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النشر الإلكتروني

encounter. Meanwhile the remainder of the crew below set no bounds to their merriment and shouting, and seemed, as my Scottish friend remarked, ordained to die by my hand,' since their clamour, by drowning the groans of their comrades, prevented them from providing for their safety. We fastened the cabin door, and barricaded the gang way, keeping watch with pistol and sword, with the hope of seeing some friendly shore, or a compassionate sail, while the vessel, urged onward by a strong wind, scudded with supernatural swiftness through the midnight waters. We had entered the Solway sea, when the storm, augmenting every moment, carried us rapidly along, and when opposite Allanbay, a whirlwind seizing our ship by the rigging whirled her fairly round, and down she went head foremost. Even in this moment of extreme peril, I shall never forget the figure


that, couch edamong the slain, started to its feet before me, in health and unhurt. There is a fate in all things: it was that fiend in human form whom I slew to-night. Revenge is sweetest when it comes unhoped for. As we sank, a passing vessel saved my pretty image, and her wretched father's love, May Colvine, her murdered mother's and saved too the heroic sailor; while the drunken wretches went to the bottom, without the chance of swimming prolong.' for an existence they deserved not to

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Such was the narrative of Miles Colvine. He has been dead for several years, and though his daughter wedded the man to forsake the sight of the Solway and who saved her father and her, he refused the sound of its waters, and was found at his cottage-door cold and stiff, with his eyes open and looking seaward.



A YOUNG German who was serving his time to a jeweller, at Magdeburgh, was allowed by his master, in the third year of his apprenticeship, to go to Brunswick to see his parents. That he might effect this with comfort to himself, and in a way worthy of the assistant of a reputable tradesman and public functionary of Magdeburgh, his master lent him one of his own horses, and provided him with money; whilst the old cook, with whom he was a great favourite, filled his wallet with all the dainties that she could lay her hands upon, and gave him sundry wellmeaning hints and admonitions touching the temptations that awaited him in Brunswick. It was on the morning of Midsummer-day, in the year 1612, that he arose at six o'clock, lighted his

travelling pipe, and mounted the steed, which by no means seemed to sympathize with his rider in the pleasure to be derived from the prospect of a long journey. He was in truth a sluggish apparently upon such good terms with beast, over-fed and under-worked, and himself that, when he took any thing into his head, the whip was of no avail, plied, could not drive him from his and the spur, however manfully apalthough a handsome stripling, looked purpose. He was so fat, that Karl, right angles like a Y turned upside with his legs sticking out almost at journey," said Karl, "if thou go not down. "The devil take thee on our I had all the money that has been exmore speedily than at present. Would pended on thee in the article of whips;

truly with that I might buy a better animal than thou art, or hast been, or ever wilt be.". As he concluded his petulant, but, under all the circumstances, excusable harangue, Nicolaus (for that was his horse's name) shook his head, and gave two or three most significant neighs, which seemed pretty much the same as, "Hold thy peace, and speak not of that which thou understandest not! Assuredly I am the best judge of what pace is most proper for me and adviseable for thee: I am come to years of discretion, and shall take especial care of thy neck and my own health and comfort!" Well! on they jogged, every now and then renewing this kind of conversation, which always ended in the same manner. About three o'clock in the afternoon, Karl, to the entire satisfaction of Nicolaus, alighted at the Three Golden Bottles, a small herberge, or public-house, situated at the extremity of a hamlet, replenished his meerschaum, and seated himself in a room set apart for the more respectable visitors of this notable house of entertainment, on the outside of which hung a board, whose crooked letters indicated to travellers that

Horses might a stable find,
And men have liquors to their mind.

At one corner of the room he beheld two persons playing at cards, and remarked that one of them, who appeared by his dress and the sums of money that he staked to be a substantial farmer, continually lost; at which the other, who was a dark mysterious looking man, only smiled, and every now and then incited him to continue his destructive course by saying, "It is your turn now! play boldly-the luck cannot always keep to one side. Come! to give you a better chance, I will put down double to your single stakes." The farmer, buoyed up with the hope of regaining his money, which was indeed the greater part of what he possessed in the world, played on until

he had lost all, and then, burning with ill-concealed rage and disappointment, rushed out of the room, whilst he, who had made himself the possessor of his wealth, laughed thrice loudly and triumphantly, and stole out, as Karl supposed, to follow his unfortunate companion. Now, our young traveller had looked on attentively, and saw the result of their gaming with no very pleasant feelings. He was in particular shocked and indignant at the coldhearted laugh that escaped from the dark lips of the stranger. Karl: drank his wine faster and faster, and puffed out the smoke from his pipe with greater rapidity and in larger volumes than he had hitherto done. He was vexed at the defeat and triumph he had just witnessed, and vowed in his own mind, should the man who had just left him return, to stake all that his master had given him, rather than he should carry it with so high a hand. The fact is, the old cook, to whom we have already alluded, had given Karl a very respectable initiation into the mystery of card-playing, on divers cold winters' nights by the kitchen fire. Now, the game at which the strangers had been engaged was the very one at which he prided himself not a little. The truth must be spoken-mine is not a perfect hero. Besides being doubly loaded with ambition, he was primed with vanity, which no sooner encountered the match of opposition than explosion took place, which made many rather cautious of coming in his way. In a short time the successful stranger re-entered the chamber, but his adversary came not with him. He challenged Karl, who instantly accepted his offer, called for more wine and again filled his pipe. He played for very small stakes, yet his little purse was getting lower and lower, for the stranger had an advantage over him which he was slow to believe, but which was at last too evident. At length he had little more than sufficient remaining to discharge the bill of the herbergist, and arose

from the table with impatience and vexation. It is doubtful whether the loss of the money affected him so much as the wound that his youthful pride had suffered. He was turning to depart, when the laugh, or rather yell, of his companion checked him. Stung to the soul by the insult he had just received, Karl flew towards him and aimed a blow full at his face, but, in the act of doing so, fell forward on his hands. He sprang up, but the stranger was gone, although the door had been and was still closed and the windows were down. Karl's anger now gave place to astonishment. He was convinced that the stranger had dealings with the devil; nay, he almost thought that he had been gambling with the arch master of the ceremonies himself. He found also that either astonishment or Rhenish wine had had the effect of Emaking his steps indecisive, his head giddy, and reduced the chance of keeping on his legs, and the risk of falling down, to pretty even terms. He however paid his host, and, without knowing how he got there, found himself on the back of Nicolaus, riding along as it appeared to him much more rapidly than usual. What surprised him most of all was, that every thing around him seemed likewise to have gotten the travelling mania. There were some fine old elms going at the rate of ten miles an hour, and, what was very remarkable, some little shrubs that grew near appeared to keep up with them. A large farm house was in pursuit of a barn, but they were so well matched, that there was little hope of its being overtaken. There was also an admirable steeple-chase between the heads of two distant churches, and a boy who was sitting on a bank by the road side rode past him in excellent style. This may be all very agreeable," muttered Karl, "to the parties concerned, but, for my part, I care not how soon they finish their longwinded race. Stop, stop-Nicolaus, no galloping if it please thee, thou

unruly steed of Satan. Whenever I have desired thee to use thy speed, thou hast gone slow enough, and now thou must, out of thy very obstinacy, and regardless of my safety, hurry on as if thy master were behind thee!" He pulled the rein as he finished speaking, and Nicolaus suddenly stood still. His rider had awakened him from a fine sleeping jog trot, and he looked as if he much marvelled what satisfactory reason could be given for it. There was no stable near, which doubtless appeared to him the only fair excuse for a full stop, nor was there the least sign of provender. However, for once, he seemed determined to do as his

rider wished, and still he stood

As Hildebrand the gallant knighte,
Who saw his ladye's ghost at nighte,
Throwe off the veiling palle and shroude,
And vanish through a parted cloude.

Karl began to be better satisfied, for as he had before conceived that he was riding at a gallop when Nicolaus was innocent of every thing save and except the jog-trot before mentioned, so he now thought that he was enjoying a very pleasant lady-like canter, when in truth he was as immovable as his Majesty of Charing Cross. After riding on for some time at the rate of no miles an hour, he fell asleep, and a little after, as an almost necessary consequence, fell from his saddle. His fall, however, was broken by a bed of nettles, which seemed to have grown there for his especial accommodation; but he was not so grateful as he should have been, for he threw away some very choice German to anathematize them. To be sure he had lost his money, a circumstance which seldom tends to sweeten a man's temper or to put him in good humour; but what then? Had he fallen direct to the ground he might have broken an arm, or leg, aye, or even his neck, whereas he was now only stung all over his face and his hands, and ought to have returned thanks to the Virgin that it was no worse. Where all mankind to act


upon this suggestion there would not be a single unhappy person living. The criminal sentenced to a short imprisonment would bless his stars and feel happy that it was not a long one; the convict ordered for transportation might console himself with the idea that it was better than being hanged; and the man who should be doomed longam literam fanere," or, in plain terms, who had received a promise of being hanged, might still be delighted in thinking how far preferable it is to burning. It is bad policy to fancy our own ills greater than those of others, for in proportion as we magnify the evils of life, we increase our imaginary sufferings in enduring them. But to return to Karl; he left his master's horse to amuse himself as he might think fit, placed himself under a tree, and in a minute more was fast asleep. Nicolaus, who, to do him justice, was not always insensible to the force of good example, deliberately walked to a spot opposite Karl's resting place, laid himself down, and, after a few preliminary nods, imitated his master to the life.

Karl had been but a short time asleep, when confused and crowded dreams of what had lately happened disturbed his repose. The dark stranger whom he met at the inn was the principal actor in the somnambulatory drama that was going on. Karl beheld and heard him with shuddering and horror, although, when superstition was out of the case, he had little fear in his composition, as was manifested on various occasions when his high spirit seemed to take but one leap from his heart to his fist, to knock those down from whom he considered he had received an affront. He got his first rudiments, however, of superstitious lore from his nurse, and the old cook at his master's completed his education in that particular branch. The devil was generally the hero of most of her stories, and, to speak disinterestedly, she scarcely gave him his due.

Nothing was done, however diabolical, that was not put down to his account; and she often found afterwards, that what she had attributed to him had been committed by persons who had passed in the world as pious and God-fearing creatures. The ghost stories that he had heard had their effect upon Karl in no ordinary degree, and imbued him with all the visionary and romantic ideas that often lead youth into error, but at the same time throw a charm over that period of life

When hearts have not a dream of sorrow, And thought scarce ventures to the morrow, But takes its light and tripping way Through all the pleasures of to-day.

He suddenly awoke from his slumbers, and found Nicolaus standing close beside him. The bright tints of day were departing, and twilight was scattering her rose-hues over the cloudless face of heaven. Tranquillity reigned the goddess of the scene, and the winds and the birds and the waters paid her their silent homage.

Karl had not rested sufficiently to maintain his equilibrium with any certainty, but he mounted his steed with a determination of proceeding as quickly as it might please his pertinacious fourfooted companion. He gave Nicolaus his head, who seemed to move along with no inconsiderable alacrity; indeed, at times his master was by no means too proud of his equestrian talent to prevent his occasionally resorting to the mane, which, although not perfectly jockey-like, possessed the advantage of keeping him in his saddle-no small consideration by the bye to a youth with only about one-third of his senses about him-the more so as no one was near to scrutinize his actions. on he went, thinking of the pleasures that awaited him at Brunswick, and anticipating the kind welcome he should receive from his relatives and friends, when he was suddenly aroused from his waking dream by hearing the sound of a horse's hoofs close at his side. He turned his head, and was startled


had gone about half way through the narrow road, he turned to have a full view of the gentleman who had stood so much upon forms, bnt how great was his surprise to find that there was not a trace of him to be seen! "So, so," said Karl, "this place did not tempt thee, thou arch-fiend! thou liked'st not to show thy cloven foot, and I give thee credit for having some shame left; though verily I am glad to

to find the same tall dark figure who had contrived to make him ride so much lighter, by ridding him of several supernumerary silver pieces at the inn, on a black steed, which exactly kept pace with his own animal. At the first moment Karl thought of endeavouring to persuade Nicolaus to use his best speed, by a manful application of the whip; but when he considered the unyielding attributes of his stoical quadruped, he gave up the idea in despair.be quit of thy visage!" When he came His alarm too was in some degree dissipated by the changed address of the stranger, who courteously wished him a good evening, and testified his delight at having a companion on so lonely a road. Though Karl was rather more assured, he by no means felt that the delight was mutual. "Curse

the fellow!" thought the youth, "it requires no great stretch of politeness to be civil to a person when you are riding with his money in your belt. I would that his raven-hided beast knew how to stumble and break the ill-favoured cheat's neck, or at least his collarbone !" This charitable sentence, however, he deemed it quite as well not to give viva voce, for it struck him forcibly that it might not be considered by his fellow-traveller in the light of a joke. As the stranger entered more fully into conversation, Karl's fears by degrees began to abate; but he could not help now and then giving a sly look under the black horse's belly, to see whether the other foot corresponded with the one he had a view of. But he had no opportunity of satisfying his curiosity, for if he ever slackened his pace that the other might go on before him, the stranger also pulled his rein and remained close at his side. At length they came to a narrow pass, between two hills, where two horses could not go a-breast, and Karl said to himself Ha! ha! I have thee now. or the devil's in't!" He drew up that the stranger might pass on first, but he was too polite to take precedence, and Karl was obliged to go on. When he

to the end of the pass, and was jogging
on gaily, he nearly dropped from his
saddle, at finding the dark rider, whom
he fancied he had left behind, still by
his side. "I mark thy surprise," said
he to Karl," but I saw when thou wert
riding before me that thy horse had lost
his tail, and out of compassion for the
poor beast, hatred for the flies that
annoy him, and respect for his rider, I
went back, and by good fortune found
it lying on the road. I have now,"
added he, "great pleasure in restoring
it uninjured." Saying this he present-
ed it with a very creditable bow to
Karl, who gazed on the tawny relic in
utter astonishment. How Nicolaus had
lost his tail he could by no means con-
jecture. He was, indeed, so amazed
that he forgot to thank the stranger for
his courtesy, at which the other ap-
peared in no wise offended.
then," said Karl at last, "I am on a
tailless horse! It is well that it will be
dark by the time I come to my journey's
end, or I should be followed through
the street as if I were an imp of the
dev-" he stopped short in his speech,
for he perceived that he had committed
himself, as his companion seemed not
at all to relish the insinuation.
turned, however, with renewed good
humour to Karl, and said: "Come,
come, thy case is not so hopeless.
Thou shalt not be on the back of an
imperfect animal. Give me the tail,
and pledge me thy word that thou wilt
look straight forward, and not once
cast thine eyes backward to make thy
remarks on my proceedings, and I



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