صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Internationalism has always been implicit in Christianity. During three great eras of Christian expansion this internationalism became consciously explicit in the Church's outreach to non-Christian lands. An analysis of the missionary consciousness back of these great movements ought to yield certain fundamental elements that should characterize every Christian. We turn to what, historically, has been Christianity's highest expression in order to see more clearly the mind which each Christian should bring to bear upon the world.

Throughout this little book it has been assumed that, ideally, .there is no difference between the Christian and the world Christian. Being a Christian is not a matter of the here or the there of an act or an attitude, but refers to a certain characteristic response which is independent of geography.

It is hoped that these studies will help both individuals and churches in self-examination. The analysis found in these successive chapters does not attempt to be exhaustive, but certain outstanding elements have been chosen for consideration. One or another of these nine "marks" will probably need emphasized development, in order that the spirit which we bring to the world's great problems may be both Christian and international.

D. J. F..

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