Some rich Philiftian matron fhe may feem, 724 Samf. My Wife, my Trait'refs, let her not come near me. (fix'd, Chor. Yet on fhe moves, now ftands and eyes thee About t' have spoke, but now, with head declin'd Like a fair flow'r furcharg'd with dew, fhe weeps, And words addrefs'd feem into tears diffolv'd, Wetting the borders of her filken veil: But now again she makes address to speak. 730 Dal. With doubtful feet and wavering refolution 735 I came, ftill dreading thy difplea fure, Samfon, Once more thy face, and know of thy estate, 740 To lighten what thou fuffer'ft, and appease Samf. Out, out Hyæna; these are thy wonted arts, And And arts of every woman falfe like thee, To break all faith, all vows, deceive, betray, 750 And reconcilement move with feign'd remorse, Her husband, how far urg'd his patience bears, 755 His virtue or weakness which way to affail: That wifest and best men full oft beguil'd, With goodness principled not to reject 760 The penitent, but ever to forgive, Are drawn to wear out miserable days, 765 Dal. Yet hear me, Samfon; not that I endevor To leffen or extenuate my offense, But that on th' other fide if it be weigh'd By' itself, with aggravations not surcharg'd, 770 The easier towards me, or thy hatred less. 775 Το To publish them, both common female faults: Wherein confifted all thy ftrength and safety? 780 Nor fhould't thou have trufted that to woman's 791 In human hearts, nor lefs in mine tow'ards thee Of fancy, fear'd left one day thou would'ft leave me 800 Against thee but fafe cuftody, and hold: That made for me; I knew that liberty Would draw thee forth to perilous enterprises, 810 While I at home fat full of cares and fears, 805 As thou art strong, inflexible as steel. If thou in ftrength all mortals dost exceed, 815 Samf. How cunningly the forceress displays Her own tranfgreffions, to upbraid me mine? 820 That malice not repentance brought thee hither, By this appears: I gave, thou say'st, th' example, I led the way; bitter reproach, but true; I to myself was false ere thou to me; 825 Take to thy wicked deed; which when thou seeft Impartial, felf-fevere, inexorable, 830 Thou wilt renounce thy seeking, and much rather Inceftuous, facrilegious, but may plead it? Knowing, as needs I muft, by thee betray'd? 840 Dal. Since thou determin'ft weakness for no plea In man or woman, though to thy own condemning, Here what affaults I had, what fnares befides, 845 What fieges girt me round, ere I confented ; Which might have aw'd the best refolv'd of men, The conftanteft, to' have yielded without blame. It was not gold, as to my charge thou lay'ft, That wrought with me: thou know'ft the magiftrates And princes of my country came in perfon, 851 Solicited, commanded, threaten'd, urg'd, Adjur'd by all the bonds of civil duty And of religion, prefs'd how juft it was, How honorable, how glorious to intrap A common enemy, who had destroy'd Such numbers of our nation: and the priest Was not behind, but ever at my ear, Preaching how meritorious with the Gods It would be to infnare an irreligious 855 860 |