صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

In considering the relative difficulty of the calculation by the ascending and descending series, it must be remembered that the blanks only occur in consequence of the special values of the amplitude of a chosen for calculation: for general values they would have been all filled up by figures. Hence even for so low a value of the modulus of x as 2 the descending series have a decided advantage over the ascending.


[From the Report of the British Association, Dublin, 1857, p. 22.]

THE remarkable diminution in the intensity of sound, which is produced when a strong wind blows in a direction from the observer towards the source of sound, is familiar to everybody, but has not hitherto been explained, so far as the author is aware. At first sight we might be disposed to attribute it merely to the increase in the radius of the sound-wave which reaches the observer. The whole mass of air being supposed to be carried uniformly along, the time which the sound would take to reach the observer, and consequently the radius of the sound-wave, would be increased by the wind in the ratio of the velocity of sound to the sum of the velocities of sound and of the wind, and the intensity would be diminished in the inverse duplicate ratio. But the effect is much too great to be attributable to this cause. It would be a strong wind, whose velocity was a twenty-fourth part of that of sound; yet even in this case the intensity would be diminished by only about a twelfth part. The first volume of the Annales de Chimie (1816) contains a paper by M. Delaroche, giving the results of some experiments made on this subject. It appeared from the experiments,-first, that at small distances the wind has hardly any perceptible effect, the sound being propagated almost equally well in a direction contrary to the wind and in the direction of the wind; secondly, that the disparity between the intensity of the sound propagated in these two directions becomes proportionately greater and greater as the distance increases; thirdly, that sound is propagated rather better in a direction perpendicular to the wind than even in the direction of the wind. The explanation offered by the author of the present communication is as follows*. If we imagine the whole mass of air in the neighbourhood of the source of disturbance divided into horizontal strata, these strata do not all move with the same velocity. The lower

[* Cf. Osborne Reynolds, Roy. Soc. Proc. xx11, 1874, p. 531, Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, 1878, Vol. II, §§ 289–290.]

strata are retarded by friction against the earth, and by the various obstacles they meet with; the upper by friction against the lower, and so on. Hence the velocity increases from the ground upwards, conformably with observation. This difference of velocity disturbs the spherical form of the sound-wave, tending to make it somewhat of the form of an ellipsoid, the section of which by a vertical diametral plane parallel to the direction of the wind is an ellipse meeting the ground at an obtuse angle on the side towards which the wind is blowing, and an acute angle on the opposite side. Now, sound tends to propagate itself in a direction perpendicular to the sound-wave; and if a portion of the wave is intercepted by an obstacle of large size, the space behind is left in a sort of sound-shadow, and the only sound there heard is what diverges from the general wave after passing the obstacle. Hence, near the earth, in a direction contrary to the wind, the sound continually tends to be propagated upwards, and consequently there is a continual tendency for an observer in that direction to be left in a sort of sound-shadow. Hence, at a sufficient distance, the sound ought to be very much enfeebled; but near the source of disturbance this cause has not yet had time to operate, and therefore the wind produces no sensible effect, except what arises from the augmentation in the radius of the sound-wave, and this is too small to be perceptible. In the contrary direction, that is, in the direction towards which the wind is blowing, the sound tends to propagate itself downwards, and to be reflected from the surface of the earth; and both the direct and reflected waves contribute to the effect perceived. The two waves assist each other so much the better, as the angle between them is less, and this angle vanishes in a direction perpendicular to the wind. Hence, in the latter direction the sound ought to be propagated a little better than even in the direction of the wind, which agrees with the experiments of M. Delaroche. Thus the effect is referred to two known causes,-the increased velocity of the air in ascending, and the diffraction of sound.


[From the Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, XI, 1859,
pp. 17-21: also Pogg. Ann. cxiv, 1861, pp. 646-51.]

ON examining, a good while ago, infusions of the barks of various species of Æsculus, and the closely allied genus Pavia, I found that the remarkably strong fluorescence shown by the horse-chestnut ran through the whole family. The tint of the fluorescent light was, however, different in different cases, being as a general rule blue throughout the genus Esculus, and a bluegreen throughout Pavia. This alone rendered it evident, either that there were at least two fluorescent substances present, one in one bark and another in another, or, which appeared more probable, that there were two (or possibly more) fluorescent substances present in different proportions in different barks.

On examining, under a deep violet glass, a freshly cut section of a young shoot, of at least two years' growth, of these various trees, the sap which oozed out from different parts of the bark or pith was found to emit a differently coloured fluorescent light. Hence, even the same bark must have contained more than one fluorescent substance; and as the existence of two would account for the fluorescent tints of the whole family, a family so closely allied botanically, the second of the suppositions mentioned above appeared by far the more probable.

I happened to put some small pieces of horse-chestnut bark with a little ether into a bottle, which was laid aside, imperfectly corked. On examining the bottle after some time, the ether was found to have evaporated, and had left behind a substance crystallized in delicate radiating crystals. This substance, which I will call paviin, when dissolved in water, yields, like æsculin, a highly

fluorescent solution, and the fluorescence is in both cases destroyed (comparatively speaking) by acids, and restored by alkalies. The tint, however, of the fluorescent light is decidedly different from that given by pure æsculin, for a specimen of which I am indebted to the kindness of the Prince of Salm-Horstmar, being a bluegreen in place of a sky-blue. The fluorescent tint of an infusion of horse-chestnut bark is intermediate between the two, but much nearer to æsculin than to paviin.

In all probability, the fluorescence of the infusions of barks from the closely allied genera Esculus and Pavia, is due to æsculin and paviin present in different proportions, æsculin predominating generally in the genus Esculus, and paviin in Pavia.

Æsculin and paviin are extremely similar in their properties, so far as they have yet been observed. They are most easily distinguished by the different colour of the fluorescent light of their solutions, a character which is especially trustworthy, as it does not require for its observation that the solutions should be pure. Paviin, as appears from the way in which it was first obtained, must be much more soluble than æsculin in ether. Esculin is indeed described as insoluble in ether, but it is sufficiently soluble to render the ether fluorescent. Paviin, like æsculin, is withdrawn from its ethereal solution by agitation with water. Though of feeble affinities, it is rather more disposed than æsculin to combine with oxide of lead. If a decoction of horse-chestnut bark be purified by adding a sufficient quantity of a salt of peroxide of iron or of alumina, precipitating by ammonia, and filtering, and the ammoniacal filtrate be partially precipitated by very dilute acetate of lead, the whole redissolved by acetic acid, reprecipitated by ammonia, and filtered, the fluorescent tint of the filtrate will be found to be a deeper blue than that of the original solution; while, if the fluorescent substances combined with oxide of lead (the compound itself is not fluorescent) be again obtained in alkaline solution, the tint, as compared with the original, will be found to verge towards green. The required solution is most easily obtained from the lead-compounds by means of an alkaline bicarbonate, which plays the double part of an acid and an alkali, yielding carbonic acid to the oxide of lead, and ensuring the alkalinity of the filtrate from carbonate of lead. It is very easy in this way, by repeating the process, if necessary, on the

S. IV.


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