صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

NOTES.-Two small companies of pil- Herod the King. There were several grims visited the cradle of the Infant Herods. This was Herod the Great. Jesus, in Bethlehem. St. Luke (ii. 8-20) | And such he was indeed-in wickedness! tells us of a group of pious Shepherds, He married ten wives, ordered the who formed the first delegation of recep- slaughter of the little boys in and around tion and honor for Him. Not having Bethlehem, and died in disgrace and exfar to come, they arrived from the ad- ile. In the last year of his reign, our joining fields on the same day of the Lord was born. Wise Men. They are Nativity, or Birth of Christ. An angel sometimes called "Magi" (from Magled them thither. They are commonly a Priest), and "Kings," too. They called the representatives of the Jews. were learned and devout men among St. Matthew tells us that Wise Men came their people, who served as teachers or to the same place, and for the same pur- priests, in religious affairs, and as rulers pose. Living far away from Bethlehem, in civil matters. From the East. The their arrival is generally supposed to regions of Persia or Arabia are believed have occurred on the Twelfth day after to be indicated here. The Jews held the Nativity. This falls on the 6th day of January, and gives us the Festival of Epiphany-His manifestation to the Gentiles-because the Wise Men were the representatives of the Heathens.

Thus the Cradle of Christ portrayed already, in a picture, as it were, what he declared His Cross and Throne would do in fact" draw all men unto Him," (John xii. 32). So early was the pledge of the mystery given, that in Christ mankind would indeed become man-kinned -or, one family (Eph. iii. 28). He is aptly called the "Magnet of Souls," on this account.

that some descendants of Abraham, by his wife Keturah (Gen. xxv. 1-4) resided there, who had preserved the sayings and traditions of their great father. Perhaps we may now know, in a measure, how it was that these Wise Men knew, or cared anything about the birth of Jesus. From their three-fold gifts presented (ver. 11), it is supposed these were three in number; who were accompanied, however, by a large number of servants and camels. Their names, we are told, were MELCHIOR, GASPAR, BALTHAZAR.

VERSE 2. Where is he that is born King of the Jews? At that day, old VERSE 1. Bethlehem. There were two writers tell us, a general opinion prevailtowns of this name. Hence the birth- ed all over the land, that some great place of Jesus is distinguished by the ad- deliverer was to be born shortly; and ditional words-of Judea-because it that he was to come out of Judea. Of lay within the limits of the Tribe of Ju- this expectation the Wise Men shared. dah, and about six miles from Jerusalem. We have seen his star in the east. About It was once called Ephrath or Ephratah 1500 years earlier, the prophet Balaam (Fruitful) Gen. xlviii. 7. And fruitful spoke of a grand star that should appear, of grand characters it was. Here Jacob at the coming of the Deliverer (Num. tarried; here Ruth, the ancestress of xxiv. 17). Now we understand at once, David and Jesus lived; here king David both why they came, and why they spoke was born, tended his father's flocks, as they did. And are come to worship wrote the 23d Psalm, likely, and was him. They intended to receive and honcrowned by Samuel; and here Christ or this great character in a becoming was born. Its sacred name- -Bethlehem manner, as one sent from above. You will means The House of Bread. VERSE 3. Herod * know the reason why, if you remember bled. The wide-spread hope of a Comingthat Jesus calls Himself" the Bread of One, the arrival of this strange company Heaven" (John vi. 48). But it means of nobles from afar, and the constant rethe House of Flesh, too-and just as aptly, bellion of his own subjects-these things since the Son of God" was made flesh" perplexed the king greatly. And all here (John i. 14). Best then, to render Jerusalem with him. Though many "Bethlehem" The House of the Incarna- pious minds watched and longed for the consolation of Israel, such as Simeon, Anna, and others (Luke ii. 25, 36); still, the Scribes, Pharisees, and Leaders of the masses were of like mind and charac


"Bethlehem! Of noblest cities,

None can once with thee compare;
Thou alone the Lord from Heaven
Didst for us incarnate bear."



was trou

ter with the wicked king. They together feared an end of their power.

VERSE 9. They departed. They did not promise to come back, it seems; and Verse 4. Gathered the chief priests. if they even had, they were no longer Now Herod called a council together, to bound after God's warning (verse 12). learn what was best to be done. The Lo! the star * * went before them. reigning High-Priest, and his predecess- Whether it was an actual star, which apors in office, as well as the Head-Priests peared in the heavens, or was but a meof the 24 courses of the priestly families, teor; or finally, a God-sent sign, like which David had already arranged (1 the pillar of cloud and fire, which went Chron. xxiv) were summoned. And before Israel of old-all this matters not Scribes. These were the assistants of the to us. It served as a special directory to king and magistrates, their secretaries Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Till it came (from Scribo, to write), who kept account and stood over where the young child was. in writing of all the public acts, as well It likely, approached nearer the ground as transcribed the law and prophecy. then. Some say, a halo of glory surThey formed quite a synod. He demand- rounded the head of Jesus. Perhaps ed of them where Christ should be born. painters first caught the thought of so reHe had heard this coming one called presenting the head of Christ from this "Messiah" or Christ. Having learned certainly from this council the birthplace of Jesus, he might readily, as he believed, slay Him and thus end his fears.

VERSES 5-6. In Bethlehem of Judea This was the report of the Synod. And it was taken from the prophet Micah (v. 2), who foretold it 700 years before. VERSE 7. Then Herod * * privily called the Wise Men. He did this secretly in order to prevent the people from knowing his anxiety, or that he attached any importance to their visit. Inquired of them diligently, what time the star appeared. Knowing the place of Christ's birth, it was only necessary for him to convince himself whether the time of His advent had actually come. Hence he asked after the precise period of the signal in the heavens. Doubtless, the Wise Men informed him when Herod inferred that Christ had come indeed, and he accordingly proceeds to carry out his plan to make way with him.


VERSE 10. When they saw the star. During the day spent in Jerusalem, it was invisible. Now, setting out at eventide, they once more saw their heavenly guide.


And when they were come into the house. Though Jesus had been born in a stable or cave, where the shepherds found Him, the Holy Family had by this time been transferred to better quarters. They saw the young child. Jesus is mentioned first in order-the least, and yet the greatest. With Mary His mother. Next Mary has a place, as the one indeed nearest to Him in earthly connection, but Joseph is not spoken of at all. They fell down, or prostrated themselves, as was the Eastern mode of doing reverence; and worshipped Him. They acknowledged Him first of all, as a King. But, likely, they saw in Him a Heavenly King too. And when they had opened their treasures. It was customary to present gifts on such occasions. The VERSE 8. And he sent them to Beth- nobles never went with empty hands belehem. They had come to the Jewish fore each other. They expressed their capital Jerusalem; thinking naturally inward regard by outward tokens. that there the Great King would be The Wise men accordingly brought born. Herod, from the Synod's report their "Christmas Gifts."-Gold. This learned His birth-place officially, and was a symbol of royalty, by which they sends the Wise Men thither. Go and confessed the Kingly character of Jesus. search diligently for the young child. He Frankincense. This was a vegetable, rich pretends to have it much at heart. And in odor. It was offered in worship, and when ye have found Him, or know the represented prayer and sacrifice. house definitely; bring me word again this case it was a quiet prophecy of the report to me; that I may come and wor- Divine nature of Christ, to whom worship Him also. Under the disguise of ship could be given. Myrrh This, too, loyalty and piety, he sheltered the wick- was a vegetable, and much used in edest purpose, as we shall see. burials, to preserve from decay. It, like

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wise, silently told of the human mortal nature of Jesus-of His death and burial, and of His Resurrection.

Thus we find a sacred character attaching to these gifts. In fact, the cradle of Jesus is fruitful in prophecy of His person and mission. It is only necessary to read to the end of the chapter, to learn how God warned the Wise Men not to return by way of Jerusalem; how the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt was brought about; how Herod avenged himself on the Innocents of Bethlehem, and by what providential acts Nazareth became the home of Jesus.

PRACTICAL THOUGHTS.-It is not at all strange, that the wonderful child, so different from all other childrenshould have called forth such a series of signs-Angels and a Star; Shepherds and Wise Men-all to do Him reverence. Nor should it surprise us, that the powers of darkness would instigate Herod to be His destroyer. If the Divine Infant had not been accompanied by signs in heaven, and on earth, and in hell-that would have been a cause for wonder and doubt. Believing, then, we rejoice to bring Him the God of Obedience, as Heavenly King, the Frankincense of Supreme Worship, as God in Man, and the Myrrh of Sanctity or Holiness, without which we cannot escape the power of death, and enter into Life. Thus are we like unto the Wise Men, indeed. And more wisdom than they do we exhibit, since they went first to Jerusalem, and thence to Bethlehem, while we go first to Bethlehem, in order to enter the heavenly Jerusalem for ever.

Counsels for Children.


Remember always to live in peace. Hate all strife. It is a dreadful thing to be at war with those around us. Be kind to everybody. If you cannot live quietly with any one of your companions, withdraw from him. It is a sad sight to see boys and girls engaged in disputes or quarrels. The Lord Jesus never quarrelled with any body, though He was oftentimes cruelly treated.

Be very kind to the weak, and poor, and the unfortunate around you. God,

long ago, said, "Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child." He also said, "Thou shall not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling-block before the blind." It is both mean and wicked to take advantage of the infirmities and misfortunes of those around us.

Use your best efforts to become wise. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. If you do not know a thing, ask others. This is scriptural. God said to the Jews: "When your children shall say to you, what mean ye by this service? ye shall say, it is the sacrifice of the Lord's passover." We should think before we speak, and not thoughtlessly ask silly questions. Better is a poor and wise child than an old and foolish king.

Watch your lips. Keep your tongue from evil, and your mouth from speaking guile. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Ask yourself if it is right for you to say anything; then try to speak kindly and truly and soberly. Childhood and youth spent in sin are a great vanity. Beware of evil speaking.

Be not too fond of play. Life is a serious business. It is right that young people should have their time to play. But some hate work and hate their books, and love their ease and would rather play all the time. Learn to find your joy in doing your duty. It may be hard for you to do some things, but try your best, and by degrees they will become easier.

Obey your parents. Obey them promptly, cheerfully, in all things that are lawful. I hope they would not command you to do a wicked thing.

Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Honor thy father and mother; that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth." It is safe for old or young to do anything that God bids them: it is very unsafe for them not to do what He commands.

Do all you can to be like Jesus Christ. He was the best model that children ever had. He is the best friend they now have. When on earth, He cured sick children just as He cured other people. Oh, that everybody, old and young, would trust the Saviour.Child's Companion.

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An Easter Talk with Children............ 118 Glorified Childhood..................

A Sunday-school Exercise........

A French Country Marriage.......
Advantages of a Book.....

An Awful Story..

A Greeting from Jerusalem.........

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

A Little Help worth a Great Deal of Pity. 173



Heroes of Holland ...........
Honor thy Mother.........
Hymn for Confirmation.....
Holy Week...................................






254 How Joseph Cook Reads and Studies..... 161

A Great River from a Little Rill......... 215
A Child Saved..............................................
A Calling in Life............
A Truthful Hero...........
A Great Street Preacher.
An Indian Boy..........
A Happy Scientist.....

279 Home Politeness.........

280 How they went to Church.............................

289 His Early Home............

319 Hair Splitting......................





A Summer Shower...........


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Mr. Spurgeon on peril from the Pulpit... 292 Thirtieth Volume of the GUARDIAN.........
Macaulay's love for Children..........




The Inn at Bethlehem..........


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Speaking Too Soon..........

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Rum and Ruin.....
Russian Protestantism.....

Sunday-school Department......21, 54, 84,
118, 151, 180, 212, 247, 379, 311, 340, 370
Scripture Lessons......22, 57, 87, 121, 153

182, 217, 249, 281, 313, 319, 342
Sayings of a Modern Philosopher........ 103
Something Gives Way...........


The Cheat and the Wheat............
The Little Wren................
The Echo................................
Telling The Bees...........
The Picture Book.....

149 Up to London........


187 Wonderful Prayer.....................

Suggestive to Fault-Finders ................. 216 We're Coming, Precious Jesus...............................

Syria's Leper Cleansed...............

Sailor Ben's Silver Purse ..............
Street Talk...........................................

Sunday-school Workers...........



The Funniest General in all the World... 307
Take Care of the Girls


Tennyson, Alfred...............

... 321







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.... 53


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