صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

177. In forming a letter do not decorate with flour- Conspicunes not necessary for identifying it, or with conspicuous ous ornaading. Avoid especially such forms as the following:

B. G. B. &. F. H. M. N. Q. T

refer plain forms like the following:

B. C. D, E, F, H, m, n, σ. T.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

chosen ?

(m) (n)

III. How are presidential electors
Would it be constitutional for a State legislature to
choose them?

185. The first lines of all paragraphs should begin at
the same distance from the margin; do not indent the
beginning of one paragraph an inch, that of another two
inches, that of another half an inch, etc.

The funda

186. No line except the first line of a paragraph
should be indented in the slightest.

187. After the end of a sentence do not leave the
remainder of the line blank unless the sentence ends a para-
graph; begin the next sentence on the same line, if there is
This rule is violated in Plate I, line 4.
Division of a Composition into Paragraphs


Paragraphing as an Aid to Clearness

188. Paragraphing, if properly employed, gives the
much assistance in understanding a whole com-

Parts m




Parts m



conclusio graphs s

sists of o



The large body of recent State legislation compelling


graphs of transition


it probably sprang from good intentions, is likely to
have three unfortunate consequences.

[The main body of the essay consists of three para-
graphs, each discussing one of the three unfortunate

One can not foretell, of course, how many years will elapse before these three results of the recent railway legislation will work themselves out; it may be five years, or it may be a dozen. But that they will sooner or later work themselves out seems, in the light of history, practically certain.

191. A passage that serves merely to make a transition from one group of paragraphs to a following group should be paragraphed separately.

Correct paragraphing :

[The achievements of Macaulay as a man of letters are discussed for three or four paragraphs.] Macaulay's political achievements, though less distinguished than his literary achievements, are worthy of a somewhat detailed notice.

[Two or three paragraphs follow, dealing with Macaulay's political career.]

192. In narratives, as a rule, any direct quotation, together with the rest of the sentence of which it is a part, quotations should be paragraphed separately. (See Exercise LXXIX.)

of direct


There were no takers. Not a man believed him capable of the feat. Thornton had been hurried into the wager, heavy with doubt; and now that he looked at the sled itself, the concrete fact, with the regular team of ten dogs curled up in the snow before it, the more impossible the task appeared. Mathewson waxed jubilant.

"Three to one," he proclaimed. "I'll lay you another thousand at that figure, Thornton. What d'ye say?" Thornton's doubt was strong in his face, but his fighting spirit was aroused - the fighting spirit that soars above odds. fails to recognize the impossible, and is

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