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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
abfurd affiftance againſt alfo alſo anſwer antient appears Author becauſe cafe caufe cauſe Chrift Chriftian circumftances confequence confider confiderable confifts conftitution defign defire difcourfe difcovered diftinct endeavours Engliſh eſtabliſhed expreffion exprefs fafely faid fame fatire fays fcripture fecond feems fenfe fent fentiments ferve fervice feveral fhall fhew fhip fhort fhould fince firft firſt fome fometimes foon fpirit ftate ftill ftudy fubject fuch fuffer fufficient fuppofed fupport fure fyftem genius give hiftorian hiftory himſelf honour inftance intereft itſelf juft juftice juftly King knowlege laft leaft lefs likewife manner meaſure merit moft moſt muft muſt nature neceffary obferves occafion paffage paffed paffions perfons philofopher pleafing pleaſure prefent prince propofed publiſhed purpoſe Queen reader reafon refpect religion Saladin Scotland ſeems ſhall ſtate ſuch tafte tallage thefe themſelves theſe things thofe thoſe Tibullus tion tranflation truth underſtanding uſe whofe whole Writer
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 428 - They are surely happy," said the prince, "who have all these conveniences, of which I envy none so much as the facility with which separated friends interchange their thoughts." "The Europeans," answered Imlac, "are less unhappy than we, but they are not happy. Human life is everywhere a state in which much is to be endured, and little to be enjoyed.
الصفحة 431 - Nothing is more idle than to inquire after happiness, which nature has kindly placed within our reach. The way to be happy is to live according to nature, in obedience to that universal and unalterable law with which every heart is originally impressed; which is not written on it by precept, but engraven by destiny, not instilled by education, but infused at our nativity. He that lives according to nature will...
الصفحة 38 - Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
الصفحة 153 - But of that day and hour knoweth no man ; no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
الصفحة 411 - ... some more softness of disposition, some greater lenity of temper, some of those amiable weaknesses by which her sex is distinguished. But the true method of estimating her merit...
الصفحة 430 - He enumerated many examples of heroes immovable by pain or pleasure, who looked with indifference on those modes or accidents to which the vulgar give the names of good and evil.
الصفحة 200 - ... us to look on that tragical and infamous scene which followed upon it with less abhorrence. Humanity will draw a veil over this...
الصفحة 433 - ... which debars them from its privileges. To live without feeling or exciting sympathy, to be fortunate without adding to the felicity of others, or afflicted without tasting the balm of pity, is a state more gloomy than solitude : it is not retreat, but exclusion from mankind. Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures.
الصفحة 409 - There are few great personages in history who have been more exposed to the calumny of enemies, and the adulation of friends, than queen Elizabeth ; and yet there is scarcely any whose reputation has been more certainly determined by the unanimous consent of posterity. The unusual length of her administration, and the strong features of her character, were able to overcome all prejudices ; and obliging her detractors...
الصفحة 200 - ... of government. Not insensible of flattery, or unconscious of that pleasure with which almost every woman beholds the influence of her own beauty. Formed with the qualities...