صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ing the larvæ of wood-boring insects, although some of the species have been accused of feeding on the sap and young wood. The whippoorwill and night-hawk are beneficial as destroying multitudes of night-flying insects. Flycatchers, as their name implies, are beneficial as destroying flies and other insects, and even the king bird, also known as the bee bird, that acquired its name from the supposition of their destroying the honey bee, feeds also on other insects, as was proved by one sent by a farmer, who shot it suspiciously close to his bee-hive, which, when examined, was found to contain fifteen small leaf-eating beetles and not a vestige of a bee.

The thrushes feed on fruits, seeds, and insects. A common robin, although a great destroyer of cherries and other small fruits, yet, at certain seasons, feeds also on worms and insects. The stomach of a bluebird, shot in March, contained grasshoppers, and when feeding their young these birds may be observed carrying caterpillars and other insects to their nests. Swallows and martins are exceedingly useful in destroying multitudes of small insects flying in the air, such as gnats, mosquitoes, &c. Pigeons, turkeys, grouse, &c., feed principally upon seeds and grain, but some of them also feed partially upon insects. Cranes, plovers, &c., destroy many reptiles, slugs, and insects. Geese and ducks, though feeding principally on grain and vegetables, no doubt serve also to destroy many insects and small reptiles. It is, however, on our small insectivorous birds that we ought principally to rely as insect exterminators, and the American farmer should protect them by all the means in his power.

Mr. Florent Prévost, who collected and examined the stomachs of European birds for several years, comes to the conclusion that from his researches "birds are in general far more useful than hurtful to the agriculturist," and thus the mischief done at certain periods by the graineating species is largely compensated by the destruction of insects they effect at other periods. The collection of poultry is intended to exhibit the varieties of barn-yard fowls, ducks, &c., now in domestication in the United States and to exhibit the best breeds at present existing in our poultry yards, as likewise to show new or valuable foreign breeds of poultry which may be profitably introduced or crossed with our native birds for the production of eggs or for the table.


(Birds injurious by destroying fruits, seeds, &c., are distinguished by a smaller or larger black mark on the perch or label.)

3573. Hawk, Sparrow-hawk, Tinnunculus sparverius. 3574. Hawk, Goshawk, Astur atricapillus.

3575. Owl, Mottled, Scops asio.

3576. Owl, Short-eared, Brachyotus asio.

3577. Parakeet, Conurus carolinensis.

3578. Chapparel cock, Geococcyx californianus.
3579. Cuckoo, Yellow-bill, Coccygus americanus.
3580. Cuckoo, Black-bill, Coccygus erypthropthalmus.
3581. Woodpecker, Hairy, Picus villosus.

3582. Woodpecker, Downy, Picus pubescens.

3583. Woodpecker, Three-toed, Picoides arcticus.

3584. Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied, Sphyropicus varius.
3586-3587. Woodpecker, Red-bellied, Centurus carolinus.
3588-3590. Woodpecker, Red-headed, Melanerpes erythrocephalus.
3591. Woodpecker, Lewis, Melanerpes torquatus.

3592-3593. Black-woodcock, Hylotomus pileatus.

3594-3597. Flicker, High-hole or Yellow-shafted woodpecker, Colap tus auralus.

3598-3599. Flicker, Red-shafted, Colapies mexicanus.

3600-3603. Humming bird, Ruby-throated, Trochilus colubris.

3604-3606. Chimney swallow, Chatura pelasgia.

3607-3608. Whipporwill, Antrostomus vociferus.

3609-3610. Night Hawk, Chordeiles popetue.

3611-3612. Kingfisher, Belted, Ceryle (Megaceryle) alcyon. 3613-3614. Kingbird, Tyrannus carolinensis.

3615-3616. Flycatcher, Great-crested, Myiarchus crinitus. 3617-3618. Peewee, Sayornus fuscus.

3619. Peewee, Wood, Contopus borealis.

3620. Peewee, Least, (or flycatcher) Empidonax minimus. 3621. Flycatcher, Small green-crested, Empidonax acadicus. 3622. Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied, Empidonax flaviventris. 3623-3624. Thrush, Wood, Turdus mustelinus.

3625. Thrush, Hermit, Turdus pallasi.

3626. Thrush, Gray-cheeked, Turdus alicia.

3627-3630. Robin, Turdus migratorus and albinus. 3631. Robin, Varied, Turdus pavius.

3632. Bluebird, Sialia sialis.

3633. Bluebird, Western, Sialia mexicana.

3634. Bluebird, Rocky Mountain, Sialia arctica. 3635-3636. Wren, Gold-crested, Regalus satrapa. 3637. Wren, Ruby-crested, Regula calendula.

3638. Titlark, Anthus ludovicianus.

3639-3640. Creeper, Black and white, Mniotilta varia.

3641. Warbler, Blue yellow-back, Parula americana.

3642. Warbler, Maryland or Yellow-throat, Geothlypis trichas. 3643. Warbler, Kentucky, Oporornis formosus.

3644. Chat, Yellow-breasted, Icteria viridis.

3645. Warbler, Worm-eating, Helmitherus vermivorus.

3646. Warbler, Blue-winged yellow, Helminthopaga pinus.

3647. Warbler, Gold-winged, Helminthopaga chrysoptera.
3648. Warbler, or Crowned, Helminthopaga celata.
3649. Thrush, Water, Seiurus noveboracensis.

3650. Thrush, Gold crowned, Seiurus aurocapillus.
3651. Thrush, Water, large-bellied, Seiurus ludovicianus.
3652. Warbler, Black-throated green, Dendroica virens.
3653. Warbler, Black-throated blue, Dendroica canadensis.
3654. Warbler, Yellow-rump, Dendroica coronata.

3655. Warbler, Audubon's, Dendroica audubonii.
3656. Warbler, Blackburn, Dendroica blackburnii.

3657. Warbler, Bay-breasted, Dendroica castanea. 3658. Warbler, Pine-creeping, Dendroica pini.

3659. Warbler, Chestnut-sided, Dendroica pennsylvanica. 3660. Warbler, Blue, Dendroica cærulea.

3660. Warbler, Black-poll, Dendroica striata.

3661. Warbler, Black and Yellow, Dendroica maculosa.
3662. Warbler, Cape May, Dendroica tigrina.

3663. Warbler, Yellow-poll, Dendroica palmarum.
3664. Warbler, Yellow-throated, Dendroica superciliosa.
3665. Warbler, Prairie, Dendroica discolor.

3666. Flycatcher, Green black cap, Myiodioctes pusillus.
3667. Flycatcher, Canada, Myiodioctes canadensis.

3668. Redstart, Setophaga ruticilla.

3669-3670. Tanager, Scarlet, Pyranga rubra.

3671-3672. Tanager, or Summer red-bird, Pyranga æstiva.

3673. Tanager, Louisiana, Pyranga ludoviciana.

3674. Swallow, Barn, Hirundo horreorum.

3675. Swallow, Cliff, Hirundo lunifrons.

3676. Swallow, Bank, Cotyle riparia.

3677. Swallow, Martin purple, Progne purpurea.

3678. Waxwing, Ampelis garrulus.

3679. Cedar bird, Ampelis cedrorum.

3680. Shrike, Great Northern, or butcher bird, Collureo borealis. 3681. Butcher bird or shrike, white rumped, Collureo excubitoroides.

3682. Flycatcher, Warbling, Vireo gilvus.

3683. Flycatcher, Red-eyed, Vireo olivaceus.

3684. Flycatcher, White-eyed, Vireo noveboracensis.

3685. Flycatcher, Blue-headed, Vireo solitarius.

3686. Mocking bird, Mimus pollyglottus.

3687. Catbird, Mimus Carolinensis.

3688-3689. Thrush, Brown, Harporhynchus rufus.

3690-3691. Wren, Great Carolina, Triothorus ludovicianus. 3692-3693. Wren, Long bellied marsh, Cistothorus palustris. 3694. Wren, Short-bellied, Cistothorus stellaris.

3695-3696. Wren, House, Troglodytes aedon.

3697-3698. Wren, Winter, Anorthura hyemalis.

3699. Creeper, Certhia americana.

3700-3701. Nuthatch, White-bellied, Sitta carolinensis.
3702-3703. Nuthatch, Red-bellied, Sitta canadensis.
3704. Flycatcher, Blue gray, Polioptila cerulea.
3705. Titmouse, Tufted, Lophophanes bicolor.
3706. Titmouse, Black-cap, Parus atricapillus.
3707-3708. Skylark, Eremophila cornuta.
3709-3710. Grosbeak, Pinicola canadensis.
3711-3712. Finch, Purple, Carpodacus purpureus.
3713. Finch, House, Carpodacus frontalis.
3711-3716. Yellow bird, Chrysomitris tristis.
3717-3718. Finch, Pine or Silken, Chrysomitris pinus.
3719-3721. Cross bill, Red, Curvirostra americana.
3722-3723. Cross bill, White wing, Curvirostra leucoptera.
3724-3725. Red poll, Lesser, Egiothus linarius.

3726. Snow bunting, Plectrophanes nivalis.

3727-3728. Lapland, Long-spur, Centrophanes lapponicus.
3729. Sparrow, Savanna, Passerculus savanna.
3730. Finch, Grass, Poocates gramineus.

3731. Sparrow, Yellow-winged, Coturniculus passerinus.
3732. Finch, Sea-side, Amodromus maritimus.
3733. Finch, Lark, Chondestes grammaca.

3734. Sparrow, White-crown, Zonotrichia leucophrys.
3735. Sparrow, Gambles, Zonotrichia gambeli.
3736. Sparrow, White-throat, Zonotrichia albicollis.
3737-3739. Snow bird, Junco hyemalis.
3740-3741. Sparrow, Tree, Spizella monticola.
3742. Sparrow, Field, Spizella pusilla.

3743-3744. Sparrow, Chipping, Spizella socialis.
3745-3746. Sparrow, Song, Melospiza melodia.
3747-3748. Sparrow, Lincoln's, Melospiza lincolnii.
3749-3750. Sparrow, Swamp, Melospiza palustris.
3751-3752. Sparrow, Fox-colored, Passerella iliaca.
3753. Bunting, Black-throat, Euspiza americana.
3754. Grosbeak, Blue, Guiraca cærulea.

3755. Grosbeak, Rose-breasted, Guiraca ludoviciana. 3756. Bunting, Painted, Cyanospiza ciris.

3757. Indigo bird, Cyanospizac yanea.

3758. Redbird, Cardinalis virginianus.

3759. Ground robin (Towhee), Pipilo erythropthalmus.

3760. Finch, Greentailed, Pipilo chlorurus.

3761-3763. Bobolink, Reed or Rice bird, Dolichonyx oryzivorus.

3764. Cowbird, Molothrus pecoris.

3765-3767. Black bird, Swamp or Red-winged, Agelaias phæniceus. 3768-3769. Black bird, Yellow-head, Xanthocephalus icterocephalus. 3770-3772. Lark, Meadow, Sturnella magna.

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3773. Lark, Western, Sturnella neglecta. 3771-3772. Oriole, Orchard, Icterus spurius. 3773. Oriole, Baltimore, Icterus baltimore.

3774. Oriole, Bullock's, Icterus bullockii.

3775-3776. Blackbird, Rusty, Scolecophagus ferrugineus. 3777. Blackbird, Brewer's, Scolecophagus cyanocephalus. 3778-3779. Grakle, Boat-tail, Guncalis major.

3780. Blackbird, Crow, Quiscalus versicolor.

3781-3782. Crow, common American, Corvus americanus.

3783. Crow, common American, Corvus americanus (part white). 3784. Crow, Fish crow, Corvus ossifragus.

3785. Magpie, Pica hudsonica.

3786-3787. Jay, Blue-crested, Cyanura cristata.

3788. Jay, Stellar's, Cyanura stelleri.

3789-3790. Jay, Canada (or Whiskey Jack), Perisoreus canadensis.

3791-3792. Geese, Bremen.


3793-3794. Geese, Chinese, white.

3795-3796. Geese, Canadian or wild-domesticated. 3797. Geese, Brant, wild.


3798-3799. Wild Duck, Red Head.

3800-3801. Wild Duck, Canvass-back.

3802-3805. Wild Duck, Black or Dusky. Origin of one variety of domestic duck.

3806-3807. Wild Duck, Mallard. Origin of one variety of domestic duck. 3808-3809. Wild Duck, Summer or Wood-semi-domesticated.

3810-3811. Wild Duck, Mandarine, from China.

3812-3813. Wild Duck, Muscovy, from South America.

3814-3815. Wild Duck, Muscovy, domestic.

3816-3818. Duck Mallard, domesticated and improved (Rouen).

3819-3848. Duck, crosses between domestic and Young Dutch and Wild

Mallard, or the Wild Black.

3849-3850. Duck, White Aylesbury.

3851-3852. Duck, Black Cayuga.


3853-3854. Turkey, Wild Virginia. 3855. Turkey, Wild New Mexican.

3856-3857. Turkey, Bronze.

3858-3859. Turkey, White.


3860-3861. Pea-fowl, common.

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