صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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but I am not to see or hear them, the sound of music maddens me the sight of painting distracts me-even your conversation or reading drives me almost to frenzy. I will confine myself to my apartment, the remainder of the house is at your command; but I am not to be subjected to intrusion-not to be questioned not to be admonished."

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From that time my days were passed in a solitude unbroken but by the presence of Gertrude, who beguiled many an otherwise tedious hour; Mr. Hamilton and I rarely meeting but at meals, from which he usually retired with his little daughter, the only companion he tolerated. Many, who had loved me before I married, pitied my situation, which transpired, I know not how; but others, who knew me less, attributed my retirement to the pride of newly acquired rank; little aware how often, as my elegantly appointed equipage passed

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the entrance to Saffron Hill, I gave sighs of bitter regret to the peace, liberty, and cheerfulness, which, strange to say, had vanished at the touch of prosperity's golden wand! Little aware how frequently a thrill of horror had followed the sound of Barkby's magnificent gates when closing; on my return, they shut out all intercourse between me and those endeared by many a tie of hospitality and friendliness.'

• Fourteen months had elapsed since my `ill-assorted union, and, on an inclement night, late in autumn, I was seated, deeply musing on the splendid misery which surrounded me, Gertrude slumbering by my side, and Mr. Hamilton in a moody reverie at the farthest part of the drawing-room, when the wild agitations of a pet Greyhound, which lay on the rug, drew my attention to a voice, seemingly of entreaty, in the hall. Presently, Mac Donnell, with a countenance of ghastly import, appeared

at the door; but ere he could utter one word, a tall female, whose dress, heavy with rain, clung to her figure, rushed past him, and, throwing herself on her knees at the feet of Mr. Hamilton, exclaimed, in frantic tones, "forgive me!"

My husband's eyes dilated to a frightful extent, and, passing his hand across them, he softly whispered, "it is a vision." Embracing his knees, she again passionately exclaimed, "forgive me!"

'He uncovered his eyes, rose from his chair, gazed on her, and slowly pronounced, "Agnes!"

"Yes," she cried, "I am Agnes."-"For the mercy of Him I am not worthy to name, say but that you forgive me!"


"Agnes," said he, in a hollow tone, why didst thou leave thy husband ?-why didst thou abandon thine infant?-hadst thou a wish ungratified?-a desire unaccomplished?-a request disregarded? Did

he who hung enamoured on thy voice and smile, give thee aught of complaint against him ?"

"No," returned the unhappy Agnes."Had you been less indulgent, I had been less guilty ;-but just retribution has fallen on a head overwhelmed with a father's malediction; he, for whom I deserted you, has abandoned me to infamy and despair." Then adding, in hurried accents, my time is short I must away-my heart

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rt says, this is my child." She clasped the terrified Gertrude in a wild embrace, and precipitately darted down the staircase, and from the house.

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So transitory, so frightful, had been the entire scene, that it had concluded ere I recovered the first shock; nor do I yet know how Mr. Hamilton disappeared, but he had left the apartment, and, on inquiring for Mac Donnell, I learned that he was with his master, and could not be seen. I

passed the night in a state of horror and apprehension effectually banishing sleep; but towards the morning I sunk into a slumber, from which I was aroused by a sound of wailing and lamentation, mournful beyond my powers to describe. Hastily descending the stairs, I gained the hall door, and there, amidst a crowd of labourers and domestics, borne in the arms of two men, I beheld the lifeless body of the illfated Agnes; which had been discovered by some workmen, passing to their daily labour, in a small piece of water ornamenting the lawn; she having added suicide to the catalogue of her crimes. A wild shriek from above now rung in my ear, and looking up, I descried, in a balcony, Mr. Hamilton, who, like me, awakened by the doleful sounds, had arisen to learn their occasion. On seeing the beautiful ruin, she attempted to throw himself from the balcony, but was, although with difficulty,



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