صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

religion among seamen. Some of the dockmen were present, to whom the preaching of the gospel has been blessed. The foreman of the dock attended, with his wife, both of whom, two years since, were far from God, but now members of the church of Christ; they sat down with us last sabbath, at the Lord's table, at the Sailors' Chapel, Shadwell. He was fourteen years confined a prisoner in France. He has been many years in the situation he now occupies; and is at present a blessing to his family and the neighbourhood.

"Dec. 17th. Supplied at the Sailors' Chapel in the afternoon and evening. At the latter service, the congregation was interested by four African sailors, from Sierra-leone, who gave a pleasing account of their conversion from idolatry to christianity. Eleven African Sailors were present, at the afternoon's service; they sat together the sight was novel and interesting. A pious captain said, He had never enjoyed such a meeting-it was truly the house of God."


"26th. On board the Diamond, Capt. Hthe service was well attended. The captain of the vessel closed in prayer, and afterwards expressed a wish to have another meeting on board his ship.

"29th. The same vessel as last. The captain and his mate engaged in prayer. Capt. Prynn also took part in the service. We were in immediate sight of the destructive fire of yesterday, at Davis's wharf.

"Jan. 2, 1838. On board the Cyrus, Capt. R

of Milford."

Rev. J. Palmer's Report continued from last month. "We had an exceeding good meeting, the captain of the vessel was present, who never before had a Bethelmeeting on board his ship; he expressed himself pleased, and that his vessel, at any time, was at the service of the Society. The Royal A- -, a large steam-packet, belonging to the same company, was next to us; there were present with us the engineers and others of the vessels around. After the meeting, we distributed books and tracts to the men, and ascertained that there would

be an opening for preaching, &c. on board of the largest steam-packet; the mate of the A-, was exceedingly obliging and attentive.

"21st. This evening I held a meeting on board the Q-, Capt. B. near the Sailors' Chapel, Shadwell, attended by Capt. Prynn. When we came to the ship, the captain had prepared for the service; after singing and reading the scriptures, Capt. Prynn, and the captain of the vessel offered prayer, supplicating God for the salvation of the souls of his crew. preached from Matthew xiv. 30, Lord save me.' The sailors were exceedingly attentive; several pious men from the surrounding vessels were with us, to whom, after the service, books and tracts were distributed.

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"Dec. 27th. To-night, according to my appointment, on board the ship Thomas,' lying off Alderman Stairs. I visited the surrounding vessels, inviting the sailors to the means of grace. Capt. Brewer, and several others, engaged in prayer. I preached from Matth. xi. 28, Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' It was an interesting meeting. Capt. Brewer is from Biddeford, where there is no Bethel flag; he would be glad if the society could furnish him with one for that place, where he has held religious meetings for sailors on sabbath afternoons, which have been attended by 300 persons. At the close of the present service, Capt. Brewer invited the seamen present, to morning or evening prayers, which is daily observed on board his vessel."


Capt. PRYNN reports:-"Never did I enter upon a new year with such a sense of the Divine goodness as the present; and never has there been a year, in the history of my christian experience, so marked as the past with the tokens of God's blessing. As it respects my labours, I rejoice to know they have not been in vain in the Lord;' and whilst hundreds of our brother sailors have been called, during the last year, from time

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into eternity,—and many, it is to be feared, in an unprepared state,-yet our cause of rejoicing in Christ Jesus is, that many have been brought to a knowledge of the truth, and have found redemption through the blood of Christ, and the forgiveness of their sins; to the God of all grace we ascribe the glory.

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The increase of Bethel ships during the past year— the disposition manifested by upwards of seventy captains, who have covenanted to help forward this glorious work,-the blessing already attendant on their labours, -and the hundreds of sailors who have joined our ranks, are subjects for much thankfulness to God! Still I must say with one of old, I remember my faults this day.' O what want of zeal, energy, and faithfulness has connected itself with all my past duties! Shall the blood of these men be required at my hands? I have entered upon the new year with this deep impression upon my mind, and more must be done

I. By the church of Christ at large.

II. Through the influence of all the religious, benevolent, and missionary societies throughout the kingdom.

III. By the united exertions of Christians of every name and denomination, especially seeking the influence of the Holy Spirit.

"On the first, second, and fourth stations, I have been enabled to hold ten meetings, together with three in the third station. One was on board the Bryan Abbs, Capt. D. G—; the sailors attended the service to the number of thirty-two, with six captainsthey were chiefly Irish, and many of them Roman Catholics. They paid the most marked attention to all the parts of the service, and received the tracts most thankfully. The whole of the six captains, on my reading the Resolutions' entered into by other captains, added their names to the list; and one, who was a Roman Catholic, said, You are welcome to come on board my ship, and hold a meeting any time you can make it convenient; and at all times, when I am

here, the ship is at your service.' So said our pious and zealous friend, Capt. D. Gorman."

Loan Libraries.-Three loan libraries have been furnished ships going to South Australia, West Indies, and South Seas; one loan library has been returned. Forty-three volumes have been lent to sailors going coastwise and in the coal trade.

Visitation of Shipping. Indisposition has interrupted this department of my labours, nevertheless I have had the happiness of meeting with several who seem to be decidedly on the Lord's side. I have been enabled to visit 201 vessels on the river and in the various docks and canals, and distributed about 870 tracts; five new Bethel ships.

Visit to Gravesend.-Visited the Canton, bound to Australia. Went on board the Topaz, bound to Calcutta, and addressed about 80 persons, ship's company, and passengers. Tracts and books, I left for the ship's crew.

Temperance Meeting,-Mr. Roberts has given his fourth lecture on Temperance, we trust, with much success to the cause, as many attend on those occasions.

Mr. WELCH. Most truly interesting as is every part of the long report of this Thames Missionary's labour, during the past month, only a few sentences can be given as extracts.

Mr. W. says:-"Truly the abundant blessing of heaven has crowned the past year with success, in the increase of Bethel ships, Bethel captains, and Bethel sailors. Several thousands have heard the word of eternal life during the past year; and many that were in darkness twelve months ago, are now light in the Lord. I had the honour of dedicating to the Lord, and to the Bethel cause, a new ship, the Loyal,' at which time a Bible was presented to the captain by the Society.

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At the close of the service the captain approved and signed the Resolutions of our Bethel captains, saying, This is a Bethel ship henceforth.' Thus a new ship, a new Bible, and a new Captain, are set apart to the honour of our God. I have been enabled to hold fourteen meetings during the past month, eight afloat and six on shore. I have obtained sixteen ships, for meetings for the agents, distributed about 1000 tracts, and visited above 400 ships in the River and the Docks, besides the Sailors' boarding houses.

"Many of our Bethel Captains during the past month have held meetings in different parts of the river Thames, so that the Bethel flag has been flying from London bridge to Gravesend."

Dublin.-Rev. R. WILLIAMS, in a recent report, writes, "O that I may have faith and zeal in the prosecution of my labours amongst our seafaring fellowmen, in the port of Dublin. In the course of last month, we held twenty meetings for the spiritual benefit of seamen, all of which were well attended. Preaching in chapel, during the month, especially on sabbath evenings, was attended by numerous and attentive hearers. Our pulpit stairs were filled with seamen listening to the words of eternal life. It was remarked by one of the auditors on last sabbath evening, that one more could not be accommodated. To me such a field of usefulness, during the last month, though it called for additional labour, was pleasing and encouraging. Also our prayer-meetings and lectures afloat have not been less encouraging. We saw it necessary, from the overflowing attendance, to hold our meeting in the chapel last Monday evening, instead of, as usual, in a ship, which was consequently held as a missionary prayermeeting, on which occasion two captains offered prayer; a lecture was delivered, &c.

"Last month a circumstance occurred in this port, which afforded me the opportunity of calling the attention of Seamen in particular, to the all important subject of considering our last end, and the necessity of being

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