Bruis'd, and afflicted, and fo low As ready to expire, While I thy terrors undergo Astonish'd with thine ire. 61 16 Thy fierce wrath over me doth flow, Thy threatnings cut me through: 17 All day they round about me go, Like waves they me pursue. 18 Lover and friend thou haft remov'd, And fever'd from me far: They fly me now whom I have lov'd, And as in darkness are. 65 70 A Paraphrafe on PSA L. CXIV. This and the following Pfalm were done by the Author at W fifteen years old. HEN the bleft feed of Terah's faithful fon And past from Pharian fields to Canaan land, 5 Why 15 Why fled the ocean? And why skipt the mountains? LE Praife the Lord, for he is kind, Let us blaze his name abroad, For of Gods he is the God; For his &c. O let us his praises tell, Who doth the wrathful tyrants quell. For his &c. Who with his miracles doth make Amazed Heav'n and Earth to shake. For his &c. Who by his wisdom did create Who did the folid earth ordain To rise above the watry plain. For his &c. Who by his all-commanding might Did fill the new-made world with light. For his &c... And caus'd the golden-tressed sun, 25 All the day long his course to run. 30 For his &c. The horned moon to shine by night, The floods stood still like walls of glass, While the Hebrew bands did pass. For his &c. But full foon they did devour The tawny king with all his power. For his &c. His chosen people he did bless In the wafteful wilderness. For his &c. 50 55 60 In And large-limb'd Og he did subdue, For his &c. 65 70 All living creatures he doth feed, And with full hand supplies their need. For his &c. Let us therefore warble forth His mighty majesty and worth. For his &c. That his mansion hath on high eye. For his mercies ay indure, Ever faithful, ever sure. Rr 80 85 90 95 |