صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



Jesu! in Thee are angels crowned:
No ear hath heard a softer sound,

Nor tongue more wondrous honey found,
Nor heart a nectar so renowned.

Who taste of Thee shall hunger still;
Who drink, shall thirst for that pure
They know no other wish nor will
Than Thee, their longing hearts to fill.


Jesu! my love, my hope, my prize,
To Thee my soul breathes out in sighs;
Thee seek the tear-drops in mine eyes;
To Thee my inmost spirit cries.

Remain with us, O God of might!
Our hearts illumine and make bright;
Drive from our souls the gloom of night,
And fill the world with sweet delight!



Laudis thema specialis,

Panis vivus et vitalis

Hodie proponitur.

HE number of Latin hymns1 and the variety, and es


pecially the sublimity of their themes, must be a matter of wonder to any one who will not see in the Catholic Church the Spouse of Christ singing a perpetual canticle

1 The Thesaurus Hymnologicus of Daniel, the Lateinische Hymnen des Mittelalters of Mone, and the many less ambitious collections which followed the pathways traced out by Daniel and Mone, instead of representing the complete hymnal treasures of the Middle Ages, served rather to point out the necessity of more earnest efforts, or at least of a much greater expenditure of time, in the laborious work of searching out and editing the medieval hymns. Twenty years ago the editors of the Thesauris Hymnologicis hactenus editis Supplementum Amplissimum wrote as follows of the ungleaned grain of that wide harvesting: "Nous entreprenons aujourd'hui la publication intégrale de toutes les pièces liturgiques du Moyen Age. Nous l'entreprenons en nous rendant compte des difficultés qu'elle présente, et qui sont immenses. Ceux-la seuls peuvent en douter qui n'ont etudié que superficiellement la question, et qui s'imaginent qu'apres le Thesaurus Hymnologicus de Daniel et les Lateinische Hymnen de Mone, il ne reste plus qu'à glaner. Nous avons dans nos cartons plusiers milliers de Proses, d'Hymnes, de pièces liturgiques inédites, collationées sur les manuscrits et les incunables de toutes les bibliothèques de l'Europe. Et malgré cela nous ne nous dissimulons pas que nos collections sont bien incomplètes." Since 1886 the editors of the Analecta Hymnica have produced more than fifty volumes of medieval hymns, and are still engaged in editing and commenting on them,

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