صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

treasurer delivers the assayed metals to the chief coiner, from whom he receives them when struck, and pays or delivers them to the persons to whom they are to be delivered. He also keeps all moneys for the support of the mint, and pays them out upon warrants signed by the director. The chief coiner causes to be coined all metals received by him for that purpose. The engraver sinks and prepares the dies with the proper devices and inscriptions. The melter and refiner takes charge of all copper, or silver and gold bullion delivered out by the treasurer after it has been assayed, and reduces them into bars or ingots fit for the rolling mills. Bullion is uncoined gold or silver in plates, bars or masses.

310. The proportional value of gold to silver in all coins by law current as money in the United States, fixed by act of congress of April, 1792, was as fifteen to one: that is to say, fifteen pounds of pure silver were equal in value to one pound of pure gold. By the same act, the standard for gold coin was eleven parts of pure gold to one part of alloy, the alloy to be composed of silver and copper, not exceeding one half silver. The standard for silver coins was one thousand four hundred and eightyfive parts of silver, to one hundred and seventy-five parts of alloy, the alloy to be wholly of copper.

311. By the acts of 1834, the proportional and standard values were changed. The value of gold coins of the United States, at present, is as sixteen to one of silver; the comparative value having been increased about six and a half The eagle of the old coinage, per cent. consequently passes for about $10,66; and a new eagle contains only a quantity of gold that was formerly valued at $9,34. Foreign gold coins are made lawful, according to their real value, by the same standard with our own. The dollars of Spain, Mexico, and the South

and refiner? What is alloy? What is bullion? 310. What was formerly the proportional value of gold to silver in coins current as money in the United States? 311. What is the present proportion a l value of gold to silver? How is the value of foreign gold and

American states, are lawful at the same value with our own dollars. The five franc pieces of France, are lawful

at 93 cents each.

312. With the power of coining money, congress necessarily possesses power "to provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the public securities and current coin of the United States;" for without this power, the power to coin money would be unavailing.

313. The counterfeiting or debasing of current coin, is deemed an aggravated offence, and is punished with heavy penalties. If an officer or person employed at the mint of the United States shall debase, or make worse, any gold or silver coin, as to the proportion of fine gold or fine silver, or shall make the same of less weight or value than it ought to be, with a fraudulent intent, or shall embezzle any of the metals left at the mint to be coined, the offender shall be guilty of felony, and imprisoned at hard labor, not less than one year, nor more than ten years, and fined not exceeding ten thousand dollars.

314. If a person shall falsely make, counterfeit, or fraudulently pass, any coin in resemblance of the gold or silver coin of the United States, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, and imprisonment at hard labor, not exceeding ten years, according to the aggravation of the offence. For counterfeiting copper coin, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and imprisonment not exceeding three years. For falsifying, or lightening, for the sake of gain, any gold or silver coin, in actual use as mouey, imprisonment not exceeding two years, and fine not exceeding two thousand dollars.

315. If a person shall counterfeit, or aid in falsely making, a bill or order on the bank of the United States, or pass, or attempt to pass the same, he shall be imprisoned

silver established by law? 312. Where is the power to punish the counterfeiting of coin &c. vested? 313. What is the punishment" for debasing coin at the mint? 314. What icr counterfeiting, falsifying or lightening gold and silver coin? For counterfeiting cop per coin? 315. What is the penalty for counterfeiting United

not, less than three, nor more than ten years, and fined not exceeding five thousand dollars. If a person shall engrave, or have in his possession an engraved plate, with the intent of using the same in counterfeiting notes of the said bank; or if he shall have in his possession blank notes or bills to be used for this purpose, he shall be imprisoned not exceeding five years, and fined not exceeding one thousand dollars.

316. Fines and penalties similar to the above, are inflicted upon persons who shall counterfeit or forge any public security, treasury note, deed or power of attorney, certificate of public stock, or other writing relative to the business of the United States.

317. Although congress has the power "to fix the standard of weights and measures;" and, though it would seem necessary that this power should be exercised exclusively by congress, in order to produce uniformity throughout the United States; that body has not yet legislated on the subject. Each state, therefore, retains the right to adopt and regulate its own standard.


Promotion of Science.-Copy Rights and Patents.

318. AMONG the powers delegated to congress, is the power "to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing, for limited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive right of their respective writings and discoveries." This power did not exist under the confederation; although its utility has never been disputed. The right of property of authors and inventors in their works,

States bank notes? 316. What are the penalties for counterfeiting United States securities, notes, &c. 317. How is the standard of weights and measures regulated?

318. What is the granting of copy rights and patents intended to

had, before the revolution, been decided to be a common law right, and had been secured to them, for limited times, by acts of parliament. This provision seems to be in accordance with the dictates, as well of policy as of jus tice. For, without an appropriate reward, there would be little to induce authors to prepare elaborate works for the public. While, therefore, a profit is secured to the inventor, the public is no less benefited by the disclosure of the secrets of the discovery.

319. By acts of congress, the right of the monopoly is limited to a period of fourteen years. The term of a copy right, which was formerly fixed at this period, was, in 1831, extended to twenty-eight eight years This provis ion is deemed a sufficient encouragement to genius. Some of the states, prior to the adoption of the constitution, had, by legislative acts, favored certain discoveries; but as the effect of these laws was confined to the limits of a single state, and as the authors and inventors were subjected to the varying laws of the different states, the privileges conferred by the state laws were of little value.

320. To secure the exclusive right to print and sell any book, map or chart, the author or proprietor is requir ed to deposit a printed copy of the title thereof, in the clerk's office of the district court where the author or proprietor resides. The clerk records the title in a book kept for that purpose, and gives to the author, under the seal of the court, a copy of the record. For which record, the clerk shall receive fifty cents, and the like sum for every copy, under seal, given to the author or proprietor, or his assigns.

321. The author or proprietor is required, within three months after the publication of the book, map or chart, to deliver a copy of the same to the clerk of the district court. The clerk is required, every year, to transmit to the secretary of state of the United States, a list of all copy rights deposited in his office. The author or proprietor

promote? 319. For how long a term is each granted? How was the power to grant patent and copy rights exercised before the constitution was adopted? 320, 321. How is a copy right obtained?

must also cause to be printed on the title page, or page immediately following, of every copy of the said book, if it be a book, or if it be a map or chart, on the face thereof, the following words: "Entered according to act of congress, in the year by in the clerk's

office of the district court of

[ocr errors]

322. At the expiration of the term for which a copy right shall have been secured, such right shall be continued for the further term of fourteen years, provided that the title of the work be again recorded, and that all other regulations of the law with regard to original copy rights be complied with, within six months before the expiration of the first term. In all cases of renewal of a copy right, the author or proprietor must, within two months after the renewal, cause a copy of the record to be published in one or more newspapers printed in the United States, for the space of four weeks.

323. If any person, after the title of a book, map, chart or engraving, shall have been duly recorded and published, shall cause the same to be printed or published, without the consent of the author in writing, signed in the presence of two or more witnesses, the offender shall forfeit every copy of the same, to the author or proprietor: and he shall further forfeit, if it be a book, fifty cents, or if it be a map, chart or engraving, one dollar, for every sheet found in his possession, or printed, or exposed to sale; one half thereof to the proprietor who shall sue for the same, and the other half to the United States. Any person who shall print or publish the manuscript of an author or proprietor, without his consent, as before mentioned, shall be liable to the author for all damages sustained by the injury.

324. If any person shall print or publish any book, and print therein, that the same has been entered according to act of congress, without having legally acquired a copy right, he shall forfeit one hundred dollars.

322. In what manner is the renewal of a copy right effected! 323. What are the penalties for infringing a copy right? 324. What is the penalty for falsely printing in the book that the title has been

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