Married to immortal verse, 140 HE The brood of folly without father bred, How little you bested, Or fill'd the fixed mind with all your toys? Dwell in fome idle brain, And fancies fond with gaudy shapes possess, As thick and numberless As the gay motes that people the fun-beams, Or likeft hovering dreams 5 The The fickle pensioners of Morpheus train. But hail thou Goddefs, fage and holy, Hail divinest Melancholy, ΙΟ Whose faintly visage is too bright To hit the sense of human sight, And therefore to our weaker view 15 O'er-laid with black, ftaid wisdom's hue; Prince Memnon's sister might beseem, Black, but fuch as in efteem Or that starr'd Ethiop queen that strove To set her beauties praise above The Sea-Nymphs, and their pow'rs offended: Thee bright-har'd Vesta long of yore To folitary Saturn bore; His daughter she (in Saturn's reign, 20 25 30 35 Over thy decent shoulders drawn. Сс Come, ப Come, but keep thy wonted state, With even step, and musing gate, And looks commercing with the skies, With a fad leaden downward caft 40, Thou fix them on the earth as faft: And join with thee calm Peace and Quiet, 45 Spare Fast, that oft with Gods doth diet, Ay round about Jove's altar fing: Him that yon foars on golden wing, 50 55 And miffing thee, I walk unseen Like one that had been led aftray Through the Heav'n's wide pathless way, 65 70 75 85 Or let my lamp at midnight hour, Be seen in some high lonely tow'r, The spirit of Plato to unfold What worlds, or what vaft regions hold The immortal mind that hath forfook Her mansion in this fleshly nook: Cc 2 90 And And of those Demons that are found In fire, air, flood, or under ground, 95 100 105 Such notes, as warbled to the string, Drew iron tears down Pluto's cheek, And made Hell grant what love did seek. The story of Cambuscan bold, Of Camball, and of Algarfife, And who had Canace to wife, 'That own'd the virtuous ring and glass, And if ought else great bards befide In fage and folemn tunes have fung, Of turneys and of trophies hung, Of forests, and inchantments drear, Where more is meant than meets the ear. |