صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

and sundry diseases. Thus many hear sermons only for their pleasure, for the elegance of the style, delicacy of the words, smoothness of the language, and gracefulness of the delivery. But

this is but to make a nosegay to smell to for a while, and cast it, anon after, into a corner; to hear the word gladly, but in time of temptation to fall away. -Christopher Fonseco.



THE desert sea is passed, and we Have found a desert shore;


The track is lost by which we crossed,
And leads us back no more.

The wife is come, and here is home,
The native scene exiled!
The past is fled, the parent dead,
The future here, the child.

How still the rock! how frail the flock

That tripped its surface o'er ! How bleak the hill! how fixed and still The anchor of the shore!

How dark the wave, our path doth lave

With foam-wreath on the beach! How dark the wood, where fails the flood

Its snowy limbs to reach!

'Tis heaven we know, where'er we go, All tender is its care!

To heaven we raise united praise,
And undistracted prayer.

We thank thee, Lord! we bear thy word

In safety o'er the sea,

That here its store, though wild the shore,

A living seed may be.

No host we bring; we left the king
Well guarded on his throne;
Nor mitred priest, the lighted east
On real shepherds shone.

No sacred line, nor mystic sign
Can make the spirit free-

By faith subdued, by grace renew'd,
We trace its birth to Thee.

In elder land, where temples stand,
Truth had not light nor room;
The darkened past, compelled to last,
Forbade its stalk to bloom.

The forest here its hope shall cheer,
Beneath no tares arise;
Creation's spoil, a virgin soil,
Prepares it for the skies.

And they that plant shall never want,
In faith that scatter still,
Its seed shall sow where rivers flow,
And gather by the hill.

The mighty sun, his race half done
Pours down a richer ray;

The Sun of peace and righteousness
Illumes the latter day.

Our God! our prayer, with righteous


Hear, while we seek to love; Let all be thine, our trust, our line,

As in thy seats above!

And while 't is so, thy servants know
Thy people will be free;
Great God! if heaven to us be given,
Still keep this land to Thee!


FEARLESS AND FAITHFUL. LABOUR fearless, labour faithful,

Labour while the day shall last, For the shadows of the evening

Soon the sky will overcast; Ere shall end the day of labour,

Ere shall rest thy manhood's sun, Strive with every power within thee, That the appointed task be done.

Life is not the trackless shadow,
Nor the wave upon the beach,
Though our days are brief, yet lasting
Is the stamp we give to each.
"Life is real, life is earnest,"

Full of labour, full of thought;
Every hour and every moment

Is with living vigour fraught.

Fearless wage life's earnest conflict,
Faithful to thy highest trust,
If thou 'lt have a memory cherished,
And a path bright as the just.

Labour fearless, labour faithful,
Labour until set of sun,

And the welcome shall await thee,
Promised plaudit of " Well done!"

The Children's Gallery.


A LITTLE Work, entitled, "A Narrative of the Life and Death of Eliza Scott Ross," recently published by Ward and Co., is a book of merit; one of the best, indeed, of its class that has for some time appeared. For a character so young, the facts of her history are instructive and interesting; while great justice has been done them by Mr. Mann, who has thrown them into the form of Letters to Children, incorporating them with many simple, brief, pithy, and useful observations. As a specimen, we shall give Letter X., which tells the story of her death, in full:

DEAR CHILDREN,-While we are in good health, it may be easy to talk, or sing, or write, about dying; but even when the mind is happy, TO DIE is not so easy. The grace of God can, however, prepare us to do even that.

After learning that hymn of Luther, of which a translation is printed in the last letter, Eliza suffered much pain, and became very restless. Then she was moved, for change of posture, and in the hope of relieving those parts of the almost skeleton body in which her spirit still lingered; but the pain and agony became greater than before.

Now she wished that death might come to her relief, and desired friends to pray for her release. She was, indeed, encouraged by a mention of the sufferings of Jesus Christ for her; but both in her sorrow and her comfort she said, "Pray! pray!"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, her father was called to take, as was supposed, a last farewell of his dear departing child. He had nursed her in many a storm, had been afflicted in her griefs, and glad in her delights. Over many a mile by sea and land, and in many an hour in which he had seemed to himself to live almost for her, she had been his little but his lovely companion; and the moment

appeared to be now come when they must part company. The child had outrun him in the Christian course, and was about to receive her crown, while he must wait and watch.

Yet, again the little one revived, to say a word for God and godliness. In a great fight of affliction, she lifted a languid eye, and putting her hand on her bosom, exclaimed, "It is all here;" but, being once more relieved, she said that was in answer to the prayers of friends. "Pray on! pray on!" she continued, "it will make yourselves so happy;" then adding, "as for me, I desire to say, Not my will, O Lord! but Thine be done."

She was told that this was a state of mind becoming her situation; that her sufferings could not continue long; and that she would soon enter heaven.

"That," said she, "will be as God pleases. He knows what is best. I am content to wait whatever be his holy and blessed will."

Towards evening, she requested that a hymn might be read to her in the usual course, whispering, "Let us have it in course. You know I was always orderly."

Finding that her father, who in grief had left the room, had again returned, she said, "Oh! that's nice! he will

help us to the hymn." One of the you with me, in my imagination, to a verses much impressed her

"Thousands in this dark world below

His faithfulness attest;

In worlds above ten thousands know That humble souls are blest." Eliza whispered, "It is in part accomplished even here."

About half an hour before breathing her last, she desired that the windowblinds might be removed, that she might look at the trees once more; but she was instantly seized with a tremor which shook her whole frame.

This, however, gradually passed away; on which she looked sweetly upwards, and said, "He is a dear Saviour!" and presently afterwards, "Oh! I wish I were gone!"

Her aunt replied she soon would be gone, that death was at hand.

"But, are you willing to let me go?" said the little suffering, rejoicing saint.

She was answered: "Yes, darling, willing-perfectly willing-to let you


Her countenance instantly assumed a cheerful aspect; and she said, "Oh! what a relief! How glad I am! I will never forget it to you!"

With her lips Eliza never spake again. She went to dwell with Jesus and his people. Her last words are supposed to have been intended to repeat what she had expressed before in an early period of her illness-"that she might be able to do her friends some good after her death, for the angels were all ministering spirits; and why not the spirits of those who went to heaven to be servants of Jesus?"

Whether this thought of the child have or have not proved correct, we do not pretend to determine. Certain, however, it is, that the holy and happy death of one so very young is instructive to strangers as well as to friends.


"Her ways are ways of pleasantness," PROV. iii. 17.

SUPPOSE, dear young Reader, I take

splendid mansion, the road to which lies through beautiful lawns, lovely gardens, and green pastures: it is the middle of summer; the morning is fine; the sky is calm; the sun has risen, tinging the lofty hills with his glory, and diffusing life and beauty in every direction; the air is filled with the melody of birds; the valleys waive with corn, and the meadows are covered with rich verdure, and well stocked with cattle. "Oh!" we exclaim, "what a pleasant way!" We seem, as it were, enchanted by the lovely scenery, and feel delighted beyond description. But the most lovely way imagination can picture, is nothing in comparison to the way Solomon refers us to in the text; it is far more pleasant, far more delightful, far more enchanting, than any in this world. It is a way which leads through heavenly fields to the paradise of God, beside the green pastures of his grace, and the still waters of salvation. It is the most pleasant way. On the banks and by the side of a pleasant way grow beautiful flowers, and children love, as they walk along, to pick the flowers that grow on the banks or in the valleys; but the loveliest flowers grow in the ways of religion. Children, too, in the heat of summer love to sit under the shade of a fine spreading tree, and to eat the fruit of the vine; but, in the ways of religion are the most beautiful shades and the most delicious fruit. Says Solomon: "I sat down under her shade, and her fruit was sweet to my taste."

Observe two things: I. The ways here referred to; and, II. The pleasantness attending those ways.


I. The ways here referred to are the ways of wisdom. Now, wisdom is very desirable. Solomon tells us, merchandise thereof is better than silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold," Prov. iii. 14-18. This is the way the prophets, apostles, martyrs, saints, and all the good and great who have ever lived, walked in; and you are exhorted, Reader, to tread in their steps. This way of wisdom is Jesus

Christ; and,

1st. He is the way to God, the foun

tain of wisdom. There is no other way. In order, therefore, to get wisdom, you must walk in this way; you must come to God through Jesus Christ. Every little boy and girl should, by all means, get this wisdom. Solomon was the wisest man, because he sought and got wisdom from God, -the fountain, the source of wisdom. When children ask for wisdom, and pray to God to give it them, he is pleased, and will grant their request. He says, Ask, and ye shall receive." But he will not hear us unless we ask in the name of Jesus: "Whatsoever ye ask," says the Saviour, "in my name, it shall be given you." Dear Reader, you have only to ask, and God will give it you. Remember, to have this wisdom is better than to have houses and land, gold and silver. To have this wisdom is to have a title to heaven, to immortal glory.


2nd. This way of wisdom leads to heaven. And, oh! who does not wish to go there? Well, then, to make sure of heaven, you must walk in wisdom's ways; you must become the disciples of Jesus; "sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty." Without this wisdom there is no getting to heaven. Oh! give yourself to Christ, and he will lead you safely through life, and at last receive you to glory, and will bring you safe to heaven

"The seat of bliss,

and he will make you his; will reward
you with eternal life: "He that hath
the Son hath life."

II. The pleasure those have who walk in wisdom's ways.

1st. They have the smile of God. All their sins are pardoned; and "Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sin is covered." From being enemies, they are become friends; have an interest in his favour which is life, and in his loving-kindness which is better than life. They enjoy, we say, the smile of God, which creates such pleasure that no tongue can describe-a pleasure that is lasting, heavenly, and divine. Oh, to have the smile of God!-what a heaven it creates within!—what peace it imparts!-what innumerable blessings attend it!-and this is the portion of all God's children.

2nd. They have the pleasure of enjoying a foretaste of heaven-partaking of celestial food and heavenly manna, they are made the recipients of such peace, such joy, and such consolation, that is unspeakable and full of glory! Heaven is begun in their hearts, and with their joys none can intermeddle. The peace of God which passeth understanding, fills their minds and hearts. They are fed with the richest dainties, even celestial bread and Where pleasure in perfection is." wine. The bread which is given them is called the bread of life, and the 3rd. He is the way to eternal life; water they drink flows from the river all other ways lead to death and hell. of God, the water of life. Yea, they There is but this one way to heaven, have within them a well of living but there are many ways to hell; and, water, springing up to everlasting life. alas! the broad road is crowded, and Lastly: They are happy when they many in the crowd are children of sab-get to the end of this way; namely, in bath-schools! Reader! are you in this death. They sleep in Jesus, who makes crowd? are you walking in the ways of their dying bed wisdom, or in the ways of sin and folly? Some, alas! are walking in the ways of disobedience, some in the ways of swearing, some in the ways of sabbath-breaking, and others in the ways of trifling. In which of these ways, Reader, are you walking? Examine your steps. The ways of sin are ways of misery and death, while the ways of wisdom are pleasantness and peace. Eternal life, my dear Reader, is of the greatest importance. Oh! seck it, then, in wisdom's ways; make Christ yours,

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"Feel soft as downy pillows are." A pious minister, who had walked in wisdom's ways for many years, could say in the arms of death, "I am happy;" and another, My Christ!" Oh! dear Reader, would you live happy and die happy, walk in wisdom's ways: "Her ways are ways of pleasantness." Forsake sin, and learn of Jesus who was meek and mild. Live and walk in the fear of God, and so you shall be for ever with the Lord! Amen.

The Cabinet.



SPLENDID abilities, extensive learning, admired eloquence, and exact knowledge in the mysteries of God, may be possessed by a proud and selfish man, who is as "sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal," in the most admired displays of his conspicuous endowments. Indeed, the powers or eloquence of angels, and all imaginable gifts of miracles or prophecy, cannot demonstrate a man to be any better than Balaam or Judas; and even the most astonishing liberality, or patient fortitude under persecution even to tortures and death, may spring from other principles than love, and in that case will avail nothing before our heart-searching Judge. How then are they deluded who expect acceptance and reward for those good works, which are as scanty in their degree as they are corrupt and selfish in their principle! And how are even Christians often fascinated to over-rate ostentatious eloquence, gifts, and abilities; and to undervalue honest, simple, and unadorned love, which seeks only to do them good! But where does this heavenly love reside, which the apostle so warmly panegyrizes? Is she returned to heaven, being wearied out with our contentions and selfishness on earth? Or does she dwell in some obscure retreat, at a distance from the disputes of the world and of the church? Certainly she is but seldom seen among us; she has but few votaries and little influence, and is treated with strange neglect on earth. Alas! numbers who might be supposed to be somewhat, if we only looked at their talents, knowledge, and zeal, appear to be nothing, or very little, if love be the touchstone of their characters. Indeed, this chapter may be considered as an answer to all the wrangling pamphlets of angry disputers about religious truth, of different names and sentiments. Many of these seem incapable of long-suffering or kindness to any but their own party; so that envy, boasting, railing, ridicule, slander, and acrimony, are the prominent features of the portrait which they exhibit to the view of the public. In the most unseemly manner they sound their own praises, vent their own resentments, expose and triumph over their opponents, forget all decent regard to superiors, and turn religious investigation into a vain-glorious, selfish, if not scurrilous, contest for victory. It is evident that many of this character are "easily provoked" and hardly pacified; that they think evil of others, and rejoice in detecting the faults and follies of those who differ from them. In short, the attentive observer will perceive that every part of the apostle's definition of love forms a complete contrast to the conduct of many who, in different ages, have had numerous admirers for their zeal and ability in contending for the sentiments or forms of their own sect or party.

But, alas! we need more love than we generally possess, to anim


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