صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Fond, 181, 256, &c., foolish.
Fondlings, 141, foolish per-


Forestall, 37, to rig the
market; to make a corner'
of any article, by buying up
all the available supplies,
and so raising the price.
Fore-wit, 59, foresight.
Sweetly were forsworn, 16,
perjured, faithless.
France, 274-

Francke J. Fletcher), 209.
Frettished, 69, benumbed.
Frolic, 189, 253, &c., joyous,

Is froward, 260, perverse,

Go full bare, 74, very scantily

Fuller, D.D.; T., 202.

[blocks in formation]


No date, 136, no end.
Davies, Sir J., 27-38.
Davison, F., 121-127.
Davison, W., 128, 129.
Decker, T., 189, 190.
[? Deloney, T.], 108-110.
Demurs, 59, delays.
Depaint, 25, paint.
Desire, 150, 151, &c., love

Desire, 150, 151, &c., the
same personified.
Devereux, Earl of Essex;
R., 84, 85.

Diaphenia (H. Constable,


Dick the Shepherd (W.

Shakespeare), 2..
Ding, dong, bell! 1, 3, an
imitation of the sound of a

[blocks in formation]

Fall of Leaf, 51, 135, 244,


Fancy, 75, 84, &c., another
name for Love.
Fantasy, 24, imagination.
Faustus (Sir W. Ralegh),
152, 153.

Full featously, 253, very

Field, 25, 75, &c., the battle-

Give them the fig, 145, to
make a contemptuous ges-

Fletcher, J., 16, 201, 203,

Fletcher the Elder, LLD.;
G., 39-41.
Fletcher the Younger, B.D.;
G., 291-294..
Fligg, 60, fled away.

Gallus, C. C., 16.
Gan, 181, began.
Gascoigne, G., 22.

Glass, 94, a looking-glass.
The gluve, 179, the glove.
God wot! 18, 70, &c., God

Goodwin Sands, 246.
Gordon, Earl of Huntley;
G., 179, 180.

Gower, J., 22.

Grace is said, 55, grace after


Greville, Lord Brooke ; F.,


Grovy hills, 232, hills with

groves of trees on them.
Guiderius (W. Shakespeare),


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

My Love, the Lady, or
Gentleman, I love.

My love, the love I have for
that person.

Lover, a man who loves a
Also called, Ser-


vant, True Love.
So many Loves, 248, Lovers.
Whose Loves are dead, 208,

The old Loves, 234, the

Beauties of ancient Times.
Keep our loves, 139, preserve
our mutual affection.
Lucrece, 23, 32.

Lazy luskings, 67, idlers.
A lute, 21, 197, 198, a musical
instrument like a guitar, or
a mandolin.

Luve, 179, Lover.
Lycoris (Anon.), 225.
Lycoris (Anon.), 265.

With his main house-jest,
202, with his stock joke.
The Man in the Moon, 199.
The fine marchpine = march-

pane, 253, a kind of almond
Mardocheus, 63, Mordecai.
Marian (W. Shakespeare), 3.
Marlow, C., 133, 134.
Mary-buds, 9, Marigolds.
Mary, The Blessed Virgin,

May, 68, 70, May games.
A Maying, 45, 265, gathering,
especially on May Day, the
hawthorn; called May, be
cause it blooms in that

A Mean, 56, a medium, as
the Golden Mean.

Melibœus (Sir W. Ralegh),

152, 153.

Old Melibœus (Anon.), 81.
Memnon's rock, 39, on the

'Mends, 180, amends.
Love is merchandised! 8,

Mermaid Tavern, in Bread
Street, London, 201-203.
Feathers he meweth, 258,

Mickle, 253, great.
Midas, 269.

O', 7, 188, &c., of.
Old Law, 180, the Mosaic

Orient pearl, 64, brilliant,
pellucid, lustrous.

An orpèd swine, 115, stout,
Orpheus, 14.
O' th', 7, of the.
Outlandish spirits, 37, men
who have travelled.
Owe, 207, own.

Milken hill, 159, one feeding Owe also means, not to own,


Milton, J., 203.

Miniver, 255, a mixed fur.
Minos, 166.

Mistress, always, in this
Series, in a good sense; with
its many equivalents, such
as, sweet Heart! dear Joy!
Saint! dearest Shepherdling!
sweet Shepherdling! Sove-
reign! fair Sweet! pretty
Sweeting! sweet Virgin! &c.,

Molten, 160, melted.

Round Morrises dance, 66,
Moulted, 45, melted.

Murray, Earl of-see Stew-
art, J.

Murray, Sir D., 226–228.




Musket eglantine, 290.

Myrrha, 113, 114.

Nae, 188, no.


[blocks in formation]

to be indebted.

P., S.-see Pavy, S.
Palinode, 122, a poetical re-
cantation, or retractation.
Palmer, 159, 161, a pilgrim
who had returned from the
Holy Land, with a palm-

Paly, 139, pale.
King Pandion, 20.
Panglory the Enchantress,

Paphos, 111, in Cyprus.
Paramour, 257, Lover.
Parcel of his pomp, 64, a por-

Parnassus, 25.
Parson's saw, 3, his sermon.
Parthenope (B. Barnes), 67,


Passion, predilection, habi-
tude. The ruling Passion
strong in death.'
Passion, emotion, not neces-
sarily of love. It might also
be of anger, grief, zeal, &c.
Passion, Passions, 47, 54,
&c., anxieties of mind and
agonies of soul through love
for one of the opposite sex.

[blocks in formation]


Phillis (T. Heywood), 295,

Phillis T. Lodge), 91, 92.
Daisies pied,2,party-coloured.
Pierian spring, 50, a spring
in Pieria, haunted by the

A pile of steel, 69, 261, a point.
Plaguy hide, 285, vexatious,
troublesome, annoying.

Plaint, 48, complaint.
His plate, 64. Silver plate is
Did plate = plait, 94, to in-
terweave gold with golden
Play-feres, 145, playmates.


Bloody Brother, 16, by J.
Merchant of Venice, 5, 6,
by W. Shakespeare.
A melting pleasance, 44, de-
light, enjoyment, pleasure.
Plies the box, 72, creeps close
by the side of that shrub.

Epistles, 23, M. Drayton's
England's Heroical Epis-
Fairy Queen, 23, by E.

Furies, 22, King James'
translation from G. de
Saluste du Bartas.
Iliads, 201, of Homer.
Lepanto, 22, King James'
Lucrece, 23, W. Shake

speare's Rape of Lucrece.

Psalms, 201; by which is
here intended Sternhold
and Hopkins' metrical ver-
sion of 1549.
Rosamond, 23, by S.Daniel.
Satires, 275, G. Wither's
Abuses stript and whipt.
Venus, 23, W.Shakespeare's

Venus and Adonis.
White Rose and the Red,
23, S.Daniel's Civil Wars.
Poopen, 67, piped.
Popinjay, 255, parrot.
'Pothecary's bill, 37, the
apothecary's prescription.
Old Priam's town, 46, Troy.
Prick the path, 193, trace,

Prune = preen, 297, to trim,

Doth quail, 182, slacken.
Quaint and gent, 181, elegant
and refined.
Quat, 228, quitted.

Queen's Love, 179, Lover of
Anne (of Denmark), Queen
of Scotland.
Quicksedge = quickset, 93,
living plants set to grow as
a hedge.
Quires, 12, Choirs.

An old wife's rail, 183.
Ralegh, Sir W., 135, 147-

Raught, 68, reached, seized.
'Re = are, as in Ye're.
'Reave, 167, bereave.
Dost such religion use, 214,
dost offer such homage.
Hearts renying, 18, renounc-

A rest held up at tennis, 202,
the quick return of the ball.
Rome, 274.
Rosalind, 257.

Rosamond, 23, 233.
Roundelay, 120, a song.
Roundelays, 26. This word
is here applied to the music
of birds.

The Rounds, 228, the Spheres.
Rowlands, S., 283-285.
Russell, Countess of Bed-
ford; L., 222.
Grey russet (= a reddish-
brown colour), 266, a home-
spun gown.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


She, the emphatic feminine
Personal Pronoun,
where the poetical name of
the Lady does not occur.
Shepherd Tony, 181-187.
My shoe did wring, 38, I
had family discomforts.
Shoon, 9, shoes.
The veriest shrew, 37, scold,
Shroud, 64, to cover.
Sidney, Sir P., 22.
Silly beasts, 64, harmless.
A silly point, 247, a simple
slight point.

Silly Swain, 240, simple-
hearted, guileless.

Silvia (W. Shakespeare), 10.
Fraternity of Sirenaical
Gentlemen, 203.

Noble Sirenaicks! 203.
Slaw, 255, slew.

Sleights, 118, crafts, strata-

gems, deceit.

Sipp'ry, 246, slippery.
Smith, W., 83.

To sell...smoke, 36, to give,
for money, mere words and
no deeds; when an affair
ends in smoke.
Solomon, King, 62.

Came sounding, 180, thun-

Southwell, S.J.; Rev. R.,

Spain, 274:

Spenser, E., 21, 23, 42-44.
Almost starved, 69, perished

from cold.

My stayless thoughts, 45,

In stead, 182, of any service.
Stellified, 32, made a star.
Stench, 292, stanch.
Stewart, Earl of Murray;
J., 179, 180.

Stours, 87, occasions.
Strephon (F. Davison), 122-

[blocks in formation]

Sutcliff,-, 201.

Swound, 115, a swoon.
Swounded, 87, swooned.
Sylvester, J., 268-271.

T97, to.

'T, 206, it.

White Table, 31, ivory
tablets for making notes

Ta'en, 26, taken.

Come, take away, 55, come,
clear the table!

Tantal's, 269, Tantalus.
Tempe, 166.

Temper colours, 26, mix.
Tennis, 202.

A Tent, 198, probe.

Th', 7, 14, &c., the.
The Thames, 246.
Tho, 145, then.
Thrall, 171, bond slave.
Thralled, 228, enslaved.
Three-Men's Songs,


190; afterwards corrupted
into Freemen's Songs.
The Threstlecock, 186, the
male thrush.
Thro', 188, through.
Thunderstone, 7, an aero-


Thyrsis (W. Browne), 279,

Tib (T. Campion), 239.
In tickle points, 157, nice,
delicate, critical.

Tihee again, 80, a scoffing
Time, 211, Thyme.

Tiring Houses, 149, the
dressing-rooms in a theatre.
'Tis, 196, 244, &c., it is.
Tofte, R., 93, 94.
Tom (T. Campion), 239.
Tom (W. Shakespeare), 2.
A league is took, 4, taken.
Sir Topas, 253.

Her old train, 193, tricks,

His trains, 89, 90, treachery,

Will tread a dance, 207, in a
round, 213, a slow movement
in dancing.

[blocks in formation]

W., A., 135, 168-178.
Wae, 179, woe.

Clothes made out of wax, 287,
? well-fitting.

Walsingham, 147, in Nor-

Wards, 28, Wards in Chan-


Wards, 63, defences.

The waters warp, 15, move,

Ways, 2, roads and paths.
My weal, 181, being well off.
Webster, J., 275.

Simple weed, 64, clothes.
Weeds of woe, 175, mourn-
ing garments.

Wend thee, 113, turn thee.
Westminster Abbey, Lon-
don, 200.

What-call Hill, 192, Wood,
193, such and such a Hill,

To whet, 90, sharpen.
His White, 259. In Archery,
the white centre of the target.
Whooped, 257, shouted.
Wi', 179, with.

Wight, 51, a human being.
Wisdom, R., 201.

Wiselier, 17, the more wisely.
Wither, G., 272-275.
Woned, dwelt.

Wootton, 164-167.

Wotton, Sir H., 298-300.

Yconed, 253, taught.
Ycured, 88, cured.
Yeaffe a yaffe! 193, a repre-
sentation of the cry of the
Ye're, 188, ye are.
Yond, 185, yonder.
Ywrought, 253, made.

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