brought by Charlotte Aughtie, widow, late he was going on shore in a skiff, from a barge wife of William Anghtic, of the parish of St. moored off Lambeth Palace, with his apprentice, Mary le-Bow, London, by reason of affinity, when he perceived something drifting on the was decided in the Arches Court. It appeared water, which he took for a piece of tarpauling. It he the evidence produced, that Gabriel Aughtie, was ebb tide, and on approaching the object, and the former husband of Charlotte Aughtie, touching it with a boat-hook, witness discovered and William Aughtie (the party now proceeded it to be a body, and it immediately turned with the against), were own brothers. It also appeared by face upwards. The body was fastened astern, the former marriage, there were issue ten chil-and conveyed to the shore, when he was told that dren, five of whom were still living, and by the it was Mr. Eden, for whom a reward was offered. latter marriage one child. These facts, together Witness immediately went to Lord Auckland's, with other necessary facts, being satisfactorily and a servant-maid and a foot-boy recognized the proved, the court observed, it had no difficulty body. It was conveyed to the Brown Bear, and whatever in pronouncing this to have been an on searching his pockets a receipt was found in a unlawful marriage, and therefore pronounced so pocket-book for £600, paid to Drummond and accordingly. Co. £ 13 in notes, some silver, and a gold watch In the evening of the same day a circumstance and seal, besides other articles.-Mr. Holt, surperhaps unexampled in the parliamentary annals geon, in Abingdon-street, stated, that he saw the of this country, occurred in the House of Com- deceased on Friday evening, the 19th of January, mons. The House being in a Committee on the the day he was missing. He was with Mr. Stables, inquiry into the expedition to Walcheren, the the Adjutant of the Westminster Volunteers (of Earl of Chatham was called in, and continued which Mr. Eden was Lieutenant-Colonel), who under examination from six to ten o'clock. In lives in Mr. Holt's house. Witness never conthe course of his evidence, Mr. Fuller put several ceived the deceased to be in the least deranged.→ questions, which was not attended to by either Mr. Stables stated, that the deceased calfed on his Lordship or the House. When his Lordship him at nine o'clock in the morning on Friday, withdrew, Mr. Fuller rose and said, that his ques-and witness called on the Colonel at eleven, and tions had as much right to be attended to as those of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. "G-d d-n me, Sir," said he, "I have as much right to

paid him £600 on account of the corps. The de ceased called on witness again at five, and after absenting himself a short time, he returned, and

staid an hour and a half. They were settling some military matters, and deceased started from bis chair on a sudden, and went down stairs before witness could even ring for a servant, without saying a word. He had previously desired Mr. Stables to call on him on Monday morning, at nine o'clock, and bring the papers with him. Witness knew the deceased well; but he never considered him in the least deranged. He had been informed that the deceased went home to Lord Auckland's after be had left him, and he made his own tea, and appeared perfectly sane.— The Jury returned a special verdict of-Found drowned in the river, but by what means the body came there, there was no evidence before them.

MARCH 7. This day an action of considerable interest, Millis v. Flower, for a breach of promise of marriage, was tried in the Court of King's Bench. Mr. Park, as counsel for the plaintiff, addressed the Court. He had been long in the practice of his profession; but he must now say, that he had never the misfortune of being forced to dive into a combination of more meanness, more affected show of piety, and more real disgrace and duplicity, in the whole experience of his professional life.-Mr. Flower was a wholesale ribbon manufacturer, in Gutter-lane, Cheapside, and having a manufactory in Coventry; he was a widower at the time mentioned in the cause, and the father of many children. In one of his excursions to Coventry, he became acquainted with the plaintiff, Miss Mary Millis, the daughter of a very respectable man in the same trade. After a short time he appeared to be struck by her attractions, and commenced an epistolary correspondence with her. In those letters he frequently spoke of the happiness which he might expect in putting such a mother over his chidren, and used the general style of language which would be naturally suggested by an attachment, which he was anxious to prove, of the most sin cere and permanent kind." He would now proceed to read some of those letters; the first was dated 9th September, 1804, and was to the following effect

"My dear Mary.-I received your letter of the 29th of August; the contents cheered my heart very much. You may think me too old for those professions. I could not help kissing your dear letter over and over again before destroying it; you are very cruel to bid me destroy them. The world is full of vanities, but you are the only thing in it I wish to realise,

[Here," said the Learned Counsel, "comes an instance of abominable misuse of scriptural language of an impudent practice of conceiving that all his trifling and foolish movements, are objects of immediate interest to a particular Providence."]

"I have been much ruffled in spirit this morning, by fighting with an impudent maid servant; I sent her off, however; but by the kindness of Providence, this trial has been made up to me in the sweetness of my girls; I have been recompensed too by getting a maid servant from Oxford (rather a singular place of selection, said Mr. Park); she is likely to be a good one; but, my dear, I am tired of leading a single life, keep me near your heart."

["And here," said the Learned Counsel, "is one instance of what we have all heard so much about-the ingenuity of love. Mr. Flower would not condescend to use the common mode of writing the word heart-he takes the trouble of drawing an awkward emblem, a cheesecake-heart, upon his paper, and sends the effigy of his passion to his only beloved."]-He proceeds

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"I don't mind what the world says; I am accountable only to Providence. I do not know how I shall go to Coventry, for I cannot return and leave you behind; yet I would not wish to marry till March, as by that time my wife will have been a year dead."

He came to Coventry, quarrelled with the plaintiff on some frivolous pretence, returned to London, and finally married another. A book-keeper of the defendant's was then sworn to give evidence to the hand-writing of the letters, but hav ing grossly prevaricated, another witness was called, who proved the hand-writing.

The letters were then read. The first was that which we have already given; the second was dated October, and was as follows:

"My dear Mary-This appears to be along silence; but as my being in town was so uncertain, I thought my letter would fall into other hands; but as I ain one of the Lords of the Creation, I should not like disappointment. Do not fail to send by Monday's post. My dear, I long to see you at the head of my table. I am quite tired of a single life. I know of no charms in life but you. Providence has been extremely kind to me in a servant. I have one from Oxford. I wish you with us, my dear," &c.

Another." My dear Mary, I received your's, and should have answered it sooner, but I had expected to have seen you in person, and I had some thought of calling at Barton's, to take you by surprize. It was rather too bad to tantalize me to walk with you. IfI was not there in person, I was with you in my-heart (in an emblem, hiersglyphically.)-The season of the year is so gloomy, I must postpone coming at present. You say you were fearful you had been too open with me; the reverse would hurt my feelings very much. Do not be afraid of being too open; I love you the more for it. Only twelve months after the decease of Mrs. F. and I will put the question to you; whether you will obey?' I trust you will be all passive obedience and nonresitance. I am a poor sinful creature, and have lost the vital power of godliness. We have preachers day and night in London, and yet I want heavenly taste for the delightful enjoyment. I am happy, my dear, in this life, however; but you can make me still more so. Your two letters were well wrote; but the last I could hardly make out.-Was you in love?-God bless you."

Another:-"My dear Mary I am fearful of some unforeseen or unpleasant business. I expected an answer ever since last Monday week. I shall not rest, night or day, until I hear from→→→ God bless you for all time and to eternity."

Another:-"My dear Mary, I hope, if we should be spared to see one another again, in the face of one another in the flesh, to make you happy, and be your good boy. I have been most unfortunate, but never mind that-there must be a crook in our lot here. The servant-maid, for want of a mistress, has become very dirty. I have had two advantageous offers, with a great deal of money. If I had not determined with you, I should have determined to remain as I am for I would not have the Queen."

The Rev. Mr. Brooksby, Dissenting Minister at Haberdasher's Hall, was called to prove that the defendant was now a married man, and that he had a child since his last marriage.

The Attorney-General on the part of the defendant called Mr. Horsefall, a ribbon-manufacturer in Coventry, to prove the state of the defendant's health, and the conduct of the plaintiff relative to the present action.

After a reply by Mr. Park, Lord Ellenborough


addressed the Jury in a charge of great eloquence and impressiveness. He peculiarly animadverted upon the language of some of the letters, and after giving an able view of the innocence of the plaintiff's objects, and the manifest injury which had been done to her, he left the reparation to the Jury.

The Jury, after a few moments consultation, found a verdict for the plaintiff-damages five hundred pounds.

MARCH 15. This morning, at half after two o'clock, a fire was discovered in the premises of Mr. Coe, oilman and tallow-chandler, in Hollesstreet, Clare-market. From the combustible nature of the materials the flames in a short time blazed up with the utmost fury. The family, however, and several of the inmates were saved through the active exertions of the firemen. The next door on one side was a liquor shop, and it was thought to be in the most imminent danger, but owing to the protection of a strong party wall, and the judicious play of the engines, it was entirely saved. The stock, furniture, and premises of Mr. Coe were totally consumed; and the flames extended to the house of Mr. Smith, a broker, the next on the other side. On the twopair floor in the back room there was an elderly female who had been bed-ridden for a considerable length of time. She crawled to the front room window and gave the alarm, when two of the firemen with the utmost intrepidity and at the most imminent risk of their lives rushed forward to her assistance. The poor fellows, however, were too late; she was totally destitute of life, though she was but slightly burnt, her death was evidently occasioned by fright and suffocation. The men lowered the body with a rope into the street, and happily escaped unhurt. There are four or five people at present missing, who were in the house of Mr. Coc. Mr. Smith's house was only partially injured; but the embers of the fire at Mr. Coe's burst out again several times in the course of the day. They were both insured, but the latter was by no means sufficiently secured to cover the extent of his loss.

The same morning about half-past one, as the watchman was going his rounds in Duke-street, Aldgate, as he passed the house of Mr. Noyes, leather-seller, he observed the flames issuing from the window of the first floor; he instant gave the alarm to the inhabitants by loud and reiterated knocks at the door, and at length Mrs. Noyes, who slept in the third story with her servant maid, a girl of about nineteen years of age, and her grand-daughter, an infant but five years old (Mr. Noyes being out of town), opened the window, and on being apprised of her danger, rushed to the room door, leaving the window unclosed; but the moment she opened the door, the draft created by the window instantly drew a column of the devouring element up the stairs communicating with her room. She rushed through the flames up another flight of stairs, calling on the servant to follow her, and made her way into the work. shop at the top of the house. Here she stood for some time in a state of distraction, anxiously waiting the approach of her grand-daughter and the servant. Vain however were her hopes, for 80 irresistible and tremendous was the volume of flame which ascended the moment she quitted her bed-chamber, that the retreat of the unfortunate servant and the infant was cut off. They approached the window to call for aid, but in less than two minutes, the floor sunk, and they both fell into the heart of the fire. Their remains have not yet been discovered.-Mrs. Noyes having heard their last agonizing shriek, and concluded,

all was over, now thought of her own safety, and, opening the window of the workshop, clambered out on the roof, from whence she made her way to the windows of the garret of her neighbour (Mr. Breach, the baberdasher, the corner of Duke-street, in Aldgate), and here fortunately two shopmen slept. They were aroused by the crash of a pane of glass, and having been informed of their perilous situation, they received Mrs. Noyes in their arms, aud carried her down stairs, alarming the family, who had just time to escape before the flames made their way through the party wall. In a few minutes the two houses were in one awful conflagration, the horrors of which were considerably increased by the shrieks of the affrighted females who rushed from the adjoining houses, with scarcely any cloathing. Nearly an hour elapsed before a sufficient supply of water was procured to stem the progress of the flames, which threatened destruction to a great extent, An abundant supply, however, was then obtain ed, and, by the unremitting exertions of the firemen, the Humes were extinguished before four o'clock, without having extended beyond the two houses of Mr. Noyes and Mr. Breach, the shells of which only remain. A small quantity of the stock in the shops of each house was preserved.

MARCH 16. An inquest was held at the house of Mr. Hunt, the Grange Inn, Carey-street, on the body of Hannah, the wife of Alex. Brodie, who lost her life in the fire in Holles-street. The decased was turned of sixty years; she had been upwards of nineteen years married to Brodie, who was her second husband; they were both natives of Scotland. He kept a shop as a master tin-man, for several years after he was married, but failing in business, worked as a journeyman, until by a sudden stroke of affliction from the hand of Providence, he was almost totally depriv ed of all means of subsistence, and was under the necessity of receiving parochial relief. A few days, however, before the melancholy accident took place, he received the most agreeable intelligence, that a suit in which he was engaged st law for the recovery of the sum of £2,000 was brought to a favourable issue, and that he would shortly be put in possession of that money. He is supposed to be buried in the ruins. There was no account whatever as to how the fire originated; there was no one at work making candles at the time, nor for some time before it, and it is supposed that the fire was entirely accidental. Among the number missing is one poor woman who supported herself and her daughter with the money she had saved from living many years in the service of a nobleman, and had £200 to begin some small business with. The girl escaped, but the mother is not yet found, and the money (the greater part of which is gold) is entirely lost.

Two dashing belles have been for some time past attempting to swindle several jewellers, &e, in Oxford-street, Bond-street, Piccadilly, &c. and have obtained goods to a considerable amount.— Their method has been to drive to a shop imme diately after some person of consequence has left it, for whom enquiry was made, with an affectation of knowledge of the parties, to give effect to their proceedings; they travel in an elegant chariot, accompanied by a footman, well adapted for his business. Sometimes goods were handed into the carriage, and at other times ordered home to Coram-street, Gower-street, and Queen Annestreet, at which places they had temporary lodg ings. One person is said to have lost £500 by

these means.

MARRIED. At St. James's, T. F. Dollman, Esq. of Craven-street, to Jane, eldest daughter of

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