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النشر الإلكتروني

discovered other vestiges of the ancient wall along the same line1. And these traces of the old wall of Jerusalem, though only lately recovered after an oblivion of two or three centuries, are no doubt the same that were formerly appealed to as witnesses of the fact that Calvary was without the ancient city 2: While the Gate of Judgment, standing throughout as an isolated fact, has greatly perplexed antiquaries; but now, viewed in connection with the other links in the chain of evidence, it assumes an importance which alone it could not command; and I am disposed to believe that a careful survey of the ground between this and the Damascus Gate, immediately West of St Stephen's Street, might lead to the recovery of more links in that direction, along a line indicated by a steep bank which skirts the street on that side.

I can answer nothing to the objection taken to the extreme narrowness to which the ancient city is thus reduced at this quarter, except that the superficial width of the area is somewhat increased by the inequality of the ground; that the same objection applies equally to the other hypothesis; and that such objections can have no force against this array of facts and deductions, unless passages can be adduced from any ancient authority in proof that the complement of the Upper and Lower City was wider than this theory allows. But the only passages bearing on the subject

'I speak doubtingly, because I think that Professor Willis has a theory which will better dispose of the great portal, the ruins of which Dr Schultz describes as other vestiges of the second wall their situation will be indicated below. See Schultz, p. 60; Krafft, p. 30.


2 Hierosol. Perig. a F. J. Dublivlio, Nervio. A.D. 1599. p. 13. Inter hunc autem Calvariæ montem et veterem oppidi murum, cujus adhuc vestigia demonstrantur, erat vallis cadaverum,"


tend rather to confirm the view which I have taken. The most natural interpretation of a much controverted passage in Josephus represents the direct line of Sion facing the curved line of Acra, as is actually the case with the two hills as I have arranged them3: and Tacitus describes the walls as "oblique by art, and curved inwardly, that the flanks of the besiegers might be exposed to the missiles of the besieged1." It is observed, moreover, by a writer of the 12th century, who ascribes to Hadrian the extension of the City to the Tower of David, that the former course of the Western wall might still be seen from the Mount of Olives, and the subsequent augmentation of the City in that direction". And I think it is a strong confirmation of my view that this writer, and others who wrote before the study of Josephus' topography had been revived, are so entirely

3 See Bell. Jud. v. iv. in Appendix. He describes Acra as αμφίκυρτος; an expression as to the exact meaning of which the learned are not agreed in this connection. It is used to describe the form of the moon in the middle of its second or third quarter, commonly called "gibbous," greater than half, less than full. See Suidas ad voc. quoted by Reland, Palæstina, p. 853. Dr Robinson (Bib. Res. 1. 410) gives it quite a new sense: he supposes it may mean nothing more than that Acra was "sloping on both sides," i. e. "was a ridge running down into the city"! Is this repeated or contradicted in Bib. Sac. p. 189, note 1, and Theol. Rev. p. 417, n.5?

See his description in Appendix to Vol. 1. Hist. v. 10, 11, &c.

5 Sæwulf, A.D. 1103. "Adrianus imperator qui Elius vocabatur, re

edificavit civitatem Jerosolimam, et Templum Domini, et adauxit civitatem usque ad turrem David, quæ prius multum remota erat a civitate, sicut quislibet a Monte Oliveti videre potest ubi ultimi occidentales muri civitatis prius fuerunt, et quantum postea adauctus est." Recueil de Voyages, Tome iv. p. 840.

6 "Ista Ecclesia (s. Sti Sepulchri) sita est in declivio Montis Syon sicut civitas." Sæwulf, 1. c. p. 839. "In eodem quoque [s. Monte Syon] sed in devexo quod ad orientem respicit, sita est. Sanctæ Resurrectionis Ecclesia, formâ quidem rotunda: quæ quoniam in declivo dicti montis sita est, ut clivus eidem eminens, et contiguus, ecclesiæ pene superat altitudinem, et eam reddit obscuram." Will. Tyren. VIII. iii. p. 747.

ignorant of any valley between Sion and the termina of the ridge which forms the Acra of Dr Robinson, they view it all as one hill, and regard the decl occupied by the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as North-Eastern declivity of Mount Sion: consiste with the description of Eusebius and St Jerome1. if captious criticism should object that the effect of would be to place Golgotha within the Upper I answer, that I am not contending for the strict priety of the description of the writers in question 2 merely adduce their testimony to prove that ne those who had studied Josephus in earlier times those who had not in later, could see any poin agreement between his topographical descriptions the notices of Dr Robinson.

But there is a remarkable coincidence of expre between Eusebius in his account of the New Jerus as he calls the Church of the Resurrection, and phus in his description of the Old City, which m thought both to justify the language of the writer cited, and to furnish an additional argument for conclusions already arrived at. Eusebius describe New Jerusalem as facing (or opposite to) the which had been brought to desolation3. If it b mitted, as I think it must, that as the New Jerusal this description is identical with the Christian Chur the Resurrection, so the Jewish Temple was tak

Onomast. sub voce Golgotha; öv καὶ δείκνυται ἐν Αἰλίᾳ πρὸς τοῖς βορίοις του Σιών ὄρους, “ ad plagam septentrionalem Montis Sion."

2 Yet what could be more natural, when the ruins of the old wall had sloped off the steep ridge of Sion, and

so shaded off the line betwee the northern declivity?

3 Vita Constantini III. XX σωτήριον μαρτύριον ἡ νέα και άζετο Ἱερουσαλῆμ, ἀντιπρόσ πάλαι βοωμένῃ, κ. λ... ταύτ ἄντικρυς, κ. λ.

the representative of the Old, the description is perfectly accordant with fact; the Church of the Holy Sepulchre actually faces the site of the Temple. Now the Old City, according to Josephus, was so arranged on its two hills that its two parts faced each other". But if the hill Sion faced the hill Acra-to which the Temple Mount was united-and if the Church of the Holy Sepulchre also faced the Temple, that Church cannot certainly "stand directly on the ridge of Acra5:" the declivity which it occupies must, in the view of the Jewish and Christian historian, have been more nearly connected with Sion than with Acra, as the Onomasticon of the latter, followed by St Jerome, and confirmed by the medieval authors, so plainly implies.

One other observation shall conclude these remarks. Both ancient and modern writers describe the city as occupying two eminences. It is so with Josephus", although, when he comes to define and specify, some subsidiary hills appear. So again with Tacitus, then

with William of Tyre. Can any one doubt that they intend the two ridges divided by the Mill Valley? and would it not then be preposterous to place the Upper and Lower City on one ridge, and on the same side of that Valley? Even Dr Robinson's own language makes it clear that this Mill Valley is the grand division be

Bell. Jud. v. iv. 1. αὐτὴ μὲν ὑπὲρ δύο λόφων ἀντιπρόσωπος ἔκτιστο, K. X. Conf. Ant. xv. xi. 5. Where Dr Robinson's theory places it. Bib. Res. Vol. 1. p. 391. See Bell. Jud. v. iv. 1, so often referred to.

Tacitus Hist. v. 10. Duos colles, immensum editos, claudebant muri, &c.

s Hist. lib. VIII. cap. iii. "Sita est in montibus duobus... quorum fastigia infra muri ambitum ex parte plurima continet, modicâ valle distincta, quæ etiam urbem per medium dividit. Horum alter qui ab Occidente est Syon appellatur;... Alter vero qui ab Oriente est, mons Moria dicitur," &c.

tween the two parts of the modern City, as I maintain it was also in the ancient'; and I trust that abundant reason has now been shown for such an arrangement of the hills and valleys, the gates and walls of the Old City, as saves the site of the Holy Sepulchre from the most formidable objection that has yet been brought against it. The results of the investigation may be thus stated: 1. The Hippic Tower occupied the site of the N.W. tower of the modern citadel. 2. The place of the Gate Gennath was some distance East of that Tower near the South extremity of the present Bazaars, from which point the Second Wall ran to the Damascus Gate, just West of the line of St Stephen's Street. 3. Acra is the hill to the N.W. of the Temple-Mount; and, 4. The Tyropœon is the Mill Valley, extending from the Damascus Gate to the Pool of Siloam.

The continuation of the second wall from the Damascus Gate to Antonia is a matter of perfect indifference as regards the Holy Sepulchre; the consideration of which may be deferred until I come to consider the exact position of that fortress at which it terminated.

Still the present site of the Holy Sepulchre mayor as I maintain must-have been without the circuit of the ancient City, and yet wrongly determined: or the site having been rightly determined in the first instance, may have been transferred at a later period to this place. The evidence therefore for the truth and for the continuity of the tradition shall be adduced in the following Chapter. But as the necessity of discussing the former of these questions would be obviated if a

Bib. Res. 1. p. 383 and 393; "the part of Jerusalem lying between the valley of Jehoshaphat and the valley

running down from the Damascus Gate to the Pool of Siloam may be regarded as one iidge."

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