صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني




1. Boundaries of the County of Genefee.

2. Civil Officers, provifo as to the time of their appointment.
3, 6. Court-Houfe and Gaol, by whom and where to be erected.
4. Courts of Common Pleas and General Seffions.

5, 7.-Terms thereof, when and where to be held.

8. Circuit Court & Court of Oyer and Terminer when to be held. 13. Contingent expences, how raifed.

14. Conveyances, where to be recorded.

11. Diftrict Attorney.

9. Genefee County, a part of the Western District.

12. Taxes heretofore affeffed, how recovered.

15. Town of Northampton-16. Southampton-17. Leifter18. Batavia-and boundaries thereof.

10. Votes of this county to be returned to the Clerk of Ontario.

An ACT to erect Part of the County of Ontario into a separate Coun ty by the Name of Genesee.



Paffed March 30th, 1802.

E it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That all that part of the ftate of New-York fituated weft of the main fream of the Genefee-river and a meridian line drawn from the great forks of faid river to the Pennsylvania line, (faid meridian being the western boundary of the county of Steuben) fhall be, and hereby is erected into a feparate county, and fhall be called and known by the 2 name of Genefee; Provided nevertheless, That the appointment and commiffioning of the civil officers for faid county, and the exercife of the other incidental powers of a county, fhall be and are hereby fufpended for one year from and after the paffing of this act, and until Lemuel Chipman, John Thomfon and Richard M. Stoddard, or any two of them, fhall certify under their hands and feals to the perfon adminiftering the government of this ftate, 3 that certain proprietors of lands in the faid county, known by the name of the Holland Land Company, have at their fole expence erected a fufficient and fuitable building or buildings for a gaol and court houfe for faid cour.ty, and legally conveyed not lefs than one acre of land whereon the fame are erected, together with the fame buildings for the ufe of faid county.

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II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the expiration of one year from the paffing of this act, and from and after the commiffioning and appointing of the faid officers of said county as aforefaid, there fhall be held in and for the faid county of Genefee, a court of common pleas and general feffions of the peace, and that there fhall be two terms of the faid courts in every year, to commence and end as follows, that is to fay:

The first term of the faid court fhall begin on the fecond Tuef- 5 day of June in every year, and may continue to be held until the Saturday following, inclufive; and the fecond term of faid court fhall begin on the fecond Tuesday of November in every year, and may continue to be held until the Saturday following, inclufive; Provided always, That nothing in this act contained fhall be conftrued to affect any fuit or action already commenced or that shall be commenced in any court of common pleas, or before any juftice of the peace, before the holding of the first term of the faid courts of common pleas and general feffions of the peace in the county hereby erected, fo as to work a wrong or prejudice to any of the parties therein, or to affect any criminal or other proceedings on the part of the people of this ftate; but all fuch civil or criminal proceedings fhall and may be profecuted to trial, judgment and execution as if this act had never been paffed.

III. And be it further enacted, That the faid court houfe and 6 gaol fhall be erected at or near the great bend of the Tonnawonta-creek, at the village called Batavia, and that the faid courts 7 of common pleas and general feffions of the peace fhall be held therein at the first court to be held in the county of Genefee, after the appointing and commiffioning the civil officers of faid county; which faid court house and gaol, when erected, fhall be deemed in law the court house and gaol of the faid county of Genefee.

IV. And be it further enacted, That no circuit court or courts 8 of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery fhall be held in and for faid county until the fame fhall in the opinion of the juftices of the fupreme court become neceffary.

V. And be it further enacted, That the faid county of Genefee 9 fhall be confidered as part of the western diftrict of this state, and until other provifion be made by law the infpectors of elec- 10 tion in the feveral towns in the county of Genefee fhall return the votes taken at any election for governor, lieutenant-governor, fenators, members of affembly and reprefentatives in congrefs, to the clerk of the county of Ontario, to be by him estimated as part of the aggregate number of votes given at fuch election in the county of Ontario.

VI. And be it further enacted, That the faid county of Genefee, 11 shall be annexed to and become part of the district now compofed of the counties of Onondaga, Cayuga, Tioga, Steuben and Ontario, as it refpects all proceedings under the act, entitled “An act relative to district attornies."

VII. And be it further enacted, That all taxes heretofore af- 12 feffed in the county of Genefee, fhall be recovered in like manner as if this act had never been paffed; and that the supervisors 13 of the county of Ontario, in conjunction with the fupervifor or fupervifors of the county of Genefee, fhall have the like power, until the county of Genefee is organised as aforefaid, to raise all fuch fums of money for the contingent expences of the faid county of Genefee and the county of Ontario, as if this act had not been paffed.


VIII. And be it further enacted, That until the holding the faid firft term of common pleas and general feffions of the peace of the faid county of Genesee as aforefaid, all deeds, mortgages and other conveyances, relating to real property fituate in the faid county of Genefee, fhall be recorded in the clerk's office of the county of Ontario.

15 IX. And be it further enacted, That from and after the day preceding the firft Tuefday in March next, all that part of the faid county of Genefee, beginning at a point in the divifion line between the United States and the dominions of the king of GreatBritain due north of the mouth of Genefee-river; thence running fouth to the mouth of faid river; thence up the faid river to the northeast corner of number one in the first range of Gorham and Phelps's purchase, on the weft fide of faid river; thence weft to the east tranfit line run by Joseph and Benjamin Ellicott, in 1798; thence north to the faid boundary line in lake Ontario; thence eastwardly along faid line to the place of beginning, fhall be and remain a town by the name of Northampton, and the next town meeting in the faid town fhall be held on the first Tuesday in March next, at the houfe of Jofiah Fish.

16 X. And be it further enacted, That from and after the day preceding the faid first Tuesday in March next, all that part of the faid county of Genefee, beginning at the foutheast corner of the town of Northampton, and running thence foutherly up the faid. river to the northweft corner of number nine in the feventh range on the east fide of faid river; thence weft to the eaft tranfit line run by Jofeph and Benjamin Ellicott, in 1798; thence north to. the fouth bounds of the town of Northampton; thence eaft to the place of beginning, fhall be and hereby is erected into a town by the name of Southampton, and the first town meeting fhall be held on the firft Tuesday in March next, at the house of Captain. Curtis.

17 XI. And be it further enacted, That from and after the day preceding the first Tuesday in March next, all that part of the faid county of Genefee, beginning at the foutheaft corner of the faid town of Southampton, and running thence weft to the east tranfit line run by Jofeph and Benjamin Ellicott, in 1798; thence fouth to the north boundary of Pennfylvania; thence eaft to the fouthweft corner of Phelps and Gorham's purchase; thence north to the confluence of the Shanahafquaicon-creek with the waters of Genefee-river; thence down the fame to the place of beginning, fhall be and hereby is erected into a town by the name of Leifter; and the first town meeting in the faid town fhall be held on the 18 first Tuesday in March next, at the houfe of Jofeph Smith; and that all the remaining part of the faid county fhall, from and after the day preceding the firft Tuefday in March next, be and hereby is erected into a town by the name of Batavia, and the firft town meeting fhall be held on the firft Tuefday in March next, at the houfe of Peter Van Deventer.



1. The town of Verona erected.—2. The town of Vernon.

An ACT for dividing the Towns of Westmoreland and Augusta, in the County of Oneida.


Paffed 17th February, 1302.

E it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That from and after the first 1 Monday in March next, all that part of the town of Weftmore. land bounded northwesterly and wefterly by the bounds of the faid town, easterly by the original line of the Oneida reservation, and foutherly by a line drawn from the foutheast corner of lot number two hundred and five, to the fouthwest corner of lot number one hundred and ninety-nine, in the late Oneida refervation, and thence continued to the junction of Schenondehois with the Oneida-creek, fhall be and hereby is erected into a feparate town by the name of Verona; and all the refidue of the faid town of 2 Westmoreland, fituate wefterly of the faid original line of the refervation with that part of the town of Augufta, fituate northerly of a line drawn from the foutheast corner of lot number two hundred and forty-fix, to the fouthweft corner of lot number two hundred and thirty-nine, and thence continued in the fame direction to the faid Oneida-creek, fhall be, from and after the faid first Monday in March next, erected into a feparate town by the name of Vernon; which faid towns fo erected, fhall have the like powers and privileges as other towns in the ftate by law poffefs and enjoy; and the first town meeting in the faid town of Verona fhall be holden at the houfe of Martin Langdon; and the first town meeting in the faid town of Vernon, fhall be holden at the houfe of David Tuttle.



1. The town of Williamson erected from part of Sodus.
2. Remainder of Sodus to continue a feparate town.
3. Supervisors and overfeers of the poor, their duty.

An ACT for dividing the Town of Sodus, in the County of Ontario. Paffed February 20th, 1802.



E it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That from and after the first Monday of March next, all that part of the town of Sodus, in the county of Ontario, comprehended within the townfhips number



thirteen and fourteen in the fecond range, and townships number thirteen and fourteen in the third range of townships, be and hereby is erected into a feparate town by the name of Williamson; and that the first town meeting be held at the dwelling house of Timothy Smith, in faid town.

II. And be it further enacted, That all the remaining part of the town of Sodus, fhall be and remain a separate town by the name of Sodus, and that the next town meeting fhall be held at the dwelling houfe of Oliver Kendal, in faid town.

III. And be it further enacted, That as foon as may be after the first Tuesday in March next, the supervisors and overfeers of the poor of the faid towns of Sodus and Williamson, on notice being first given for that purpose, shall meet together and divide the money and the poor belonging to the town of Sodus, previous to the divifion thereof, agreeable to the laft ftate tax lift, and that each of the faid towns fhall for ever thereafter refpectively maintain their own poor.




1. The town of Locke erected from a part of Milton.
2. The remainder of Milton to continue a feparate town.
3. Supervisors and overfeers of the poor, their duty.

An ACT to divide the Town of Milton, in the County of Cayuga. Paffed February 20th, 1802.

1. Br

E it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That from and after the first Monday in March next, all that part of the town of Milton in the county of Cayuga, known by the name of Locke, and diftinguished on the map of the furveyor-general of the ftate, as will appear on record in the secretary's office, fhall be and is hereby erected into a feparate town by the name of Locke, and the first town meeting in the faid town of Locke fhall be held at the 2 dwelling houfe of James Cook in faid town; and that all the remaining part of the town of Milton fhall be and remain a separate town by the name of Milton, and the next annual town meeting of faid town of Milton fhall be held at the place where the laft town meeting fhall have been held.


II. And be it further enacted, That as foon as may be after the firft Tuesday in March next, the supervisors and overfeers of the poor of the faid towns of Milton and Locke, on notice being first given by the faid fupervisors for that purpose, fhall meet together and divide the money and the poor belonging to the town of Milton, previous to the divifion thereof, agreeable to the laft ftate tax lift, and that each of the faid towns fhall for ever thereafter refpectively maintain their own poor.

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