صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

When in the crowd of suppliants they were seen,
And in their crew his best-loved Benjamin.
That pious Joseph in the church behold,
To feed your famine, and refuse your gold;
The Joseph you exiled, the Joseph whom you sold.*

Thus, while with heavenly charity she spoke,
A streaming blaze the silent shadows broke;
Shot from the skies a cheerful azure light;
The birds obscene to forests winged their flight,
And gaping graves received the wandering guilty


Such were the pleasing triumphs of the sky,
For James his late nocturnal victory;
The pledge of his almighty Patron's love,
The fireworks which his angels made above. †
I saw myself the lambent easy light †
Gild the brown horror, and dispel the night;
The messenger with speed the tidings bore;
News, which three labouring nations did restore;
But heaven's own Nuntius was arrived before.

By this, the Hind had reached her lonely cell,
And vapours rose, and dews unwholesome fell;
When she, by frequent observation wise,
As one who long on heaven had fixed her eyes,
Discerned a change of weather in the skies.
The western borders were with crimson spread,
The moon descending looked all-flaming red;
She thought good manners bound her to invite
The stranger dame to be her guest that night.
'Tis true, coarse diet, and a short repast,
She said, were weak inducements to the taste
Of one so nicely bred, and so unused to fast;
But what plain fare her cottage could afford,
A hearty welcome at a homely board,



* Note XI.

+ Note XII. † Poeta loquitur.

Was freely hers; and, to supply the rest,
An honest meaning, and an open breast;
Last, with content of mind, the poor man's wealth,
A grace-cup to their common patron's * health.
This she desired her to accept, and stay,
For fear she might be wildered in her way,
Because she wanted an unerring guide,
And then the dew drops on her silken hide
Her tender constitution did declare,


Too lady-like a long fatigue to bear,
And rough inclemencies of raw nocturnal air. †
But most she feared, that, travelling so late,
Some evil-minded beasts might lie in wait,
And without witness wreak their hidden hate.

The Panther, though she lent a listening ear,
Had more of lion in her than to fear;
Yet wisely weighing, since she had to deal
With many foes, their numbers might prevail,
Returned her all the thanks she could afford,
And took her friendly hostess at her word;
Who, entering first her lowly roof, a shed
With hoary moss and winding ivy spread,
Honest enough to hide an humble hermit's head,
Thus graciously bespoke her welcome guest :
So might these walls, with your fair presence blest,
Become your dwelling-place of everlasting rest;
Not for a night, or quick revolving year,
Welcome an owner, not a sojourner.
This peaceful seat my poverty secures;
War seldom enters but where wealth allures :
Nor yet despise it; for this poor abode,
Has oft received, and yet receives a God;
A God, victorious of a Stygian race,

Here laid his sacred limbs, and sanctified the place.

* King James.

† Note XIII.

This mean retreat did mighty Pan * contain;
Be emulous of him, and pomp disdain,
And dare not to debase your soul to gain. †

The silent stranger stood amazed to see
Contempt of wealth, and wilful poverty;
And, though ill habits are not soon controuled,
Awhile suspended her desire of gold.

But civilly drew in her sharpened paws,

Not violating hospitable laws,

And pacified her tail, and licked her frothy jaws. The Hind did first her country cates provide;

Then couched herself securely by her side.


* Our Saviour.

Ut ventum ad sedes: Hæc, inquit, limina victor
Alcides subiit; hæc illum regia cepit.
Aude, hospes, contemnere opes, et te quoque dignum
Finge deo; rebusque veni non asper egenis.

Æneid. Lib. VIII.





Note I.

Dame, said the Panther, times are mended well,
Since late among the Philistines you fell.
The toils were pitched, a spacious tract of ground,
With expert huntsmen, was encompassed round;
The enclosure narrowed; the sagacious power

Of hounds and death drew nearer every hour.Р. 161.

In these spirited lines, Dryden describes the dangers in which the English Catholics were involved by the Popish Plot, which rendered them so obnoxious for two years, that even Charles himself, much as he was inclined to favour them, durst not attempt to prevent the most severe measures from being adopted towards them. It is somewhat curious, that the very same metaphor of hounds and huntsmen is employed by one of the most warm advocates for the plot. "Had this plot been a forged contrivance of their own, (i. e. the Papists,) they would at the very first discovery of it have had half a dozen, or half a score, crafty fellows, ready to have attested all the same things; whereas, on the contrary, notwithstanding we are now on a burning scent, we were fain till here of late to pick out, by little and little, all upon a cold scent, and that stained too by the tricks and malice of our enemies. So that had we not had some such good huntsmen as the Right Noble Earl of Shaftesbury, to manage the chase for us, our hounds must needs have been baffled, and the game lost."Appeal from the Country to the City. State Tracts, p. 407.

Note II.

As I remember, said the sober Hind,

Those toils were for your own dear self designed,
As well as me; and with the self-same throw,
To catch the quarry and the vermin too,
(Forgive the slanderous tongues that called you so.)
Howe'er you take it now, the common cry

Then ran you down for your rank loyalty. - P. 162.


The country party, during the 1679, and the succeeding years, were as much incensed against the divines of the high church of England as against the Papists. The furious pamphlet, quoted in the last note, divides the enemies of this country into four classes; officers, courtiers, over-hot churchmen, and papists. "Over-hot churchmen," it continues, "are bribed to wish well to popery. by the hopes, if not of a cardinal's cap, yet at least by a command over some abbey, priory, or other ecclesiastical preterment, whereof the Romish church hath so great pienty. These are the men, who exclaim against our parliament's proceedings, in relation to the plot, as too violent, calling these times by no other name than that of forty or forty-one; * when, to amuse as well his sacred majesty as his good people, they again threaten us with another fortyeight; and all this is done to vindicate underhand the Catholic party, by throwing a suspicion on the fanatics. These are the gentlemen who so magnify the principles of Bishop Laud, and so much extol the writings of that same late spirited prelate Dr Heylin, who hath made more Papists by his books than Christians by his sermons. These are those episcopal Tantivies, who can make even the very scriptures pimp for the court, who out of Urim and Thummim can extort a sermon, to prove the not paying of tithes and taxes to be the sin against the Holy Ghost; and had rather see the kingdom run down with blood, than part with the least hem of a sanctified frock, which they themselves made holy." Appeal, &c. State Tracts, p. 403. In a very violent tract, written expressly against the influence of the clergy, † they are charged with being the principal instruments of the court in corrupting elections. "I find," says the author, when talking of the approaching general election, "all persons very forward to countenance this public work, except the high-flown ritualists and ceremony-mongers of the clergy, who, being in the conspiracy against the people, lay themselves out to accommodate their masters with

* The great civil war broke out in 1641-2, and the king was dethroned in 1648. † "The Freeholder's Choice, or a Letter of Advice concerning Elections."

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