His locks beneath a mitre flowed, Blent with his snow-white beard; His voice was like a silver chord, Across the wild waves heard :
"Our Lord receives your prayer, and ye The English shore shall win, If ye will keep His Mother's Feast, Conceived all pure from sin.
"Vow to make known where'er ye go That such is His high will, And calm the wave again shall flow, And the wild storm be still."
The vow was made: the tempest sank; The bark hath gained the shore :
And Mary's holy Feast is kept
Thenceforth, for evermore.
Hymn to St Josep
HOLY Joseph undefiled, Purest spouse of Mary mild, Guide upon the way she trod, Guardian of thy Infant God.
Saint Joseph, to thine aid we flee, Give ear to those who call on thee..
Holy Saint, thy faithful arm Shielded erst thy God from harm; Humbly at thy feet we bow, Saviour of thy Saviour, thou.
Saint Joseph, to thine aid we flee, Give ear to those who call on thee.
By the joy thou hadst to see The world's Redeemer smile on thee : By thy blest, but toilworn years, Sharing Jesus' griefs and tears :
Saint Joseph, to thine aid we flee, Give ear to those who call on thee.
By thy peace when thou didst die, With Jesus, and with Mary nigh, Breathing forth thy soul in rest, Leaning on thy Saviour's breast :
Saint Joseph, to thy aid we flee, Give ear to those who call on thee.
The Pilgrim of Life.
ONWARD I wander, onward through life, Where rain and angry tempests are rife; Over dark torrents, by wood and by wold, Over wild mountains, lonely and cold. But well do I know, that where'er I may be, My bright angel guardian keeps watch over me.
Through the sweet valleys, verdant and gay, Friendless and silent I wander away. Through the still forests where violets grow, In sunshine and thunder, 'mid spring flowers and snow, Yet well do I know, that, where'er I may be, My bright angel guardian keeps watch over me.
Onward, then onward, by river and sea, Wayworn and weary, though oft I may be, O'er desert, by fountain, 'mid dark scenes and gay, The pilgrim of Life may not halt on his way: And well do I know that, where'er I may be, My bright angel guardian keeps watch over me.
Look up, my heart, with morning's light, Look to the sky so blue, so bright; Safe hast thou rested all the night,
Look up, my heart, throughout the day,
'Mid sun or shower that rules thy way,
Oh, ne'er forget in heart to say:
When thou dost hear the holy bell,
And when the clock the hour doth tell,
Hail Mary say, and add full well,
In hours of toil, in leisure sweet,
When friend another friend doth greet,
Let every faithful soul repeat :
And when at length the day is o'er, And lengthening shadows eve restore, Oh, let thy heart say evermore,
So when thy earthly course is run, Like some bright cloud, at set of sun, Fading away, thy labours done :
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