صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1845, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts, by Cook & Co.


As it is probable that this work will reach a second edition, communications respecting it may be mailed for me to the post-office, New York, or delivered at my dwelling house, South Seventh street, corner of Fourth, Williamsburgh, Long Island, N. Y.




Adams, John Quincy.--38, 39, 40, 109.
Albany. Butler's opinion of 32.

Albany Argus.-notice of Van Buren its main stay-
Cantine its owner 88, 89-on Jackson 90-copies
Bennett's articles 96-on both sides 117.
Albany Regency, or Van Buren's organized political
cabal.-8-with Swartwout 85-Leggett on 89-
Bennett on 96-known as 'the bank junto' 104.
Allen, Stephen.-45-proposes a $500,000 Tammany
Hall Bank 71-his opinions on banks 72-on
repeal com. 114-on suspension 148.
Alley, Saul.-made a U. S. Bank Director, 100.
American Land Co.-to buy the best of public lands
low, with public money, and sell them again high
to the people 122, 123.
Anti-masonry.-10, 42, 113.
Anti-Renters, The.-out done by Butler 18, 104-Van
Buren and the, in 1812, 123, 124.
Appointments to office.-8-bucktails 26, 33-medi-
cal turn on politics 46-Coddington's art of getting
46, 47, 48-Hamilton on 48-Ingham on 48, 56-L.
Hoyt on 49-Butler and Swartwout on 50-J. Hoyt
on 51, 54-Mr. Van Buren on 44 to 46, 53-turn-
ings and twistings 55-Ingham on 57.
Appraisers.-who and how made 150.
Atwood, Henry C.-notice of 87.


Bank of America.-27, 28.

Bank of Auburn--31.

Bank of Brooklyn.-frauds on 137.

Bank of State of N. Y.-withholds Hoyt's account,
11-Jackson's true character of 106-deposites
back to 109.

Bank of the United States.-105-J. Van Buren lost
a fortune by 61-Butler and Van Buren petition
for a branch 98, but are ag'st 99-Cambreleng on
100, 101, 104, 106-C. W. Lawrence on 102, 108
to 110-Siles Wright on 103, 107-Tibbets's plan
104-Duane on 107-policy of 151.

Bank craft. Butler's art or mystery of-paying
much with little, 16 to 24-ib. 104-Phelps & Co.
on 114, 115-bank of Metropolis 123.
Banking [See this index generally)-105.

Birchard, Matthew.unites with Hoyt to affect un-
duly law costs and juries 145, 146.

Bishop and Kemble.-stock-jobbers, Senators and
conspirators 124-trial, &c. 125, 126.

Blair, F. P.-See the Globe'-notice of, and his pa-
per, 87 88,-Hoyt, Noah, &c. set him up, ib.
Bleecker, Joseph T.-(Custom House officer,) 131, '2.
Bowne, Walter.-friendly to John Thompson 51-52,
53, 58-opposed to Col. Young 73-office to a friend
86-Custom House com'r 127, 128-notice of 127
to 729.

Brokers,-compared by Butler to leeches, 24-J. Van
Buren wishes to avoid 60.

Broome Co. N. Y.-' a crazy county' 42.
Brooine Co. Bank.-notice of 99.
Brown, G. W.-28, 29, 75.

Brownson, Orestes A.-describes Van Buren 50.
Bucktails.-26, 27, 33.

Bunner, Rudolph.-48, 52, 55.
Buffalo Bank (old)-15, 16-Van Buren gets its
charter, &c. 122.

Burr, Aaron.-his treason 83.

Butler Benjamin F.-his birth and ancestry-parter-
ship with Mr. Van Buren-banking speculations
13-profession of religion, 14-character of Hoyt,
16-presidency of the W. & W. Bank, 16 to 26-
morals, ib.-gulls the Dutch 18-threats, 20-cha-
racter of Clinton, 14, 21, 24, 89-conduct reviewed
21 to 24-ambition 27-a bucktail 27-on Van Ness
27, 28-connection with Barker 28, 29-artful ad-
vice to Noah 38, 39-for a caucus, ib., 118-wants
to be Attorney General 45-on officials not true to
Van Buren 49-on Hoyt and Deur 50-on Young
and Crawford 73-on Clinton's message on purity
of elections 77-prays for a branch of U. S. Bank
98-writes Bowne's anti-democratic report 118-
on Jackson 119-borrowing 121, 122-fees 138-ex-
tortion as dist. att'y 140-enorinous income 141 to
145---hypocrisy and deceit 145, 146-counsel to
Beers & Co. 148-on chancery 149.

Butler, Chas.in Manhattan and American Land
Co. 121 to 123.

Butler, Mrs. B. F.--- her curious epistles 139, 140.

Calhoun, John.---9, 41, 108, 121,

Barker, Gen'l Geo. P.-Attorney General of N. Y. Cambreleng, C. C.-69 visits Crawford--on private
and attorney of City Bank, Buffalo, 58.
Barker. G. R.-cashier, &c. 29, 30.

Barker, Jacob.-was buying the old Buffalo Bank, 15,
16-on W. and W. 21-his deceptions, 22, 23, 24,
28, 29-convicted of fraud 28, 29-is poor 30-a
quacker, duellist, and petitioner for a U. S. Bank
charter 31-complains of Riker 46-Butler on 144.
Beardsley, S. of Oneida.-61, 109.

Beers, Joseph D.-29-borrows at New Hope 69-on
stocks 125-his bank (see N. A. Trust Co.) 145 to


Bennett, James Gordon.-9-letters to Hoyt 91 to 95-
strong for Van Buren-his big gun'-on Cour. &
Enq. 92-on Mumford and a $2500 loan 93-in-
treats help from V. Buren 94-V. B.'s reply and
comment 95-turns round against friends 96-his
anguish, ib.-on Hoyt 97-Marcy on 112-exposes
Bartow 126.

Benton, Tho. Hart.-on Custom House 127.
Betts, Samuel R.-notice of 141-Hoyt and 142-
enormous fees in court 142-144

Bets, betting. Mr. V. Buren on 42-52-J. Van
Buren 61 to 63-C. W. Lawrence's 64-Isaac Hill
66-Hoyt 66-Silas Wright ag'st 67.

letters 9--for Coddington 46-wanted to be consul at
Liverpool 48-on the choice of the president, for P.
M. N. Y. 57-sells Hoyt stock 70-Spicer refers to
75 sends politicians to the Customs 86-for and
against U. S. Bank 100 to 107--notice of 105, 106.
Cantine, Moses I-on W. & W. bank 31-state prin-
ter 89--on Buffalo bank 122-and anti-rent 124.
Caucus.--by Congressmen to dictate a president, 38
to 40--Butler's report in favor of 117, 118-nomina.
tions in, anti-republican 139.

Chancery Law.-8, 20-a poor chancellor 138-law
here 149.

Clay, Henry.-38, 39, 40, 52, 108, 113.
Clinton, De Witt.-Butler on 14, 21, 24, 89-enmity
of the Van Buren party to 25-Van Buren on 36,
45--his friends vote against Butler 45--exposes the
'organized corps' 77--for a law code 107.

Coe, W. S.-a bad naval officer 130, 131, 133.
Coddington, J. I.-8, 79--advises V. B. 45-Cambre-
leng for 46-letters to Hoyt, wants to be Survoyor,
is ready to upset Jackson! schemes to get a place
46 to 48-Cambreleng comforts him 57-Bennett 92.
Code of Laws (American.)--7, 107.
Common Law (English.)-7, 107.

[blocks in formation]

Constitution, The.--105 proposal to amend 7--a liti
gious 8 and 12.

Convention, N. Y. State, 1846.--7, 12, 105, 128.
Corning, Erastus.--68, 104.

Corporations.--unpopular in Georgia 120.
Crawford, W. H.-discloses old cabinet secrets 9---
the caucus candidate for president 38, 39---insults
adopted citizens 119.

Croswell, Edwin.-9, 10, 85-gets the Argus 89.
Currency. [See banks, bank of U. S., Butler, stock-
jobbing, &c.] 105, 151.

Cutting, Francis B.-63, 68-on banks 116.


Dallas, Geo. M.-and the bank 107.

Decatur, Col. John (of the lobby) 77.

Delafield, John.-in Del. New Hope Bank 69.
Deposites, the.-63-97 to 106-Jackson on 106-
Lawrence on 109-where they go 121, 122-
Bowne & Co. beg for 128.

Dickenson, Daniel S.-he and his bank 99.
District Attorney, So. Dist. N. Y.-a much sought
prize 48 to 57.

Duane, W. J.-refused the Russian embassy 81, 107-
on U. S. Bank ib.

Dudley, Charles E.-sent to Senate-45-letter to
Hoyt 49-opposed to Young 73.

Duer, John-efforts to oust 48 to 57-Butler on 50-
Hoyt bitter 52 to 56.
Duer, W. A. 49.


Eckford, Henry-remarkable verdict, Butler attor-
ney, 136.
Edmonds, John W.-27-Bishop and Kemble, and
125, '6-how qualified for a judge 140, notice of, ib.
Elections, interferences in, by officials.-Jefferson on
74-party practice 74 to 90-Skinner 103.
Electors of President and Vice President.-25, 38,
103, 117.

Espionage at Custom House.-78 to 81.

Everett, Edward.-on U. S. bank and deposites 109.
Exchange Bank, Barker's.-22, 23.


Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Albany.-17, 18, 20,
59, 68.

Fitch, Francis B.-got an Inspectorship 86.
Flagg, Azariah C.-votes Clinton out of the Canal
Board 25-opposes Young 73-on politics 113-on
banks 116-Arkansas stock 147.
Fleming, J. A.-Auditor, C. H.-evidence of 130,
'33, '36.


Gallatin, Albert.-100, 115.

Glentworth case.-11, 88, 110, 140.

Globe, The.-V. Buren, &c. on 87-press bought by
Noah, Hoyt, &c. 88, profits, ib.
Gold Mine.-Jesse Hoyt's 120.
Gouverneur, Samuel L.-52.

Graham, John L.-recommends Le Foy 82-in N. A.
Trust Co. 147.

Greeley, Horace.-prophecy on Hoyt 133.


Hackley, Aaron.-in lobby 122.
Halleck, Fitz Greene, 30.
Hamilton, J. A.-accuses Judge Van Ness 27-for
'spoils' 48.

Hill, Gov. Isaac.-on bets 66.

Hoyt, Jesse.-prosecutes Wood-leaves letters, 9-
his early life 13-admitted as a lawyer 15-fit for a
cashier 15, 16-poor 32-subservient 34, 36-ap-
pointed Collector of N. Y. by V. B., who endorses
his paper 35-elected to N. Y. Legisl. 41-tries to
oust Duer and become U. S. Att. 48 to 57-sharp
argument with V. Buren 51 to 56-hires V. B. a
valet 51-is disinterested-was educated by V. B.
54-Ingham about embezzling' 56-his bets 66-

on 'Change 67-to lobby, ib.-his bank stock 68-
agent to J. V. Buren 61 to 64, partner 68-Stock
operations 69-aids the Globe 88-Bennett's let-
ters to 91 to 95-deadly hostility' to a foreigner
91-Cambreleng to 100 to 107-Marcy instructs
113-on repeal com. 114, '15-his gold mine 120-
embezzlements 129 to 134-career as collector,
ib.-his trial 137-seeking office 32, 33, 41, 86-
getting it 115-escapes a criminal trial 142-in-
terferes with juries 145, '6-harrasses the mer-
chants 143, 144, 145, 146, 151-his sub-treasury at
Beers's 149.

Hoyt, Lorenzo.-on W. and W. Bank 21-letters 32,
33, 41, 108, 117, 138-vile doctrines 32, 33-agent
to Silas Wright 107-B'p and Kemble affair 125-
principles 25, 32, 33, 138.

Hyatt, Thomas.-sent to penitentiary 75.


Importers, N. Y.-how treated 150 to 152.
Ingham, S. D.-on office-seeking fever 48, 56-on
Clay 113.

Irish, the.-119.

Irving, John T.-excellent sentiments of 71.
Ives, George R.-hires cashiers 132-his frauds
winked at 134.


Jackson, Andrew.-V. Buren has his confidence 54-
offers Duane the Russian embassy 81-borrows of
Blair 88-abused by Argus 90-describes pet banks
Jackson, Daniel.-100-aids Blair 88-custom house
com'r 127.
Jefferson, Thomas.-on officials meddling in elec.
tions 74-practice by modern demos. 74 to 79.
Johnson, Jeromus.--notice of 80, 81, 148.
Judiciary of N. Y.-Not pure 8, 11, 28, 30, 66-case
of W. W. Van Ness 27-case of W. L. Marcy 45-
Barker, Att'y Gen'l 59-J. V. Buren, do. 58 to 64--
in lobby 122-Bishop and Kemble 124-a chapter
on 137-another 140-Betts's court 142-cases of
legal cruelty 143, &c.

Juries. defeated by judiciary in efforts to punish
great rogues 28-Hoyt regulates 145, 146.


Kemble, J. C.-See Bishop & Kemble 124.
Kendall, Amos -107-Bennett on 95.
Kibbe, Isaac.--notice of 122.

King, Charles.-Accuses W. W. Van Ness 27.


La Chaise, Fouche & Co.-cruel treatment of 143.
Law.-forms mysterious 8-[See Common and Chan-
cery)-in N. Y. 137 to 140--fees (see Butler.)
Lawrence, Cornelius W.-' will run like the chol-
era'. 60-his bet and anxiety for pure elections
64, 110-his candidates 74-recommendations by
82-helps the Globe 88-for and against the Bank
102, 108-Jackson on 106-notice of 108-in Con-
gress 109-a stock-jobber 110-Leggett on 110--on
tariff 150.

Lawrence, Watson E.-at Syracuse 82-his cement
and politics 127.

Leake, Isaac Q.-Cashier at New Hope 69-editor
Argus 89.

Leavitt, David-29--Receiver N. A. Trust Co. 147.
Le Foy, Ab'm.-gets office and nominates Marcy

Co. 75.

Leggett, Wm.-on Croswell 89-V. Buren subscribes
90-describes Bowne, &c. 110-on Marcy 116.
Lewis, Morgan.-defrauded of $15,000 by Lombard
Life & Fire Co.-28, 29.
Livingston, Chas. L.-votes for Butler 45-on bank-
ing 117-likes to sit with Bishop 126.
Livingston, Edward.-32, 33, 34, 41, 62, 67, 138.
Lobbying.-33, 67, 122.
Loco Focos.-73.

Lott, John A.-a judge, &c. 138.


Lovett, the bank teller.-125, '6.


McDuffie, George.---109, 121.
MacGee, Inspector John.-77, 78.

McNeven, Dr. W. J.-not app. to a medical office,
bec. Clintonian-Jackson 46.

Manhattan Bank.-its deposites 121.

Marcy, Wm. L.-36-M. Van Buren saves him from
ruin 45-J. V. Buren profits by his loan message


Phillips, Joshua.a $600,000 embezzlement---Noah
his endorser 38---notice of 129.

Phillips, Naphtali.---Noah's partner 37, 38, 39, 40.
Pitcher, Col. Nath'l.---72---an honest man overthrown
and regency saved 45---in opposition 102.
Polk, Jas. K.---how he treats Jackson's memory 106---
in Congress 109---selects Lawrence 106, 110.--Wise
136-appoints B. F. Butler 141.
Postage rates.---108.

Price, William M.--helps politicians to places 82-..
his appointment 140.

bench, ib.represents gen'l gov't at Syracuse 82---
proclamation 82.

60-bets on him 61 to 63--on stock-jobbing 67-Purdy, Elijah F.-gets office 76---conduct on the law
borrowing 69--nominated 82--prays for a U. S.
bank branch 98-letter on breeches and bravery
110, 111--on politics 111 to 114-a Mexican
com'r--bad conduct 115--Hoyt's hints to 116.
Mason, Gen'l John Y.--a Texas land-jobber 84--on
banks 109.

Maxwell, Hugh.-28, 29, 55.
Merchants of New York.--Hoyt ag'st 140, 145, 146--
difficulties in their business in N. Y. 150 to 152.
Merchants Bank.-23, 59.

Meserole, Abraham.-how he got a place 81.
Meserole, B. J.-alderman and appraiser 81.
Miller, Sylvanus.--libel case with Noah 36, 37.
Morris Canal and Bank'g Co.--69--Hoyt and the 149.
Morris R. H. (P. M.)--His code of 'unknown' laws
11--new-born zeal for pure elections 64.
Mumford, John I.--Bennett jealous of 93, 96.
Murray, Col. J. B.--notice of 147, 148.


Native Americanism.--Greeley on 119.

Naval Office.-Its duties shamefully neglected by
Throop and Coe 130, 131.

Nelson, Ch'f Jus.-how he got an office 108.
Neville, Major Morgan.--a Burr man 83.
Nevins, R. H--on Stock Co's 147.

New Hope Delaware Bridge Co.--account of 69.
Newspapers.--uses made of 9, 19, 23-power of 111.
New York Custom House.--given to Hoyt 35--elec-
tioneering in, appointments at--a vast political
engine (chaps. 18 and 19) 75 and 79--espionage in
75 to 81--Bowne and Lawrence's job 127, '8--em-
bezzlements in 129 to 136--its patronage 137--who
get offices in 82, 83 to 87-measurers' pickings and
stealings 80--clerks and officers 151.
New York Post Office.-boxes 134, salaries, ib.
N. Y. Evening Post.-90, 131, 133.

N. Y. Herald.-9-Bennett owns the 91--attacks V.
B. and his regency 96.

N. Y. Morning News.-on Custom Ho. 82, 85.
N. Y. Standard.-90.

N. Y. Times.-Hoyt and the 90.
Noah, M. M.-9--libel case with Miller--accused of
political knavery-his partner 36, 37--introduces
Phillips to Swart. 38--Butler and V. Buren's in-
structions to 38, 39-his grievances 39, 40--State
printing, ib.-Van Buren on 42-on V. Buren 43,
44-helps to buy Blair a press 88-loses State
Sprinting through Hoyt 89-puffs Swartwout 136-
Ulshoeffer on 139.

North Am'n Trust Co. [Beers.]-bankrupt--Hoyt
props it-notice of 147 to 149.

Nominations by the people.--Butler ag'at 38, 118-
bad system in use 73, 139.


[ocr errors]

Quackenboss, M. M.---86.



Religion.Mr. Butler on 14, 26, 29, 144.
Revenue.returns at N. Y. 129, fraudulent 130 to
136-collection 137.

Rogers, Judge Halsey.30-in lobby 122.

Root, Gen'l Erastus.---27, 72, 101-on land co. 123.
Rudd, Theron.---sad mistake of 142.

Safety Fund.--68, 106.


Selden, Dudley.in Congress, &c. 109, 113.

Sevier, Senator, of Ark.---Smithson legacy and 132.
Skinner, Roger, Judge &c.--26, 39---meddles in poli-
tics 103.

Slavery. 105, 108, 110---Cambreleng on 106-its ef
fects 121.

Smith, Morgan L.-108, 119.

Smith, T. L.-the Calhoun man 46, 57.
Smithson bequest.-132.
Smuggling in N. Y. State.-152.
Southwick, Solomon.-his vote for governor 42.
Spencer, Ch'f Just.--Butler on 139.
Spencer, John C.-anti-slavery 108.
Spencer, Mark.-28, 29, 69, 75.
Spicer, General Peter.--accepts office 75, his his-
tory, ib.

Standing armies dangerous to liberty.-12.
Staples, Seth.-on stock-jobbing 126.
Stock-jobbing.- -see 'Butler,' J. Barker,' 'Wet-
''J. Van Buren,' J. Hoyt,' Beers,' 'Ed-
monds,' Bishop,' 'Kemble,' 'Swartwout,' 'Law-
ence, Marcy on 67-a regular specimen of 75
and 104-defined 125-wholesale in N. A. Trust
Co. 147 to 149.

Stone, Col. W. L.-L. Hoyt on 41.
Strong, Geo. D.-recommends Le Foy 82--in N. A.
Trust Co. 147, 148.

Sutherland, Joel B.--in opposition 101.
Swanton, Judge.--V. Buren on 119.
Swartwout, Samuel.--Coddington's feelings concern-
ing 48--letter to, ib.-writes Hoyt to push like a
devil-a regular spoils-man 50-his connection
with Burr 83--settles Texas with U. S. funds 84--
notice of, ib. and 129-his default 135, 136.
Sweet, Egbert G., Customs.--notices of 76, 77, 127.
Swift, Genl. Jos. G.-77.


Oakley, J.-'s original friend 86-Bennett to 92- Talmage, Thos. G.--president of Beers's bank or
recommends Wasson 135.

O'Connell, Daniel,'s trial.--7.

Offices and Appointments.--See appointments, &c.
Ogden, Henry.-Cashier to Hoyt and Swartwout 129,
135, 136.

Ogsbury, F.---in Customs 74.

O'Sullivan, J. L.--on banks 65, 66---on Custom House
82, 85.

Olcott, T. W.-17, 18, 19, 30, 104, 125, 147.


Papers (Private.)-9, 10, 11, 12, 95.

trust comp. 149.

Tammany Hall.--Steph. Allen's bank of 70--Irving's
oration at 71-character of 73-Bowne at 128, 139,
Taney, Chief Justice.-on U. S. Bank 100,
Texas.-108, 110, 121--Swartwout and Mason's
speculations in 84.

Thompson, Jonathan.-efforts to displace as Coll'r at
N. Y. 48, 51, 56, 132.

Thorne, John W., bank-teller.--57.

Throop, Enos T.-10, 31, 36, 44---a bad naval officer
130, 131-notice of, ib.

Tibbets, Elisha.his plan of a U. S. Bank 101, 104
custom ho. com'r 127.

Phelps, Thaddeus.notice of 114, repeal letter, ib. Tradesmans' Bank.---30.

114, '15.

Treason---Conspiracy....9, 12.

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Tyler, President.--his Custom Ho. inquiry 97, 135., Van Ness, Cornelius P.--his removal 82---Morning


Ulshoeffer, Henry.his letter to Hoyt, espionage,
and desire to feed his family at the public crib 78 to

Ulshoeffer. Michael..his letters 139.
United States Lombard Co.---75.
United States Bank.see bank of U. S.


Van Buren, John.--8---appointed Attorney General
of N. Y. 58---his profane language and unfitness
for office 59-his 18 letters, cursing, betting,
gambling, stock-jobbing, speculating with Hoyt,
&c. 60 to 64-avoids a correspondence with bro-
kers 60-lost a fortune by the removal of the de-
posites-61, 68---enterprise with Cutting 63, 68-..
cause of Webb's arrest 68---on good terms with
Swartwout 85---a land-jobber 122-row at Hudson


Van Buren, Martin.---15, 16---eulogy on Clinton 24
was to remove to N. Y. 26, 27---charters W. and
W. Bank, &c. 31-appoints Hoyt Coll'r Cust's N.
Y. and endorses for him 35---looks very sharp after
money 36--approves Noah's course 39---for a cau-
cus and sure of Crawford's election 40---account of
victory, Nov. 1828, bets and Noah 42---Noah's
characters of 43, 44-letters and nominations in
1829-saves Marcy from ruin 45--characteristic
corresp. with Hoyt about office 51 to 56-hires a
valet de chambre 51--has Jackson's confidence
54-pities the poor Whigs 57---unprincipled 59---
wishes his friends to electioneer when seeking the
presidency 63---opinions on banks 65, 98, 99---on
appointments 72, 73-'s friend Spicer 75--and
Swartwout 85---Charleston Mercury on 87---direc-
tor-gen' of the Argus 89---his relatives, ib.--puffs
Jackson 90-affection for and hatred to, by J. G.
Bennett 91 to 96---correspondence 94, 95---begs for
a wing of the monster' 98-offices 103---sub-treas.
106-trusts in Providence 119--on foreigners 119-..
gets charter for Buffalo Bank 122--is rich 123---
anti-renters and 123, 124-puffs Throop 130---pro-
fligate expenditure by 132--warned of Hoyt by
Congress 133.

Van Buren, alias bucktail, alias regency, alias re-
publican, alias hunkers, alias 'regular' democrats,
alias spoils, party...their secret objects and policy
laid bare.See the index and vol. generally.

News on 85.

Van Ness, Genl. John P.---83.
Van Ness, Judge W. W., case of.--11, 27.
Vanderpool, Judge Aaron.---109.


Wagers on elections.---See bets.

Walker, R. Ja poor instrument of the pet banks
107 [see 106]---109.

War. opinions on 34, 146--and war taxes 152.
Washington and Warren Bank.--Some account of it,
16 to 31-how charter obtained 30, 31--Butler on
105, 144.

Wasson, George A.-his Custom House roguery 135.
Waters, Tallman J.-Hoyt's cashier 130, to 133.
Webb, Col. J. W.-arrested in England 68---Bennett
on Cour. & Enq. 92. 93.

Weed, Thurlow.remarks on Hoyt by 35.
Westervelt, Dr.saves the Van Buren party (not
medically) 45.

Westervelt, James, Weigher...what he is and does
79, 80.

Wetmore, Gen'l Prosper M.-indicted for fraud 59...
related to Ogsbury 74V. P. U. S. Lombard Co.
(its character) 75---navy ag't, N. Y., ib.---148.
Wheeler, John M. (or W.)-noticed 85.
Whigs, the. 61, 62, 78 to 80--Marcy on 113.
White, Campbell P.-in Congress 109 in the Man-
hattan Bank, and V. Buren's Park meeting 121.
Wise, Henry A.---on N. Y. Custom House 136.
Woodbury, Levi.---Bowne's bank and 128---miscon-
duct as secretary 134 to 137.

100, 104.

Workies, the.---Cambreleng sets Hoyt to deceive
Wright, Silas...votes Clinton out of the Canal Board
25, 46, 48-denounces betting on elections 67....
opposes Young 73---for Butler 100-instructs the
legislature of N. Y. on the bank 102, 103---notice
of 107--one of the jobbing Land Co. 122---makes
Edmonds a Judge 125.

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