صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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He then recapitulated the amount of
all the proposed taxes thus-
On Collateral Succeffion, L.250,000
Ten per Cent. on Affeffed

Double prefent duty on Saddle
and Coach Horfes,

Two Shillings on all other

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tion was made for discharging the Call, which gave rife to a debate, negatived by a divifion, and the Call was fixed for Monday next.

The following Meffage was delivered from his Majefty.


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"His Majefty, relying on the affurances which he has received from his faithful Commons of their determination to fupport, his Majefty in thofe exertions 135,000 which are neceffary under the prefent circumftances, recommends it to this Houfe to confider of making provision 32,000 towards enabling his Majefty to defray any extraordinary expences which may 180,000 be incurred for the fervice of the enfuing year, and to take fuch measures as the exigency of affairs may require.His Majefty, on this occafion, thinks proper to acquaint the House, that the crifis which was depending at the commencement of the prefent Seffion has led to fuch an order of things in France, as will induce his Majefty (conformably to the fentiments which he has already declared) to meet any difpofition for Negociation on the part of the enemy, with an earneft defire to give it the fulleft and fpeedieft effect, and to conclude a Treaty for a General Peace, whenever it can be effected on just and suitable terms for himself and his Allies.

L.1,123,000 Mr Pitt then entered into a minute and accurate ftatement of the Loan, which he averred was made on the beft poffible terms, and fuch as, confidering this to be the fourth year of such a war as the prefent, were incomparably advantageous to the Public. He defended his conduct with refpect to Mr Morgan, as the effect of a neceffity operating to the advantage of the Nation; and concluded, that the true way to judge, was to look to its revenue, and it would be found that, in the midft of this expenfive and unparalleled war, the diminution of the produce of the taxes was not greater than the common variation in times of peace.

The taxes laid on fince the commencement of the war, had kept pace with his moft fanguine expectations. In 1793, they came within 20,000l. of the eftimate; in 1794, they exceeded it by 50,000l. and, in the prefent year, the two quarters which were paft had pro duced two thirds of the eftimated taxes. Inftead of following the example of the enemy, and living upon our capital; inftead of eating out the finking fund, we had produced fupplies equal to the fervice of the year, and provided for their payment. He took no credit to himself, he attributed the whole to the energy of the country, and to the firmnefs and perfeverance of Parliament.

The feveral Refolutions being read and agreed to in the Committee, and the Houfe having refumed, the Report was brought up, and ordered to be received


Dec. 8. The Houfe was engaged till fix o'clock on the Call, which food for this day in the courfe of which, a MoEd. Mag. March 1796.

"It is his Majefty's earnest wish, that the spirit and determination manifefted by Parliament, added to the recent and important fucceffes of the Austrian Armies, and to the continued and growing embarraffments of the enemy, may fpeedily conduce to the attainment of this object on fuch grounds as the juftice of the caufe in which this Country is engaged, and the fituation of affairs may entitle his Majesty to expect.”

Mr Pitt moved, that the Meffage fhould be taken into confideration tomorrow, which was agreed to.

Dec. 9. M Pitt moved the Order of the Day for reading his Majesty's Meffage, and moved an Addrefs, which was agreed to.

-. 10. The Order of the Day, for the third reading of the Bill for the Safety of his Majefty's Perfon and Government, being read,

A long debate enfued, after which the
Houfe divided:

For the third reading,
Against it, -







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PARIS, 19 Feb. 1796. HE eftablishment of a Bank at Paris under the following regulations has been propofed and agreed to by the Executive Directory:

1. To form an affociation, under the name of a Bank, to which each of the fubfcribers binds himself to the extent of the fhares he fubfcribes for.

2. The fhares of the Bank fhall be 600 livres each, real value; payable, 200 livres as foon as the cashier's office fhall be opened, 200 livres within fix months, and 200 at the end of a year. The firft 200 may be paid in national fpecie, in foreign fpecie at the proportioned rate of exchange, in gold or filver articles, in bills on foreign countries, or in affignats according to their currency. The fubfequent 4001. fhall be paid in bonds fubfcribed by the holders of shares, bearing an intereft of five per cent. per annum. A bonus of one per cent. will be allowed to those who make the laft payments in advance.

3. The holders of fhares in the Caiffe d'Efcompte, whofe names are infcribed, on the registers of liquidation, and who are fill interested in that establishment, fhall be admitted into this affociation, in the proportion of five fhares of the Bank for each fhare of the Caiffe d'Elcompte, from whence they fhall transfer the value to the Bank, with fix months arrears of the dividends to be received. To be entitled to this advantage, the holders of fhares in the Caiffe d'Efcompte fhall pay into the Bank, as foon as the Cashier's books fhall be opened, 200 livres for each fhare of the Caifle d' Efcompte.

4. The dividends shall be made in the

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5. The Bank fhall iffue fuch bills at fight, or after date, as fhall be neceffary for their operations. Such bills, however, fhall never exceed their realised value when they become payable.

6. The Bank fhall be directed by a Council of Adminiftration fimilar to that of the Caiffe d'Efcompte. This Council fhall be compofed of ten Administrators, and a Director General.

7. The Subfcribers fhall delegate to the Council the power of treating with the Government in fuck a way as that in no cafe the Bank engagements fhall exceed the half of the real value of the affets lodged in the Bank itself.

8. They empower them to organize all the parts of the establishment, the form and mode of emiflion or fubfcription for fhares, the emiffion of bills, the current accounts, the discounts, the credit in Bank or depofit, and the general and particular refponfibility of each part. The Council is authorised to frame all the regulations relative to thefe different parts of the adminiftration, and to put them in force. Thefe regulations to be printed and tranfmitted to each fubfcriber having a vote.

9. To be entitled to a vote in the general meetings of the Bank, it is neceffary to hold twenty fhares. Io. The

10. The Council will hold a general meeting every three months. It fhall, befiles, call extra meetings when it shall think fit.

II. On the demand of fifty fubfcribers having votes, the Council fhall be obhiged to call a general meeting within ten days; and,

12. The accounts of the establishments fhall be balanced daily.

Feb. 20. At ten o'clock this morning, all the forms, plates, matrices, and punches, which were employed in the manufacture of affignats, were broken at the Place Vendome, and afterwards melted in a vaft furnace, which had been built there for the purpose. A great concourfe of people was prefent at this ce


21. In conformity to a mandate of the Directory, the Central Office has juft fixed the price at which the butchers are to fell their meat per pound; the regulation commenced yefterday:

In affignats. Beef 143 livres, Mutton, 145 livres, Veal 130 livres,

In money. II fols (5 d.) II fols 10 fols (5 d.) 22. The price of bread in this capital vis fixed for the prefent decade at 40 livres per pound in affignats, or 3 fols (three halfpence) in fpecie, at the choice of the


March 4. The Directory have officially announced that Stofflet, and five of his accomplices, were tried at Angers on the 26th of February, and were shot the next day, with the exception of a young attendant on his perfon, whom the Military Council condemned only to be imprifoned till the return of peace. From the fentence of Stofflet it appears, that he was in his 44th year, that he was born at Lunevill, in the department of La Marthe. The names of the four officers were Charles Lichtenhen, aged 24, born at Prade, formerly an officer in the ferviee of the Emperor; Jofeph Philippe Devannes, born at Ancenis, formerly Commis, of that diftrict; Jofeph Moreau, aged 20, born at Chantelon; Pierre Pinot, aged 21; and Michel Grolleau, aged 14.


London Gazettes.
From the London Gazette, Jan. 26.

Downing-Street, Jan. 26.

By advices received from the Auftrian Army on the Rhine, dated December

30, it appears, that a Sufpenfion of Arms has been agreed upon between the Austrian and French Generals in that quarter, with liberty to either party to put an end to it, on giving ten days notice.

From the London Gazette, Feb. 2.

Copy of a Letter from Capt. John Clarke
Admiralty-Office, Feb. 2.
Searle, commander of his Majefty's Sloop
Pelican, to Mr Nepean, dated off Domi-
nica, Dec. 15, 1795.


writing to you, by Capt. Warre, on I avail myself of the opportunity of board the Earl of Sandwich packet, on his paffage to England, merely to acquaint you, that I yesterday captured one terias of Marygallante. She is a fchoonof the enemy's cruizers, under the bater of eight guns, and 56 men.

tulatory addreffes from England, to their [This Gazette contains four congraMajeflies, on the birth of a Princefs; and one to his Majefty, on his late efcape from the outrageous attack on his perfon.]

From the London Gazette, Feb. 16.

Carleton-Houfe, Feb. 16.

On the evening of Thursday laft, between eight and nine o'clock, her Royal Highness the Infant Princefs, daughter of their Royal Highneffes the Prince and Princess of Wales, was chriftened in the great drawing-room by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury: her Royal Highness was named Charlotte Auguf. ta: the Sponfors were their Majefties in perfon, and her Royal Highness the Duchefs of Brunfwick, reprefented by her Royal Highness the Princess Royal.

From the London Gazette, March. 19.

Horfe-Guards, March 17, 1796. A letter, of which the following is an extract, has been received by the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, from Major-General Leigh, commanding his Majefty's troops in the Weft In


Extract of a Letter from Major-General
Leigh, to Mr Secretary Dundas, dated
Martinique, January 21, 1796.

I this day received Brigadier-General Stewart's ftatement of the attack on his Camp at St Vincent's, on the 8th inft. and the return of the killed, wounded, and miffing, in that unfortunate affair.

The Governor, and a Committee of Gg


the Legislature of St Vincent, having written to the Commanding Officer at Barbadoes on the first notice of this dif after, Brigadier-General Knox immediately fent off 260 men of the 63d regiment, who had arrived there, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Gower, to their affiftance.

Extract of a letter from Major-General Hunter, to his Excellency Major-General Leigh, dated Head Quarters, King fton, St Vincent's, Jan. 19, 1796. Herewith I have the honour to inclofe to your Excellency a letter from Briga dier-General Stewart, with a lift of the killed, wounded, and miffing, in the unfortunate action of the 8th inft.

I have made the beft arrangement I could think of for the fafety of Fort Charlotte and the protection of the town, to effect which, I was under the neceffity of evacuating the new Vigie, perceiving the enemy's intention of cutting off our communication with it.

I alfo judged it prudent to withdraw the party from Morne Ronde, fo that my whole force is now concentered at the pofts of Dorfetfhire Hill, Millar's Bridge, Lion Hill, Cane Garden, Keane's Houfe, Kingstown, and Fort Charlotte. I muft, however, obferve, that the very hard duty the men and officers are obliged to do at prefent, cannot be fupported for any length of time, and if fome reinforcement is not fent, I much fear that I fhall be under the neceffity of retiring with the troops into Fort Charlotte, which is poft, in my opinion, not to be taken by all the force the enemy can bring against it.


Extract of a Letter from Brigadier-Gen. Stewart to Major-Gen. Hunter, dated Kingflon, Jan. 13, 1796.

About three o'clock in the morning of the 8th inft. the enemy made an attack on our left, where we had a three-pounder and a cohorn placed upon a tongue of land, which ran out about 50 yards, thought, from the fleepnefson each fide, to be almoft inacceffible. On the first fhot, I immediately ran out as faft as the darkness would permit me, and I was met by Major Harcourt, Field Officer of the day. I found the men all paraded, and Brigadier-Gen. Strutt, who had juft then received a wound in his face, exert ing himself much with the 54th regiment. I ftill proceeded to the left, but, from the darknefs, could not diftinguifh the enemy from our own foldiers, (about

this time a French Officer had got over our works, and was taken prifoner ;) and not being yet certain whether the enemy had taken poffeffion of the battery to the left, I directed Major Harcourt to reinforce that poft with the picquet of the 40th ; but before this could be done, I had too much reafon to believe it was

taken, and immediately difpatched a meffenger to Lieut. Colonel Graham, to bring up the whole or part of the fecond Weft India regiment; but before the meffenger had got many yards, a firing was heard on the right from the enemy, and all along the front. In this fituation I left Captain Harrifon, of the light company of the 54th regiment, most actively employed in using every exertion to keep his men to their duty, and was proceeding to the right, by the 40th regiment, to know what was doing there, but I had fcarce reached this regiment, when I heard the battery that I had left was taken. I inftantly turned about, directing Major Harcourt, with all the men of the 40th he could collect, to follow me, and retake the battery. I again met Brigadier-General Strutt between fome men, who informed me his leg was fhattered, and Captain Harrison fhot through the fhoulder. I ftill pufhed forward, ufing my beft endeavours, with other officers, to animate the men to their duty, many of whom at that mo ment were killed and wounded. At this time, the troops in the front and on the right of the line gave way, and the enemy took poffeffion of the remaining battery. In this dilemma, nothing but a retreat could be thought of.

We reached Biabou with inconfiderable lofs. The enemy hung on our rear and right; but, from the judicious attention of Lieut.-Colonel Fuller, (who on every occafion afforded me the most ready affiftance,) and Lieutenant-Colonel Graham, they were kept off.

Biabou being upwards of twelve milea from Kingston, without provision, and little ammunition, it appeared by no means prudent to take poft here; I therefore, as foon as the men had got fome little reft, and it became dark, (after having ordered fires to be kindled,) refumed our march towards Kingston unmolefted.

Permit me, before I conclude, to exprefs the heavy lofs I fuftained in the want of the able affiftance of BrigadierGeneral Strutt, who was feverely wound-. ed foon after the commencement of the attack, as well as that of Major Har

court a

court, and other brave officers fpecified
in the return of our lofs, which I have
the honour to fend with this.

Return of the Killed, Wounded, and Mif
fing, in the attack of the Enemy on the
Camp before Mount William, Ifland of
St Vincent, Jan. 8, 1796. ?

Royal Artillery, 4 rank and file killed;
3 ditto wounded; 3 ditto miffing.-40th
Regiment, 1 ferjeant, I rank and file,
killed; I major, I fubaltern, I furgeon,
1 ferjeant, I drummer, 14 rank and file,
wounded; 8 rank and file, miffing.
54th Ditto, 6 ferjeants, I drummer, 24
rank and file, killed; 1 captain, 4 fu-
balterns, 5 ferjeants, I drummer, 44 rank
and file, wounded: 4 ferjeants, I drum-'
mer, 40 rank and file, miffing.-59th
Ditto, I ferjeant, 5 rank and file, killed;
2 fubalterns, 19 rank and file, wounded;
4 rank and file, miffing.-2d Weft In-
dia Ditto, I rauk and file, killed; I Cap-
tain, 3 subalterns, 7 rank and file, wound-
ed; 15 ferjeants, 125 rank and file, mif
fing. Total, 8 ferjeants, I drummer, 45
rank and file, killed; I major, 2 cap-
tains, to fubalterns, I furgeon,6 ferjeants,
2 drummers, 87 rank and file, wound-
ed; 19 ferjeants, I drummer, 180 rank
and file, miffing.

(Signed) Ja, Stewart, B. Gen. Names of the Officers wounded, Brigadier-General Strutt, Brigade - Major Stewart, Brigade-Major Walford, (not included in the above return,) Major Harcourt, Captains Harrison and Davidfon, Subalterns Simmonds, (fince dead,) Frederick, Spence, Cairnes, Verity, Chaplain, Panton, Darley, Murroud, and Le Cader, Surgeon Bollon, Capt. Cumming, affiftant to the Quarter-Major General, miffing. Volunteer Afhburner (40th regiment) killed.

Admiralty-Office, March 18. Extract of a letter from the Hon. Robert Stopford, Captain of his Majesty's hip Phaeton, to Mr Nepean, dated at Sea, Mar. 11, 1796, Cape Finisterre, E.N.E. 40 leagues.

I have to request you will inform my Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty, that the French Corvette called La Bonne Citoyenne, mounting 20 nine-pounders, and carrying 145 men, was captured yesterday by the fquadron under my orders, Cape Finniflerre E.by N.58 leagues. She left Rochefort on the 4th inftant, in company with La Forte, La Seine, La Regeneree frigates, and La Mutine brig, defined for the Ile de France, and have

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Execution of the Mutineers of the Defiance

when in Leitb Roads.

Sheerness, March 8.

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At nine o'clock this morning, the fig nal for éxecution was made on board the Defiance man of war, by firing a gun, and hoifting a yellow flag at the fore top-gallant-maft head: a Lieutenant, in a boat manned and armed, was imme diately fent from each fhip to witness the awful fcene: the crews of the respective fhips were called on deck, and the articles of war read to them by their Captains, who afterwards warned them to take example from the fate of the unhappy men who were about to fuffer.

The Rev. Dr Hatherall, Chaplain of the Sandwich, (who has conftantly been with the prifoners fince their condemnation,) adminiftered the facrament to all of them, except Michael Cox and Martin Ealy, who were Roman Catholics : after praying with them until near eleven o'clock, they were brought on deck, and the ropes fixed around their necks, when John Flint, George Wythick, John Lawfon, and William Handy, were made acquainted, that his Majefty had been pleased to pardon them. Handy, who had a wife and child on board, immediately ran down to her, and fainted in her arms, which prefented a moft affecting fcene. The tear of thankfulness and joy adorned the cheeks of the hardy tars-and Lawfon, addreffing the clergyman, faid, "I am afraid I fhall never again be fo well prepared for eternity."

At a quarter paft eleven, the fignal for the execution of the remainder was, made, by firing a gun, when Michael Cox, Robert M.Laurin, John Sullivan, Martin Ealy, and William Morrison, were launched into eternity. After hanging the ufual time, their bodies were fent on fhore, to the agent at fick quarters, for interment.

This awful fpectacle had a due effect upon the feveral fhips companies, who behaved in a very proper and becoming manner on this occafion.


HIGH COURT of JUSTICIARY. Trial of Jobn and Arthur Oneils, for Murder.

Monday, Feb. I.

This day, the Court proceeded in the trial

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