صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Clunis Clunid Teut. hlend, lende; Eng. loin. (See Rem. 7, in the Introd.)

Um-beli-cus Um-bel.. Nabel; Pers. nafe. In Latin the first syllable
is transposed, as in ungula Nagel; but on
account of the following b then went over
into the labial m.

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The arm; the upper part of the same, later The word ar-m both in Latin and German, Anglo-Saxon,
certainly it was applied to the shoulder of
beasts, yet we see from Virg. Æn. xi. 644,
that it was also used for the human arm.
From this also were derived

. That which hangs from the arm, defensive weapons, shield, &c.

. Manut. . Old High Dutch, munt; Anglo-Saxon, mund,
the hand; whence Anglo-Saxon, mundboro,

&c. connects itself with a numerous family of words de-
noting labour, &c. Hence ur-are, arvum, &c. Gothic,
ar-ms; Anglo-Saxon, earm; Old High Dutch, aram, the
arm, &c. i.e. the labouring limb: and adjective of the
same form, viz. Anglo-Saxon, arm; New High Dutch,
arm, laborious, poor. Perhaps also earg, New High
Dutch, arg, parsimonious, &c. To ear a field (Shakes-
peare) i. e. plough it. But this must not be confounded
with ear of corn, nor with ear, Gothic, áuso; Latin, auris,
probably Old Latin ausis; arista may have to do with
arare, but Anglo-Saxon ear, spica, is Gothic ah-s; Old
High Dutch, ah-ar; Old Norse, ax, ak-s. Anglo-Saxon
ear for eahs, eax. In all probability the Old High Dutch
ari which yet remains in the er of some English words
may be connected with this root; at any rate the often
repeated derivation of it from Anglo-Saxon wer, Gothic
wairs, homo, is idle in the extreme.

The New High Dutch mund, protection, yet retains this root.
In spite of the t which Dr. Jäkel chooses to find here in
manut, it must be doubted whether his view is correct in
making manus out from mund. Both probably belong to
the set of words mentioned in our comment upon homo,
which, as was there observed, involve, first division, next
orderly division, intellectual arrangement, &c. By the
way read Anglo-Saxon mund-bora. It is an interesting

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Isidor. folmo; Anglo-Saxon, folm; the flat hand; also, any thing flat; hence also Feld.

speculation whether Latin prehendo, Old English hend, to
catch hold of with the hand, does not set forth a perished
Latin word of that form: perhaps Dr. Jäkel would say,
that m in man-ut-s is falsely for h, and so give us hand at
once; but if he were to say so it would not do.

If this be true, and we at present see no cause to doubt it,
we have a clue to the whole family of words beginning
with Fl, for F-1 (P-1) as Planus, Pla-tanus. Anglo-Saxon
fol-d, terra; fel-d, campus; and according to a well-known
etymological law, Then, pli-care. pl-ex: Gothic, fal-pan,
falps; Anglo-Saxon, fealdan, feald; Old High Dutch,
falt; New English, fold, and -fold (in manifold).

Ngul. Nagel. Persian, nachun. A transposition of This is one of the cases in which we should be inclined to

na into un, as in the case of umbelicus.


. Cut.

Haut; Fränk, kut; Swedish, huden.

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assume a direct derivation from the Greek. Col. V. Ken-
nedy gives the following line of words: -Sanskrit, nakham;
Greek, ovxa; Latin, unguem; German, nagel; Persian,
nakhan; English, nail. Jäkel being desirous of making
out his -el as well as his root, has given a Latin diminutive.
Unguis, un-guin, should have been instanced, for ungula
is a hoof, not strictly a nail. The way in which the o of
the Greek has forced itself into the Latin word in conse-
quence of the omission of the v, and consequent contrac-
tion of v-x into ng is obvious, without resorting to a trans-
position of any sort.

The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon form of this is h-p. Hence
Anglo-Saxon hud for hudh, &c. connecting itself with many
words; as hide, to conceal, &c. hád, a hood, &c. &c.

Old High Dutch, grau, blood; particularly that To this belongs Old High Dutch in-krû-ison, abhorresco?


which flows out; hence also is derived grau

sam, bloodthirsty, cru-delis.


} Rat .

. Rede; Teutonic, redina; Gothic, rapjo; Swed. räd, reason, derive from reden, and show like the Greek Xoyos, the connection between speaking and thinking.

This sort of etymology is not to be endured. We have here

another instance of the Professor's determination not to distinguish his root from the forming syllable, when it suits his purpose to confound them. It is as clear as sunlight that the r belongs to the root os, out of whose s it grew; then came or are, to pray, and or-at-jo, prayer. This way of twisting words is most unjustifiable. While we are upon the subject we must expose one or two more instances of it, and then we will leave it. In p. 50 he ventures to make magistratus magist or macest-rat, from mag, mighty, and rath, a councillor: one would think that the common forms of a thousand words in atus and atio, where no r could be, would have spared us this nonsense. But a far more profligate piece of etymology is in p. 57, where he derives dea, a goddess, from Isl. gi-dia. Now in this word the g-d contains the root, and it then corresponds to Gothic Gud (n), an idol, (but no doubt once God); Gudja, a priest; ga-gud-ei, (f.) godliness; gud-jinón, to act the priest; gud-jinassus, (m.) priesthood; gyden, Anglo-Saxon (f.) goddess; göttin, German, ditto; Gott. German, God; and so throughout the Teutonic stock. This becomes doubly remarkable, because in p. 56 he had derived Deus at great length from Tuisto, &c. &c. and Teut. German. This is scarcely surpassed by Plato's delightful interpretation of Aoc upon flowing principles, viz. from a through. vid. Cratyl. By the way it will not do seriously to quote Plato's Cratylus, in order to prove certain words Phrygian and Barbaric; because when he says this of any word, he is obviously laughing at those who do shelter themselves under such a cloak. He says, "whenever I cannot make out a word, I say it is barbaric;" and as the flowing philosophy would not explain all the words, he uses his unxar more than once, and says, "Oh that's barbaric." Now Jäkel, and others too, have quoted these passages as if Plato was in earnest; once for all we beg to say that he

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Namen; Pers. nam; Teut. namo, from nehmen.
Wille; Ulph. willja; Anglo-Saxon, wylla.
Ital. voluttà, wollust. The p cannot have ex-
isted in the common people's pronunciation,
or it would probably have remained in Ita-
lian. Both syllables would then be pure
German-wohl and lust.

Old Saxon, sueban; Old Nor. swefn; Swed.
sömpn, sleep. 129

was not such a blockhead: and that not one of the ety-
mologies which he brings forward from that "hive of wis-
dom," the Heracleitan Philosophy, but is a slap at the
philosophy itself. He has several times insinuated to his
reader that he is joking, and his readers must have been
very dull not to have found it out for themselves. One
more instance of confounding root and formative syllable
and we have done: In this case he separates part of the
root, and makes it out to be a diminutive, p. 65. Collis,
coll, English, hill; hid-l from hoch (high) and the dimi-
nutive el, a small height. The numerous words, amount-
ing to 90 or 100, which are formed with k-l, h-l, and
classed by the conception of overness, (that which stands
over another thing,) reject the supposition altogether of
el being a diminutive. Where, moreover, did he ever find

Gk. veμo, voμos, ovoμua; Lat. numa, numen, nomen, nummus ;
Anglo-Saxon, niman, nama, &c. &c. &c.

This word and the next have their roots in the vol, as in volo,
I will: the un-t and up-t are common syllables of forma-
tion; conf. Gk. xaλ-UTTO; Lat. celo; Anglo-Saxon, helan
-to conceal. The p being left out by the Italians is no
reason whatever for its being so by the Romans; and the
German lust has nothing whatever to do with the word.

That the root lies in sop is obvious, from the verb sopire and
other forms; the Old Lat. sompnus, later somnus, was in-
correct. Sop-or or sop-n-us corresponds then to Old Sax.
suebh-an (not sueban); Anglo-Saxon, swef-en, swef-n; Old
Eng. sweven, and New Eng. swoon. The unorganic m in
the Swedish word shows that, like French som-meil, it was
derived from the Lat. So Span. sueño; Ital. sonno.

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Vater; Pers. peder; Swed. fader; and so in all the German dialects, from faea, foeda-to bring forth, nourish.

Mutter; Pers. mader; Swed. moder, &c., from magad gebähren-to bring forth.

Bruder; Pers. berader; Eng. brother; Ulph.
brother he who is of the same breed, geburt.
From baren gebähren; hence barend, the pro-|
ducers, bringers forth.

Kero, barn; Teut. parn; Fris. and Swed. barn,
equally from baeren, one who is born, a boy;
Pers. puser; Sansk. putreh, a son.

The whole examination of the question of accentuation shows
that it is altogether distinct from the ground-forms, i. e.
roots of words: in spite of the Professor's objections, we
shall therefore still connect warng and unrng with pater and
mater. We shall go further yet, and give, as equally con-
nected, the following line from Grimm-Sansk. pat-is
(conjunx); Litth. pats; Gk. wéos (? Dor. Pót-is); Goth.
Brudfaps sponsus--from which, as well as from the Eng.
fath-er, we see that, according to the canon, the Anglo-
Saxon fäd-er should have been, and probably was, fädh-er.
So of modor also, for modh-or; New Eng. mother: but dh
was always liable to lose its aspiration. We cannot see
what magad has to do with mater. Mag-aps, Goth.; in
Old High Dutch, makad, makadin; Middle High Dutch,
maget, megedin; New High Dutch, meit; Anglo-Saxon,
mæden, &c., are the English maid, maiden; and that Ger-
man maids should be mothers would not please Dr. Jäkel,
we believe, a whit more than, according to Tacitus, it
pleased our forefathers, the chastest as well as boldest of
mankind. In what language, by the way, does Dr. Jäkel
find magad, to bring forth? Perhaps in the Phrygian or

If this be true, we must assume that the Latin f is right in
frater, and the p wrong in parens, &c.; because it is to be ob-
served that the word parens ought to bear the same relation
to ferre that it does to Goth. bairan, ferre. Now frater
is strictly Gothic brópar; and parentes, Gothic bérusjós.
The whole set of words pario, &c. either are totally uncon-
nected with ferre, bairan, or the Gothic bairan and Latin
ferre are mere derivatives, which is in the highest degree
improbable. This requires to be deeper investigated. We
admit of course that Gothic barns is from bairan, but we

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