صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

comme orateur populaire. Paris, 1858. ABBÉ ROCHET: Histoire de S. Jean Chrysostome. Paris, 1866. 2 vols. Tн. FÖRSTER: Chrysostomus in seinem Verhältniss zur antiochenischen Schule. Gotha, 1869. W. MAGGILVRAY: John of the Golden Mouth. Lond., 1871. AM. THIERRY : S. J. Chrysostome et l'imperatrice Eudoxie. 2d ed. Paris, 1874. BÖHRINGER: Johann Chrysostomus und Olympias, in his K. G. in Biogr., vol. ix., new ed., 1876. W. R. W. STEPHENS: St. Chrysostom: his Life and Times. London, 1872; 2d ed., 1880. E. VENABLES, in Smith and Wace, i. 518–535. (Mostly from Stephens.) C. BURK, in Herzog,' iii. 225-231. E. DANDIRAN, in Lichtenberger, iii. 165–176.

Page 942, line 14. Add to Lit. on Cyril of Alex. :

A new ed. of Cyril's works, including his Com. on the Minor Prophets, the Gospel of John, the Five Books against Nestorius, the Scholia on the Incarnation, etc., was prepared with great pains by PHILIP PUSEY (son of Dr. Pusey). Oxf., 1868-81. In 5 vols. Engl. trans. in the Oxford "Library of the Fathers." 1874 sqq. See an interesting sketch of Ph. Pusey (d. 1880) and his ed. in the "Church Quarterly Review" (London), Jan., 1883, pp. 257–291.

Page 942, line 24. Add:

HEFELE: Conciliengesch., vol. ii., revised ed. (1875), where Cyril figures very prominently, pp. 135, 157, 167 sqq., 247 sqq., 266 sqq., etc. C. BURK, in Herzog, iii. 418 sq. W. BRIGHT: St. Cyrillus of Al., in Smith and Wace, i. 763–773.


Page 950. Add to Lit. on Ephræm:

Evangelii Concordantis Expositio facta a S. Ephraemo Doctore Syro. Venet., 1876. (A Commentary on Tatian's Diatessaron, found in the Mechitarist Convent at Venice in an Armenian translation, translated into Latin, 1841, by Aucher, and published with an introduction by Prof. Mösinger of Salzburg.) Comp. also the art. Ephræm, in Herzog,' iv. 255–261 (by Rödiger, revised by Spiegel). In Smith and Wace, ii. 137-145 (by E. Venables).

Page 955. Add to Lit. on Lactantius :

English translation by W. FLETCHER, in Clark's "Ante-Nicene Library,” vols. xxi. and xxii. Edinb., 1871. For an estimate of his literary merits, see EBERT: Gesch. der christl. lat. Lit. Leipz., 1874 sqq., vol. i. 70-86. EBERT, in Herzog,' viii. 364–366. FFOULKES, in Smith and Wace, iii. 613–617.


Page 959, line 9. Add to Lit. on Hilary of Poitiers:

REINKENS: Hilarius von Poitiers. Schaffhausen, 1864. SEMISCH, in
Herzog, vi. 416-427. CAZENOVE, in Smith and Wace, ii. 54-66, and
his St. Hilary of Poitiers. Lond., 1883. (Soc. for Promot. Christian

Page 961. Add to Lit. on Ambrose :

BANNARD: Histoire de S. Ambroise. Paris, 1871. EBERT: Gesch. der christl. lat. Lit., i. 135-176 (1874). ROBINSON THORNTON: St. Ambrose: his Life, Times, and Teaching. Lond., 1879, 215 pages (Soc. for Promoting Christ. Knowledge). PLITT, in Herzog, i. 331-335. J. LL. DAVIES, in Smith and Wace, i. 91-99. CUNITZ, in Lichtenberger, i. 229-232. On the hymns of Ambrose, comp. especially Ebert, l. c.

Page 967. Add to Lit. on Jerome:

AMÉDÉE THIERRY: St. Jérôme, la société chrétienne à Rome et l'emigration romaine en terre sainte. Par., 1867. 2 vols. (He says at the close: "There is no continuation of Jerome's work; a few more letters of Augustine and Paulinus, and night falls on the West.") LUEBECK: Hieronymus quos noverit scriptores et ex quibus hauserit. Leipzig, 1872. EBERT: Gesch. der christl. lat. Lit. Leipz., 1874 sqq., i. 176–203 (especially on the Latinity of Jerome, in which he places him first among the fathers). EDWARD L. CUTTS: St. Jerome. London, 1877 (Soc. for Promot. Chr. Knowledge), 230 pages. ZÖCKLER, in Herzog,' vi. 103-108: CUNITZ, in Lichtenberger, vii. 243–250. FREEMANTLE, in Smith and Wace, iii. 29-50. ("Jerome lived and reigned for a thousand years. His writings contain the whole spirit of the church of the middle ages, its monasticism, its contrast of sacred things with profane, its credulity and superstition, its subjection to hierarchical authority, its dread of heresy, its passion for pilgrimages. To the society which was thus in a great measure formed by him, his Bible was the greatest boon which could have been given. But he founded no school and had no inspiring power; there was no courage or width of view in his spiritual legacy which could break through the fatal circle of bondage to received authority which was closing round mankind.")

On Jerome as a Bible translator, comp. F. KAULEN (R. C.): Geschichte der Vulgata. Mainz, 1869. HERMANN RÖNSCH: Itala und Vulgata. Das Sprachidiom der urchristlichen Itala und der katholischen Vulgata. 2d ed., revised. Marburg, 1875. L. ZIEGLER: Die latein Bibelübersetzungen vor Hieronymus und die Itala des Augustinus. München, 1879. (He maintains the existence of several Latin versions or revisions before Jerome.) WESTCOTT'S art. "Vulgate," in Smith's Dict. of the Bible. O. F. FRITZSCHE: Latein. Bibelübersetzungen, in the new ed. of Herzog, vol. viii. (1881), pp. 433-472. WESTCOTT and HORT'S Greek Testament, vol. ii., Introd., pp. 78–84.

Page 989, line 13. Add to Lit. on Augustine: English translations of select works of Aug. by Dr. PUSEY and others in the Oxford “Library of the Fathers": the Confessions, vol. i., 1839, 4th ed., 1853; Sermons, vol. xvi., 1844, and vol. xx., 1845; Short


Treatises, vol. xxii., 1847; Expositions on the Psalms, vols. xxiv., XXV., XXX., xxxii., xxxvii., xxxix., 1847, 1849, 1850, 1853, 1854; Homilies on John, vols. xxvi. and xxix., 1848 and 1849. Another translation by MARCUS DODS and others, Edinb. (T. and T. Clark), 1871-76, 15 vols., containing the City of God, the Anti-Donatist, the Anti-Pelagian, the Anti-Manichæan writings, Letters, On the Trinity, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Harmony of the Gospels, On Christian Doctrine, the Euchiridion, on Catechising, on Faith and the Creed, Lectures on John, and Confessions. German translation of select writings of Aug. in the Kempten Bibliothek der Kirchenväter, 1871-79, 8 vols. There are also separate translations and editions of the Confessions (by Silbert, 5th ed., Vienna, 1860; by Kautz, Arnsberg, 1840; by Wilden, Schaffhausen, 1865; by Rapp, 7th ed., Gotha, 1878), the Euchiridion, the Meditations, the City of God (Die Stadt Gottes, by Silbert, Vienna, 1827, 2 vols.), etc.

On the same page, line 30. Substitute and add at the close of Lit. : C. BINDEMANN: Der heil. Augustin. Berlin, 1844-55–69. 3 vols. GANGAUF: Des heil. Aug. Lehre von Gott dem dreieinigen. Augsburg, 1866. REINKENS: Geschichtsphilosophie des heil. Augustin. Schaffhausen, 1866. EMIL FEUERLEIN: Ueber die Stellung Augustin's in der Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte. 1869. (In v. Sybel's "Hist. Zeitschrift" for 1869, vol. xi., 270-313. ERNST: Die Werke und Tugenden der Ungläubigen nach Augustin. Freib., 1872. BÖHRINGER : Aurelius Augustinus, revised ed. Leipz., 1877-78. 2 parts. AUG. DORNER: Augustinus, sein theol. System und seine religionsphilosophische Auschauung. Berlin, 1873. EBERT: Gesch. der christl. lat. Lit. Leipzig, 1874 sqq., vol. i. 203-243. EDWARD L. CUTTS: St. Augustine. London (Soc. for Prom. Christian Knowledge), 1880. H. REUTER: Augustinische Studien, in Brieger's "Zeitschrift für Kirchengesch." for 1880-83 (four articles on Aug.'s doctrine of the

⚫ church, predestination, the kingdom of God, etc.). CH. H. COLLETT: St. Aug., a Sketch of his Life and Writings as affecting the Controversy with Rome. Lond., 1883. Comp. also the art. Aug. by PRESSENSÉ, in Smith and Wace, i. 216–225; by HERGENRÖTHER, in Wetzer and Welte, i. 1669-1678; and by Aug. Dorner, in Herzog,' i. 781–795, abridged and supplemented in Schaff's Herzog, i. 174 sqq.


On the Philosophy of Aug., compare besides the works quoted on same page : ERDMANN: Grundriss der Gesch. der Philos., i. 231 sqq. UEBERWEG: History of Philos. Engl. transl. by Morris, vol. i. 333-346. GANGAUF: Metaphysische Psychologie des heil. Aug. Augsb., 1852. FERRAZ: De la psychologie de S. Aug. 2d ed. Paris, 1869. SCHÜTZ: Augustinum non esse ontologum. Monast., 1867. G. LOESCHE: De Augustino Plotinizante in doctrina de Deo disserenda. Jenæ, 1880. (68 pages.)

[blocks in formation]

Acta Sanctorum, 446 ff., and passim in ANTHIMUS, 769.

the Literature.

ADEODATUS, 992, 1008 f.

Advent, 397.


AERIUS, 233.

AËTIUS, 637.


Agnoëtæ, 767.

Aktistetæ, 767.

ALARIC, 641.



Anthropological controversies, 785 ff.

Antiochian school of theology, 612, 707,

Aphthartodocetæ, 766.


Apollinarianism, 709 ff.


Apologetics and Polemics, 72, 81, etc.
Aquileia, 274, 293.

Alexandrian school of theology, 236, 612, Arausio, synod of, 866.

619, 706, 922, 937, 946.

All Saints, feast of, 408, 444.

Altar, 549.

ALYPIUS, 992, 1008.

AMBROSE, on persecution, 143; on monas-
ticism, 201; on the papacy, 304; on
church discipline (Theodosius M.), 359,
963; on Mariolatry, 417; on the wor-
ship of saints and relics, 440, 457, 458;
liturgy of, 533; his hymns, 590 f.; his
life and writings, 961-967; influence
on Augustine, 991.
Anaphora, 525.

Anastasia, church of, 917, 919.
ANASTASIUS II., pope, 324.


ARCADIUS, 66, 129, 704..

Archbishops, 270.

Architecture, 541.
Archpresbyter, 259.
Arianism, 618 ff., 641 ff., 644 ff.
ARIUS, 620, 627, 633.
Armenians, 779 ff.
Ascension Day, 408.
Asceticism, 149 ff.
ASCUSNAGES, 674, 767.
ASSEMANI, 783, 949, and passim.
Assumption of Mary, 426.
Asylum, right of, 104.
Athanasian Creed, 389 ff.
ATHANASIUS THE GREAT, 82; on monasti
cism, 201; on the eucharist, 495 f.;
on Scripture and tradition, 607; at the

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