صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

But when She, by change, hath got
To her heart, a second lot;

Then, if others share with me,
Farewell, her! whate'er She be!

I SAW my Lady weep!
And Sorrow proud! to be advanced so
In those fair eyes, where all perfections keep.
Her face was full of Woe!

But such a Woe (believe me!) as wins more hearts
Than Mirth can do, with her inticing parts!

Sorrow was there made fair!

And Passion, wise! Tears, a delightful thing!
Silence, beyond all Speech, a wisdom rare!
She made her sighs to sing;

And all things, with so sweet a sadness move;
As made my heart, at once, both grieve and love!

O, fairer than aught else

The world can show! leave off in time to grieve! Enough! enough! your joyful look excels!

Tears kill the heart, believe!

O, strive not to be excellent in Woe;
Which only breeds your beauty's overthrow!



JOLLY Shepherd, Shepherd on a hill,
On a hill so merrily,

On a hill so cheerily,

Fear not, Shepherd, there to pipe thy fill!
Fill every dale! fill every plain!
Both sing, and say, 'Love feels no pain!'

Jolly Shepherd, Shepherd on a green,
On a green so merrily,

On a green so cheerily,

Be thy voice shrill! be thy mirth seen!
Heard to each Swain! seen to each Trull!
Both sing, and say, 'Love's joy is full!'

Jolly Shepherd, Shepherd in the sun,
In the sun so merrily,

In the sun so cheerily,

Sing forth thy songs! and let thy rhymes run Down to the dales, from the hills above!

Both sing, and say, 'No life, to Love!

Jolly Shepherd, Shepherd in the shade,
In the shade so merrily,

In the shade so cheerily,

Joy in thy life, life of Shepherd's trade!
Joy in thy love! love full of glee!
Both sing, and say, 'Sweet Love for me!'

Jolly Shepherd, Shepherd here or there,
Here or there so merrily,

Here or there so cheerily,

Or in thy chat, either at thy cheer,
In every jig, in every lay,

Both sing, and say, 'Love lasts for aye!'

Jolly Shepherd! Shepherd, DAPHNIS' Love!

DAPHNIS' Love so merrily,

DAPHNIS' Love so cheerily,

Let thy fancy never more remove!
Fancy be fixed; fixed not to fleet!

Still sing, and say, 'Love's yoke is sweet!'



TUNE on my pipe, the praises of my Love!
Love fair and bright!

Fill earth with sound, and airy heavens above,
Heavens, Jove's delight,

With DAPHNIS' praise!

To pleasant Tempe groves and plains about,
Plains, Shepherds' pride!
Resounding echoes of her praise ring out!
Ring far and wide

My DAPHNIS praise!

When I begin to sing, begin to sound!
Sound loud and shrill!

Do make each note unto the skies rebound!
Skies calm and still,

With DAPHNIS' praise!

Her Tresses are like wires of beaten gold!
Gold bright and sheen!

Like NISUS' golden hair, that SCYLLA polled!
SCYLL. o'erseen,

Through MINOs' love.

Her Eyes like shining lamps, in midst of night!
Night dark and dead;

Or as the stars, that give the seamen light!
Light for to lead

Their wand'ring ships.

Amidst her Cheeks, the rose and lily strive,
Lily snow-white;

When their contend doth make their colour thrive,
Colour too bright

For Shepherds' eyes!

Her Lips like scarlet of the finest dye!
Scarlet blood-red.

Teeth white as snow, which on the hills doth lie,
Hills overspread
By winter's force.

Her Skin as soft as is the finest silk!
Silk soft and fine:

Of colour like unto the whitest milk!
Milk of the kine

Of DAPHNIS' herd.

As swift of Foot as is the pretty roe!
Roe swift of pace,

When yelping hounds pursue her to and fro;
Hounds fierce in chase,

To 'reave her life.

Cease, tongue! to tell of any more compares!
Compares too rude!

APHNIS' deserts and beauty are too rare!
Then here, conclude

Fair DAPHNIS' praise!

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