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النشر الإلكتروني

are too numerous in every large city. Laying his hands upon the boy's shoulders, the good doctor tried gently to move him a little to one side, so that he might pass on towards his destination, when the urchin, leering knowingly up into the face above him, said, with an ineffable dignity which would have done honour to a prince, "Do yer know who you're a shovin' of?" The roguish humour, serene independence, and sublime impudence of the speech could not have blended in the words of any Russian boy, because, from his difference of nature, he would be utterly incapable of such feelings, or too timid to express, even if he felt them.

But having told you so much that the Russian boy is not, I may as well tell you something of what he is; and as I have lived among Russians for a good many years, I can, perhaps, give you a little idea of his character and circumstances.

I wish you could have looked with me out of my window to-day, and seen a sight which often greets my eyes during the winter months. Bounding past down the street at racing speed, over the pure snow road, was a boy of about thirteen years of age, perhaps. He had harnessed himself, in quite a clever, ingenious, and picturesque manner, to a little sledge, and on this were seated a wee brother and sister warmly bundled up in furs, with bashliks over their heads, and each carrying а satchel of books.

The big brother seemed to enjoy playing horse in so useful a manner, for he kept looking round in a most unsteed-like way, laughing and shouting; and his eyes sparkled, and his cheeks glowed with the frost and the exercise, while he dragged the little equipage with its happy load to school. And this illustrates one excellent quality in Russian boyskindheartedness and good nature. These you see constantly displayed, even when the home influence has not been calculated to foster such traits of character. Fondness for little children, fondness for animals, a simple, child-like delight in their pleasure and comfort,-these are qualities not to be despised.

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share in whatever dainties he may have, anticipating thus the courteous, ungrudging hospitality which, later in life, it will be his duty and his privilege to show.

With regard to the school-boy, the difference between English and Russian is more marked than ever; nothing can be greater than the dissimilarity between the youths belonging to the educational establishments of the two countries. In the first place, the greater part of the higher class schools are Government institutions, and the pupils are day scholars, not boarders. There are, of course, some private boarding schools, but their number is few compared with the others, and they are managed on a wholly different system from modern schools in England.

How would British lads like the system of repressive discipline which prevails throughout nearly all schools and colleges in Russia?

In England boys are encouraged to form their own opinions, to meet for discussion and interchange of thought, to be interested in all that is going on about them, politically and socially; to join in the editing of school magazines-in short, they are taught to be men in reason, and judgment, and independence of


And an equally important and attractive element in the Russian character is the unselfishness, which is the spontaneous outcome of an amiable, genial nature. Greediness is a thing despised by Russian lads, and rare, indeed, is it to see a boy who will not willingly and cordially invite his companions to

thought. Whereas in Russia no lad may express his opinion upon any subject outside of his own studies, or the topics immediately under notice of the school. Under no pretext whatever are any number of the lads allowed to meet for discussion or debate; and were such a culpable

extreme attempted such as the printing of a school magazine, or chronicle, it would be an affair for the police to look into, and there might be fear even of


In the public schools both classics and mathematics are taught, but more especial attention is paid to the acquiring of modern languages, which is a branch considered almost indispensable.

But of all the school-boys, perhaps, the village lad is happiest in his amusements. When study hours are over, a walk of a few moments takes him right out into the country, and he may wander at will through woods abounding with flowers and various kinds of wild fruit; or he can angle without leave or licence in streams teeming with fish; or in the autumn months he can look for mushrooms, his quick eye marking their first appearance above the soil, and knowing at a glance whether they are Bieloi-Gribbui, or Biriosoviks, or Massliniks, or the many other sorts eaten so largely by the Russians, whether fresh, salted, pickled, or dried for winter use.

Then, too, in some parts of Russia the keeping of bees is a pastime to the children, as well as a real branch of industry to their elders, and the boys find pleasure in making friends with the little creatures, as well as in sharing the spoils of the flower-sweets. Quite early in life the children learn how to manage the bees, and thus succeed naturally to their parents' duties, inheriting alike the labour and the profits that belong to the hives.

For the willing, ambitious, capable, and studious boy (a rare phenomenon in Russia) there is the possibility of a fair education; for the masters are, for the most part, well qualified to impart instruction, only they do not care to be troubled with the idle or stupid lads, nor is the influence in the schools such, as a rule, that these ever become stimulated to real effort, and praiseworthy attempts to conquer laziness or stupidity. The mind of the young Russian is better adapted for the study of mathematics than classics, but oftener still it shows a preference for a plain, practical, commercial education. And, indeed, some of the sharpest and most successful merchants and traders in the country are to be found among the Russians, though the Germans and Poles far excel them in the learned professions, the mechanical arts, and in scientific pursuits.

On the whole, as you may have gathered from what has been said, the education given to most boys here is not thorough. A smattering of many things is taught, and a certain grace and polish of manner they certainly acquire, which English lads might do well to imitate. But in a general way the knowledge gained does not go deep. It is laid on like veneer, and like veneer, too, it wears off. The boy is not taught to think, reason, act, judge for himself, to will the thing that is right, and do it because it is right; to control self, and deny self. Of all this the Russian boy hears and knows nothing.

Then, as to the moral tone of the schools, I have been informed by Russian boys themselves that it is not only low, but in many cases positively vicious. And what, indeed, can be expected, when so little of good is inculcated to keep out the evil to which every human heart is prone?

There are no playgrounds connected with day schools, but only with the private boarding schools.

Here, however, the boys, in time of recess, play ball, garratki (a sort of mild, spurious cricket), and a game the name of which, translated, means "touchand-go." But in a usual way scholars have but little opportunity or encouragement to develop a taste for out-door games while at school, though in winter they sometimes have an ice-hill built in the yard at home, down which they slide on little sledges during holiday time.

No such things (so far as I have been able to ascertain) as scholarships or exhibitions are attached to any schools here, but a really talented fellow may, in spite of poverty, obtain a good education for nothing in some of the public institutions, as a special provision is made for such.

Prizes of scientific instruments and books are common enough, also diplomas to those students who have successfully gone through a certain course of study. Occasionally, too, in the middle-class schools, a gold or silver medal is the reward of merit or special proficiency.

But, I am sorry to say, the stimulus to ambition is not of the strongest or highest kind, and the scholar of ten passes lazily and superficially through the respective classes of his school, crams at the last just enough to avoid being plucked at the final examinations, and emerges from his course of study, knowing really little more in some ways than when he went in, while, in only too many others, he has learned what he will never, never unlearn all his life through.

The boys' health, however, is not neglected. Sanitary conditions are generally carefully looked to in the boarding schools. Personal cleanliness and order are insisted upon, and good food is given.

As to religious teaching, the Russian boys have direct instruction in their own faith from an appointed priest, who comes at certain times to catechise and teach them. Portions of the New Testament form a part of the instruction imparted, but the Bible, I believe, is never put into a lad's hands; and, furthermore, the teaching from the New Testament is so mixed up with "traditions of men," and the superstitions, rites, and customs that have grown up around the Greek Church, that the power of Christ's life in its beautiful simplicity is lost.

The punishments of the evil-doers (when found out) of the schools do not include either flogging or fining, but solitary confinement in a cell, deprivation of all food but bread and water, the being kept in during recess and holiday time, and forbidden to visit friends-these are the usual penalties paid by Russian boys for their faults and misdeeds at schools.

As may be supposed, their pleasures are few. Altogether our English lads may be thankful for our privileges, and bless God who has made them to differ from the boys of this distant land, where civilisation is still, in some ways, in its infancy, and where religion has not yet shaken off the trammels of superstition and error, and become a real power for good throughout the nation.

There is much in the Russian youth that is attractive. A loving heart, capable of absolute devotion and unswerving allegiance; a kindly, unselfish nature, ever ready to impart and to forgive; courteous, gentle manners; a quick and ready tact: surely, these are qualities to be admired, and we

trust that this brief account of Russian boys may excite the sympathy of our English lads, and teach them, too, to value more highly and improve more diligently all the blessings that are theirs.

M. E. R.


could not get other food in the wilderness; but now that they had reached Canaan, which was "a land of wheat and barley," there was plenty of corn to make bread of, so the manna did not appear any more. Many things we need here on earth will not be required in heaven, where all things are perfect. For instance, in Rev. xxii. 5, we read, "They need no candle, neither light of the sun." Why?

Bread sustains life. Christ called Himself the "Bread of Life," because He came down to earth to give eternal life to all who trust in Him as their Saviour.


This was not an ordinary angel, but the Lord Jesus Christ

OUTLINE SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON FOR A Himself, who is often spoken of in the Old Testament as the



Angel of the Lord (Gen. xvi. 7-13; Exodus iii.; Judges xiii., &c.). He appeared to Joshua as the Captain of the Lord's Host, to tell him how the city of Jericho was to be taken, and to encourage him for the coming strife. Jesus is the Captain of our Salvation (Heb. ii. 10); it is only trusting in Shall we

THE FALL OF JERICHO.-Joshua v. 10-15; and vi. 1-5. Him and following Him that we can overcome sin.

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Although the children of Israel were no longer in the wilderness, but had at last entered the Promised Land, their dangers and difficulties were by no means at an end. A time of fierce warfare was before them; they had still a great many battles to fight, cities to take, and enemies to overcome, before they could lay down their arms and dwell safely. In the beautiful land of Canaan there dwelt many wicked, ungodly nations, and these, according to the Lord's command, must be slain and rooted out of the country. Does not this remind us of our own hearts? Even after we have come to Christ and received forgiveness of sins and new hearts, the old nature is still within us, fighting against the new, and trying to overthrow it. What must we do? We should always seek God's help and grace to fight against our sins. What is meant by "besetting sin"? Where are we told to lay it aside? Do you know any texts which speak of Christians fighting against sin? (Eph. vi. 10-13, &c.; 2 Cor. x. 3, 4; 1 Tim. vi. 12.)

I. THE PASSOVER IS KEPT. What was the Passover? When was it first kept? How many days did it last? What is unleavened bread?

This is the third time that we read of the Israelites observing this feast. The first time it had been held in Egypt, the second time in the wilderness of Sinai (Num. ix. 5). It was a memorial feast, that is, it was to remind them of their great deliverance from Egypt, where they had been in slavery for so many years, and of God's great power and might. Now, especially, such a remembrance would encourage them for the coming battle; the God who had saved them from the "house of bondage" would still help them against their foes. So when we meet with troubles, or are tempted to do wrong, and begin to feel afraid, let us remember how good and loving our God has already been in giving His dear Son to die for us, and let us trust Him to take care of us, and to help us through whatever lies before us. What memorial feast do Christians keep? (Luke xxii. 19).


What was manna like? When had it first been sent?
God sent manna as long as the people needed it, when they

not always look to Him as our Leader, Teacher, and Helper? Joshua was commanded to take off his shoes. Why? Can you remember another instance in which the same command was given? It is still an Eastern custom. (Describe how Moslems take off their shoes before entering their mosques to worship.)


Jericho was a great city, about fifteen miles from Jerusalem; it stood in a very fertile and beautiful plain, where there were a great many palm-trees, so that Jericho was called "the city of palm-trees." It was here that the two spies sent by Joshua had been lodged and hidden by Rahab. When the King of Jericho heard of the arrival of the children of Israel, he had the city shut up, and no one was allowed to go out or to come in. When a general wants to take a city, he usually surrounds it with an army till, for lack of food, it surrenders, or his soldiers attack the walls until a breach is made, and the army can go in and take possession; but Jericho was to be taken in a very different way. How? (Describe the manner in which it was to be besieged and captured.)

Seven is a number often mentioned in Scripture; give instances. Joshua faithfully obeyed the Lord's commands. must have been! that great multitude, with the golden ark What was the result? Victory. What a strange sight it and the white-robed priests with their trumpets in the midst, going round the city day after day. How surprised and awed the people in the city must have been! Perhaps some only scoffed at the procession, thinking themselves quite secure; and others may have been terrified, but all the time Rahab felt safe. Why? because the spies had promised to save her and her family if she bound a scarlet thread to her window, and she had not forgotten to do so. Israelites safe in Egypt on the Passover night, because the blood was sprinkled on the lintels and side-posts of their doors. Both blood and thread are types-of what? What can shelter us from "the wrath to come"?


This reminds us of the

"And the wall of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend up every man straight before him." Picture the terror of the citizens when the strong walls they had been trusting in to protect them fell to pieces, though unassailed by any visible power. Nothing can resist God's might. This capture of Jericho is a fine example of the obedience and the power of faith. Strange as the Lord's commands may have appeared to the Israelites, they simply obeyed. Why? because they believed that what God had said would come to pass.

What is faith? Just taking God at His word, believing everything He says. Probably some of the Hebrew warriors would have preferred to have rushed on the city the first day, and taken it by main force. Here is a lesson for us; only by faith (God's appointed way) can we be saved; only by faith can we overcome sin and Satan. What chapter in the Bible tells of the wonderful things that have been done by faith? (Heb. xi.) Faith is the Christian's shield (Eph. vi. 16). What is a shield?

The Ark of the Covenant was a type of Christ. Christ in our midst, the secret of victory. With Him the centre of our hearts and lives, how many of Satan's strongholds would be overthrown! how many foes would be conquered! (1 John v. 4.)







EAR the close of January, 1625, a squadron of four English and five Dutch merchantmen lay at anchor in the roadstead of Gombroon, in the Persian Gulf. News came that the Portuguese, who then claimed a monopoly of the Indian trade, had fitted out a fleet with a view to its destruction; and the merchantmen, being strongly built and heavily armed, resolved to oppose a strenuous resistance. The hostile armada, which included eight ships of war and numerous frigates, or armed galleys, hove in sight on the 31st of January. With prompt gallantry, Captain John Weddell, who commanded the English, signalled to prepare for action, and the Dutch commodore having followed his example, the two squadrons weighed and boldly stood towards the


But in the evening a dead calm prevailed, and the ships came to an anchor. The Dutchman then sent an officer to Captain Weddell, on board the Royal James, to ask what he thought of the strangers. Weddell replied that he had no doubt they were the Portuguese fleet which had been fitted out at Goa, with the view of compassing their destruction, and preventing England and Holland from sharing in the spoils of India. He added that his resolution was that, to the glory of God, the honour of the nation, the profit of the worthy employers, and the safeguard of their lives, ships, and goods, he would fight it out as long as a man was living in his ship to bear a sword, and that he doubted not but the other three ships under his command were all of the same mind and courage. This notable message roused a similar spirit of intrepidity in the Dutchman, and he replied that they were of the like resolution, and would stick as close to the English as their shirts to their backs.

Before dawn on the day following, the combined squadron weighed, and set out to encounter the Portuguese; but as soon as they had exchanged broadsides the light breeze died away, and the ships for awhile lay becalmed.

After the fight had thus continued in a desultory way for four or five hours, a breeze sprang up; Captain Weddell, by superior skill in manoeuvring, got the weather-gage, and then, slipping under the admiral's stern, swept his decks with a storm of shot. His cor sorts as they came up joined in the fight, and a hot engagement ensued, lasting until sunset.

The fleets then parted, and dropped anchor for the night.

The following day was occupied in refitting and repairing damages; but on the 3rd, the merchantmen, as they still retained the weather-gage, ran down to attack the Portuguese, with the Royal James leading the van. As he sailed along their line Captain Weddell received a succession of broadsides, but he reserved his own fire until he reached the admiral; then, passing between him and another vessel, he crashed his shot into each, so that they reeled from stem to stern. Afterwards he engaged the admiral yard-arm to yard-arm, and a desperate contention arose between the two fleets, and was hotly maintained until dusk.

The Portuguese ships were so much injured, and had lost so many men, that on the 4th they retired into shallow water, where, under the fire of the shore batteries, they busily refitted. Ten days later they again showed themselves at sea, but were instantly attacked by the English and Dutch fleets, and received such a mauling that towards evening they hastily retreated. The victors were not able to continue the pursuit to any distance, for not only had they expended almost all their powder and shot, but it was necessary for them to proceed to Surat and complete their cargoes, so that they might leave the coast before the summer monsoon began to blow.

England first sent a fleet to the Mediterranean that sea which is now one of the chief channels of her commerce, and the principal theatre for the display of her naval power-in 1652.

In the September of that year, Captain Richard Bodley (or Badiley), with four small men-of-war and as many armed merchantmen, was making his way between the islands of Elba and Monte Christo, when, on the 6th, he came in sight of a powerful Dutch squadron, under Admiral van Galen, consisting of eleven or twelve war-ships. The latter immediately ordered an attack, but as a calm prevailed, the battle did not begin until the day following. Bodley was then engaged with four of the enemy's ships, which he opposed with so much resolution and skill that they at length retired; his consorts fought with no less courage and tenacity, and the battle lasted until evening. The merchantmen, having rich cargoes on board, escaped during the night, Bodley keeping his station with his little squadron to prevent the Dutch from pursuing them.

Morning showed some of the Dutch ships a long way to leeward, and for want of wind unable to join their companions; but with eight vessels Van Galen again encountered his enemy, and a bloody mêlée began. A desperate attempt to board Bodley's ship was bravely repulsed, and Van Galen, after having been thrice on fire and severely handled, sheered off in hot haste. Young Cornelis Tromp, in a large man-of-war, then took up the contest; but in his

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