صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



Note appended by Prof. STOKES.

[From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, XIII, pp. 471-2. Received Feb. 9, 1863.]

THE cause of the curious phenomenon described by Colonel Clark in the preceding paper seems to be indicated by some of the figures, especially those relating to hollow cylinders of wrought iron, which are very instructive.

Imagine such a cylinder divided into two parts by a horizontal plane at the water-line, and in this state immersed after heating. The under part, being in contact with water, would rapidly cool and contract, while the upper part would cool but slowly. Consequently by the time the under part had pretty well cooled, the upper part would be left jutting out; but when both parts had cooled, their diameters would again agree. Now in the actual experiment this independent motion of the two parts is impossible, on account of the continuity of the metal; the under part tends to pull in the upper, and the upper to pull out the under. In this contest the cooler metal, being the stronger, prevails, and so the upper part gets pulled in, a little above the water-line, while still hot. But it has still to contract on cooling; and this it will do to the full extent due to its temperature, except in so far as it may be prevented by its connexion with the rest. Hence, on the whole, the effect of this cause is to leave a permanent contraction a little above the water-line; and it is easy to see that the contraction must be so much nearer to the water-line as the thickness of the metal is less, the other dimensions of the hollow cylinder and the nature of the metal being given. When the hollow cylinder is very short, so as to be reduced to a mere hoop, the same cause operates; but there is not room for more than a general inclination of the surface, leaving the hoop bevelled.

But there is another cause of deformation at work, the operation of which is well seen in Figs. 2 and 3. Imagine a mass of metal heated so as to be slightly plastic, and then rapidly cooled over a large part of its surface. In cooling, the skin at the same time contracts and becomes stronger, and thereby tends to squeeze out its contents. This accounts for the bulging of the ends of the solid cylinders of wrought iron and the rents seen in their cylindrical surface. The skin at the bottom is of course as strong as at the sides in the part below the water-line; but a surface which resists extension far more than bending has far less power to resist pressure of the nature of a fluid pressure when plane than when The effect of the cause first explained is also manifest in these cylinders, although it is less marked than in the case of the hollow cylinders, as might have been expected.


The tendency of the cooled skin of a heated metallic mass to squeeze out its contents appears to be what gives rise to the bulging seen near the water-line in the hollow cylinder of brass. Wrought iron, being highly tenacious even at a comparatively high temperature, resists with great force the sliding motion of the particles which must take place in order that the tendency of the cooled skin to squeeze out its contents may take effect; but brass, approaching in its hotter parts more nearly to the state of a molten mass, exhibits the effect more strongly. It seems probable that even in the case of brass a very thin hollow cylinder would exhibit a contraction just above the water-line. Should there be a metal or alloy which about the temperatures with which we have to deal was stronger hot than cold, the effect of the cause first referred to would be to produce an expansion a little below the water-line.


[From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, XIII, pp. 144-5, Feb. 25, 1864.]

I HAVE lately been enabled to examine a specimen, prepared by Professor Harley, of the green substance obtained from the bile, which has been named biliverdin, and which was supposed by Berzelius to be identical with chlorophyll. The latter substance yields with alcohol, ether, chloroform, &c., solutions which are characterized by a peculiar and highly distinctive system of bands of absorption, and by a strong fluorescence of a blood-red colour. In solutions of biliverdin these characters are wholly wanting. There is, indeed, a vague minimum of transparency in the red; but it is totally unlike the intensely sharp absorption-band of chlorophyll, nor are the other bands of chlorophyll seen in biliverdin. In fact, no one who is in the habit of using a prism could suppose for a moment that the two were identical; for an observation which can be made in a few seconds, which requires no apparatus beyond a small prism, to be used with the naked eye, and which as a matter of course would be made by any chemist working at the subject, had the use of the prism made its way into the chemical world, is sufficient to show that chlorophyll and biliverdin are quite distinct.

I may take this opportunity of mentioning that I have been for a good while engaged at intervals with an optico-chemical examination of chlorophyll. I find the chlorophyll of land-plants to be a mixture of four substances, two green and two yellow, all possessing highly distinctive optical properties. The green substances yield solutions exhibiting a strong red fluorescence; the yellow substances do not. The four substances are soluble in the same solvents, and three of them are extremely easily decomposed

by acids or even acid salts, such as binoxalate of potash; but by proper treatment each may be obtained in a state of very approximate isolation, so far at least as coloured substances are concerned. The phyllocyanine of Fremy* is mainly the product of decomposition by acids of one of the green bodies, and is naturally a substance of a nearly neutral tint, showing however extremely sharp bands of absorption in its neutral solutions, but dissolves in certain acids and acid solutions with a green or blue colour. Fremy's phylloxanthine differs according to the mode of preparation. When prepared by removing the green bodies by hydrate of alumina and a little water, it is mainly one of the yellow bodies; but when prepared by hydrochloric acid and ether, it is mainly a mixture of the same yellow body (partly, it may be, decomposed) with the product of decomposition by acids of the second green body. As the mode of preparation of phylloxanthine is rather hinted at than described, I can only conjecture what the substance is; but I suppose it to be a mixture of the second yellow substance with the products of decomposition of the other three bodies. Green sea-weeds (Chlorospermea) agree with land-plants, except as to the relative proportion of the substances present; but in olive-coloured sea-weeds (Melanospermea) the second green substance is replaced by a third green substance, and the first yellow substance by a third yellow substance, to the presence of which the dull colour of those plants is due. The red colouring-matter of the red sea-weeds (Rhodospermeœ), which the plants contain in addition to chlorophyll, is altogether different in its nature from chlorophyll, as is already known, and would appear to be an albuminous substance. I hope, before long, to present to the Royal Society the details of these researches.

[blocks in formation]



[Discourse delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Mar. 4, 1864, Roy. Inst. Proc. IV, pp. 223–231: also Phil. Mag., XXVII, 1864, pp. 388— 95, Ann. der Phys., cxxvi, 1865, pp. 619–23, Journ. de Pharm., 1, 1865, pp. 292-8.]

THE chemist who deals with the chemistry of inorganic substances has ordinarily under his hands bodies endowed with very definite reactions, and possessing great stability, so as to permit of the employment of energetic reagents. Accordingly he may afford to dispense with the aids supplied by the optical properties of bodies, though even to him they might be of material assistance. The properties alluded to are such as can be applied to the scrutiny of organic substances; and therefore the examination of the bright lines in flames and incandescent vapours is not considered. This application of optical observation, though not new in principle (for it was clearly enunciated by Mr Fox Talbot more than thirty years ago), was hardly followed out in relation to chemistry, and remained almost unknown to chemists until the publication of the researches of Professors Bunsen and Kirchhoff, in consequence of which it has now become universal.

But while the chemist who attends to inorganic compounds may confine himself without much loss to the generally recognized modes of research, it is to his cost that the organic chemist, especially one who occupies himself with proximate analysis, neglects the immense assistance which in many cases would be afforded him by optical examination of the substances under his hands. It is true that the method is of limited application, for a great number of substances possess no marked optical characters; but when such substances do present themselves, their optical characters afford facilities for their chemical study of which chemists generally have at present little conception.

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