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النشر الإلكتروني
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ryllis to Hemanthus again. Amaryllis 24. Allium 12. Lillium 7. Frittilaria 2. Uvularia 3. Tulipa 1. Albuca 7. Hypoxis 3. Ornithogalum 23. Scilla 5. Cyanella 1. Asphoditus 4. Anthericum 30. Leontici 2. Asparagus 6. Dracena 6. Convallaria 2. Polyanthus 1. Hyacinthus 2. Hyacinthus 2. We find he has retained the non-scriptus which Dr Smith in his Flora has called Scylla nutans. Aloe 6.; the A. picta, is the variety 9, λ, and μ of the A. perfoliata Lin.; the A. humilis, is the variety of the A. perfoliata of Lin.; the A. arachnoides, is the variety of the d A. pumila Lin.; the A. verrucosa, is the variety of the A. disticha Lin.; the A. carinata, is the variety of the A. disticha; the Al. plicatilis, is the variety of the A. disticha Lin. It is a difficult matter in exotic plants, particularly such as the Aloe, to distinguish species from varieties, because the only test by which they can be tried, is by the frequent raising of them from seed, observing whether the plants produced retain always the same appearance. Agave 3. Alstroemeria 1. Hemerocallis 2. corus 1. Orentium 1. Corypha 1. Calamus 7. Juncus 14; one of which, the J. maximus, is the variety of the J. pilosus. Lin.; the J. spadicius, is the 3 of the J. pilosus Lin.; the J. lu-, teus, is the variety of the J. campestris Lin.; the J. parviflorus, is the variety of the J. pilosus Lin.; the J. albidus, is the variety of the J. pilosus Lin.; and the J. sudeticus, is the of the J. campestris Lin. Prinos 5. Berberis 1. Loranthus 13. Hillia 1. Frankenia 1. Peplis 1. Gahnia 1. Erharta 3.



Trigynia-Rumex 3. Melanthium 7. Helonias 1. Mediola 1.; the Dracena volubilis of Lin. Polygynia-Alisma 2.

HEPTANDRIA. 5 Genera have been added to this class, together with five new species.

Monogynia-Pisonia 2. Esculus 1. Dracontium 1.
Digynia-Limeum 1.

OCTANDRIA. 24 New genera have been added to this class. Monogynia-Ornitrophe 6; one of which, the O. cobbe, is the Rhus cobbe Lin., and the O. comminia is the Rhus comminia of Lin.

Trigynia-Seriana 10; three of which, viz. the S. sinuata, Mexicana, and triterṇata, were the Paulinia sinuata, Mexicana, and triternata of Lin.

174 New species have been added to this class.

Monogynia-Tropæolum 1, Rexia 12, Oenothera 6, Gaura 2, Epilobium 4, Combretum 3, Amyris 10, Ximenia 1, Dodonæa 1, Lawsonia 1, Vaccinium 14, Erica 57, Daphne 12, Gnidia 6, Passerina 6, Bæckia 1.

Digynia-Weinmannia 2. Trigynia-Polygonum 14; one of

which, viz. the P. minus, is the variety of the Polygonum Persicaria Lin., and the P. incanum is the variety y of the P. Persicaria Lin. Coccoloba 6. Paullinia 6. Cardiospermum 2. Sapindus 6. Tetragynia-Forskolia 1.

ENNEANDRIA. 2 New genera have been added to this class. 24 New species have also been added.

Monogynia-Laurus 22. Trigynia-Rheum 2.

DECANDRIA. 28 Additional genera have been added to this


Monogynia-Podalyria 15; 7 of which, viz. the capensis, genistoides, tinctoria, lupinoides, calyptrata, and myrtillifolia, were formerly species of the Sophora, with the same trivial names; the P. alba is the Sophora alba of the Syst. Veg. and the Crotalaria alba of the Sp. Pl. Lin. Schotia 1, the Guajacum afrum Lin. Gærtnera 1, the Banisteria Benghalensis Lin. Gomphia 5; one of which, the Jabotapita, is the Ochna Jabotapita Lin. Ca❤ sæaria 12; two of which, the spinosa and parviflora, were the Şamyda spinosa and parviflora Lin.

402 New species have been added to this class.

Monogynia-Sophora 3, Bauhinia 7, Hymenæa 2, Cassia 23, Casalpina 3, Guilandina 2, Guajacum 1, Ruta 2, Myroxylon 2, Adenanthera 1, Trichilia 9, Swietenia 2, Melia 2, Zygophyllum 4, Quassia 1, Limonia 5, Jussieua 3, Dais 1, Melastoma 71, Kalmia 2, Ledum 2, Rhododendron 3, Andromeda 16, Gautheria 1, Arbutus 1, Clethra 2, Styrax 3, Samyda 6, Bucida 1.

Digynia-Royena 2, Hydrangia 3, Trianthema 4, Saxifraga 11; the S. aizoon is the variety of S. cotyledon of Lin. Mitella 1, Gypsophila 3, Saponaria 1, Dianthus 14; the sylvestris was formerly the variety of the D. caryophyllus.

Trigynia-Cucubalus 5, Silene 16, Stellaria 9; the Alsine, formerly the variety y of the S. graminea Lin. Arenaria 11, Malpighia 11, Banisteria 18, Hiræa 2, Triopteris 7, Erythroxylon 10. Pentagynia-Spondias 1, Cnestis 4, Cotyledon 11; the lutea is the variety of the C. umbilicus Lin. Sedum 10, Oxalis 67, Lychnis 2, Cerastium 5, Spergula 2.

DODECANDRIA. 9 New genera have been added to this class. 40 New species of former genera have been added to this class. Monogynia-Bocconia 1, Bassia 2, Blakia 1, Decumaria 1, Cratæra 2, Triumpetta 6, Peganum 2, Nitraria 1, Talinum 3, Lythrum 3, Sterculia 5. Digynia-Agrimonia 2. Trigynia-Reseda 1, Euphorbia 60. Tetragynia-Calligonum 1, Aponogeton 2. Pentagynia-Glinus 1. Dodecagynia-Sempervivum 6.

ICOSANDRIA. 8 New genera have been added to this class. 217 New species of former genera have also been added. Monogynia-Cactus 4. Leptospermum 10. Metrosidoros 10;


of which the M. villosa and diffusa, were formerly the Melaleuca villosa and lucida; the M. angustifolia, is the Myrtus angustifolia of Lin. Psidium 5. Eugenia 21. Myrtus 20. Amygdalus 2. Prunus 16; of which the P. cerasifera was the variety of the Prunus domestica Lin. Digynia-Cratægus 11, PentagyniaMespilus 2. Pyrus 9. Tetragonia 4. Mesembryanthemum 32; of which the M. latum is the variety 3 of the M. linguiforme Lin.; the obliquum and longum, were the varieties y and d of the M. linguiforme Lin.; the M. caninum is the variety a of the M. ringens Lin.; the M. felinum, is the variety ẞ of the M. ringens Lin.; the M. striatum, is the variety of the M. trispidum Lin. Spirea 6. Polygynia-Rosa 17. Rubus 11. Fragaria 5; of which the elatior and chiloensis are the varieties 6 and y of the F. vesca of Lin. Potentilla 12. Geum 5.

POLYANDRIA-17 New Genera have been added to this class. Alangium 2.; one, the decapitatum, was the Grewia salvifolia Lin. Nelumbium 4; one of the species was the Nymphea Nelumbo Lin.; another, the N. luteum, was the variety s of the Nymphæa Nelumbo,

202 New Species have been added to this class.

nea 2.

Monogynia-Marcgravia 1. Ternstroemia 4. Capparis 17. Actæa 1. Chelidonium 1. Sarracenia 2. Nymphæa 3. SloaMammea 1. Ochna 1. Filia 2. Latia 2. Grewia 6. Eleocarpus 2. Lecythis 6. Mentzelia 1. Loasa 5. Lagerstroemia 3. Cistus 35. Prockia 3. Corchorus 6. DigyniaPæonia 4; of which the corallina was the variety 6 of the Officinalis Lin. Trigynia-Delphinium 4. Acenitum 8. Tetragynia -Titracera 10. Caryocar 2. Pentagynia-Aquilegia 1. Reaumuria 1. Polygynia-Dillenia 7. Lireodendron 2. Magnolia 4. Uvaria 9. Annona 9. Xylopia 1. Unona 3. Anemone 6. Atragene 2. Clematis 10. Thalictrum 7. Adonis 1. Ranunculus 17. Helleborus 3. Caltha 1.

DIDYNAMIA. Gymnosperma-21 Genera have been added to this class. Bystropogon 7; one of which, the B. pectinatum, is the Nepeta pectinata Lin.; the B. suaveolens is the Ballota suaveolens Lin.; the B. plumosum is the Mentha plumosa Lin.; and the B. canariensis, the Mentha canariensis Lin. Hyptis 4; one of them, the H. radiata, is the Clinopodium. Plectranthus 6. His P. punctatus is the Ocimum punctatum Lin, AngiospermaPontstimon 4; the P. pubescens is the Chelone ponstimon Lin. Spielmannia 1; Lantana Africana of Lin. Stemodia 5; one of which, viz. the S. durantifolia, is the Capraria durantifolia Lin. Ægenetia 1; the Orabana Ægenetia Lin. Achimenes 1; the Columnia longifolia Lin.

357 Species of former genera have been added to this class.Gymnosperma

Gymnosperma-Ajuga 1. Teucrium 34. Satureja 3. Thymbra 1. Hyssopus 1. Nepeta 11. Lavandula 2. Sideritis 9. Mentha 7. Lamium 5. Galopsis 1. Betonica 3. Stachys 11. Marrubium 3. Leonurus 2. Phlomis 14; one of which, the P. Italica, is the P. purpurea Lin. Mellucella 3. Clinopodium 1. Origanum 5. Thymus 11. Dracocephalum 4. Melitis 1. Ocimum 10. Scutellaria 2. Angiosperma-Rhinanthus 3. Euphrasia 5. Melampyrum 2. Pedicularis 17. Gerardia 3. Gerardia 3. Chelone 1. Gesneria 7. Anarrhinum 4. Antirrhinum 29. Martynia 1. Torenia 1. Besleria 4. Brunsfelsia 1. Scrophularia 9. Celsia 2. Hemimeris 2. Digitalis 3. Bignonia 35. Citharexylum 3. Halleria 1; the H. lucida Lin. Premna 1. Lantana 7. Cornutia 1. Capraria 3. Lindernia 2. Bucknera 5. Orobanche 10. Lippia 2. Sesamum 2. Mimulus 2. Ruellia 22. Barbaria 2. Valkameria 3. Clerodendrum 3. Thunbergia 1. Vitex 6. Amazonia 1. Avicennia 1. Collumnia 1. Acanthus 3. Melianthus 1.

TETRADYNAMIA. 3 Genera have been added to this class. Pugionium 1.; the Bunias cornuata Lin. Cakile 2; the one is the Bunias Cakile, and the other the Isatis Ægyptiaca Lin.

165 New species have been added to this class.

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Siliculosa-Myagrum 3. Bunias 4. Crambe 4. Isatis 1. Subularia 1. Draba 9. Lepidium 9. Thlapsi 1. Cochlearia 3. Iberis 7. Alyssum 12. Alyssum 12. Peltaria 1. Biscutella 4. Siliquosa-Dentaria 4. Cardamine 8. Sisymbria 25. Erisymum 8. Chionanthus 16. Heliophila 3. Hesperis 4. Arabis 9. Turritis 5. Brassica 12. Sinapis 6. Raphanus 4. Cleome 2.

MONADELPHIA. 10 New genera have been added to this class. Triandria-Galaxia 3; the G. ovata is the Ixia galaxia Lin.; and the G. graminea is the Ixia fugacissima of Lin. Pentandria-Erodium 5; one of which, viz. E. ciconium, is the Geranium ciconium Lin.; the Erodium moschatum, is the Geranium moschatum Lin.; and the E. chium, E. guttatum, E. glaucophylum, E. incarnatum, E. arduinum, E. malacoides, E. maritimum, belong to the genus Geranium of Lin. with the same trivial names. Heptandria-Pelargonium 120; one of the two genera into which the Geranium was divided, the Pelargonium, contains 81 new species. Octandria-Connarus 7. The C. Asiaticus is the C. monocarpus Lin.

246 New species of former genera have been added to this class. Triandria-Sisyrinchium 6; one of which, the S. anceps, is the S. Bermudiana Lin. Ferraria 2. Pentandria-Waltheria 3. Hermannia 19. Melochia 7. Passiflora 19. DecandriaHugonia 2. Geranium 13. Enneandria-Brownea 3. dria-Monsonia 2. Helicteris 2. Polyandria-Carolinia - 1,


Bombax 2. Sicta 7; one of which, the S. dioica in the Syst. Veg. is the Napæa scabra, and in the Sp. Pl. the Napæa dioica; and the S. hastata, is the variety s of the S. cristata Lin. Malachra 4. Althea 5. Malva 28. Lavatera 4. Malope 2. Urina 5. Gossypium 5. Hybiscus 36. Stuartia 1. Gordonia 3. Camellia 1. Gustavia 1.

DIADELPHIA. 23 New genera have been added to this class. Decandria-Amerimnum 5; one of which, the A. ebenus, is the Aspathulus ebenus of Lin. Rudelphia 2; one of them is the Erythrina planisiliqua Lin. Lebeckia 8; the L. contaminata, sepiaria, and cytesoides, are of the Genus Spartium, with the same trivial names. Rafwia 14; four of which, viz. the R. perfoliata, amplexicaulis, triflora, and opposita, belong to the Genus Crotolaria, with the same trivial names. Teramnus 2; one of them is the Dolichos uncinatus Lin. Stylosanthus 5; one of them, the S. procumbens, is the Hedysarum hamatum Lin. ; and the S. elatior is the Trifolium triflorum Lin. Hallia 8; one of which, viz. the H. cordata, is the Glycine monophylla Lin. Dorycinium 3; one, the D. monspeliense, is the Lotus Lorycinium Lin.

754 New Species of former genera have been added to this class. Hexandria-Fumaria 16; one of which, the F. Haleri, is the F. bulbosa Lin. ; and the F. parviflora is the F. spicata Lin. Octandria-Polygata 39. Securidaca 1. Decandria-Nissolia 1. Dallergia 5. Pterocarpus 3. Erythrina 8. Piscidia 2. Borbonia 2. Spartium 11. Genista 12. Aspathulus 37. Ulex 1. Amorpha 1. Crotallaria 26. Ononis 41. Anthyllis 8. Lupinus 9. Phaseolus 4. Dolichos 29. Glycine 30. Clitoria 1. Orobus 2. Lathyrus 16. Vicia 25. Ervum 1. Liparia 7. Cytisus 12. Geoffroya 2. Rebinia 12. Colutea 8. Glycyrrhiza 2. Coronilla 11. Ornithopus 1. Hippocrepis 1. Scorpiurus 1. Eschynomine 4. Hedysarum 59. Indigofera 25. Galega 23. Phaca 5. Astragalus 12; one of them, viz. the A. poterium, is the variety of the A. tragacantha Lin. Psoralia 10. Trifolium 25. Lotus 12. Trigonella 6. Medicago 15.

Hippocrepis 1.

POLYADELPHIA. 2 New genera have been added to this class. Dodicandria-Abroma 2; the A. augusta is the Theobroma augusta Lin.

64 New species have been added to this class. DecandriaTheobroma 1. Icosandria-Citrus 2. Melaleuca 9. Polyandria -Symplocos 1. Hypericum 49. Ascyrum 2.

SYNGENESIA. 71 New genera have been added to this class. Equalis-Arnopogon 4; one, the A. asper, is the Tragopogon asperum Lin. Helmintia 1; the Picris echioides Lin. Rothia 3; one, viz. the R. cheiranthifolia, the Andryala sinuata of the Sp. Pl. and the variety of the Andryala integerrifolia

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