Catholic Child's Song. A LITTLE Catholic am I, Safe in St Peter's boat; The Holy Cross my mast-tree high, As o'er the waves I float. Our Lady's mantle is my sail To help me on my way, And saints, and angels' eyes I hail O happy, happy o'er the sea Then, little sailors, all embark In Peter's boat with me; So shall we stem the billows dark, The Holy Cross is all our guide, The ocean star shines clear ; And who would fear the waters wide, With angel guardians near? Child's Evening Song. FROM THE GERMAN. SOON will the daylight fade Yes, light will fade My little bed is made. Then I'll lay me down to rest, For God my sleep hath blessed; And He the whole night throughYes, all night through Watches over me so true. Then I will sweetly sleep- For He doth safely keep. And their white wings shade my head. And the angels who guarded me!" Barry, the St Bernard's Dog. DARK winter's eve was closing round, And at the door a woman stood "Oh, holy fathers," then she said ; "A friendless widow, poor and lorn, Can bring him back to me." B "Oh, weep not; trust in God's great love, Who watcheth all around, And in our Lady's prayer, who once Her Jesus lost and found." Then the good monks went forth to search, Upon the mountains wide, And with them Barry, faithful dog, Their true and trusty guide. Full long they sought, and evening fell, At length, brave Barry loudly barked, The scent was found, the faithful dog Nearer and nearer drew, Whom he had sought so true. Sound sleeping on the new-fallen snow, Yet, there to sleep till morning's light, But Barry licked him o'er and o'er, And lifted him with gentle mouth, Ah! who may tell his mother's thanks When she, with tears of gladness, clasped And then she thanked the kind good monks, And dear old Barry, too, she thanked, |