his brethren not only to the borders, but entered with them into the land of peace; and having once saved his country from ruin by his sword, he again saved it by his counsels and influence. These were the objects for which this illustrious personage was raised up. And when these objects were accomplished, God laid this instrument in all its majesty aside, to teach the world, that though he had made use of it he needed it not. Washington is no more. This day reminds us of our loss and mingles anguish with its joy. Ah much loved patriot, while we reap the fruit of thy agony and toil, we remember thy name and thy virtues. Thy name is embalmed in our bosoms, and thy virtues are recorded on the living tablets of our hearts. Look to the sepulchre where he lies and weep. Weep ye hoary veterans who once marched under his Weep ye mothers, valour, he watched Weep, Americans, banner, and fought by his side. fo. shielded your babes by his your dwellings while you slept. for Washington the father of your country, the defender of your liberties, is no more. Let succeeding generations sigh o'er his ashes, and the infants of posterity, lisping his virtues, drop tears of gratitude round his tomb. In the view of these things, while you contemplate the former sufferings, the present glory and happiness of your country, and the means by which it has been ex. alted to that happiness and glory, can you hesitate to t his duty; in the discharge of which, no one, since the leader who went before Israel through the wilderness, ever had greater difficulties to encounter, or met them with greater magnanimity. For every event he was prepared. In battle he was terrible; skilful in retreat. In prosperity he was humble; in adversity unshaken. Not like Saul who slew himself on mount Gilboa. When he was unsuccessful he submitted to the decree of Heaven, and still trusted in the God of battles. He knew how to brook disappointment. He could bear with the murmurings and jealousy of the ignorant. Opposition only increased his firmness, danger strengthened his fortitude, and amid all the perils and disasters of the revolution his steady eye never once lost sight of its object-his country's welfare. At length Heaven interposed, lent him the aids of a foreign army, and led him to victory and glory. Such an instrument of good to mankind, bears c itself the divine impression. In the achievements of Washington if nothing" In the midst of danger, and in the fo *When Cornwallis w pious ancestors ; rs in piety; train ion of the Lord. Let their habits of ot from the camemorality is the inrecepts change with the from the oracles of God. olitics; these the purest learn to pay tribute cheerthat to speak evil unjustly of ple is sin. inst, and guard yourselves against of government, founded on mistakman nature. Consider that man an endeavours to make you believe mankind Lepraved, when God and conscience both apply to American Israel the sentiment of my text? Who is the author of these mercies? and whence hath this salvation come? Who preserved your fathers from the tomahawk of the savage, and yourselves from the vengeance of Britain? Who raised up Washington to fight your battles and preside over your councils? Who hath driven out the heathen before you, and set your feet in a broad place? Who hath established your independence on a sure foundation, and given you peace from all your enemies round about? Who hath done all this, yea more than this, who hath shed upon you the light of celestial day, and disclosed to your view the realities of the world to come? Manifestly the Lord God of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel. This is God's kindness to his people. Your fathers leaned on God's promises, and walked in the sunshine of his word. And now while they rest from their labors, we their children are reaping the fruits of their piety and receiving the answer to their prayers. Do you enquire how you may still prosper, and in what way your inheritance may be rendered permanent and secure ? I answer, "Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe in his prophets so shall ye prosper." Is God the author of your independence? Has he established you in this land of plenty and of peace? Then have you nothing to seek but his favor; nothing to dread but his dis pleasure. Walk then before him and be ye perfect. Let your conversation be such as becometh godliness. Adorn the doctrine of God our savior. Attend to the education of your children as a matter of the first importance. If you wish them to be governed by motives, and not by stripes; as free men and not as slaves; you must be at pains to furnish their minds with necessary knowledge, especially with the knowledge of religion. You may leave them liberty; but it is a blessing which they cannot long enjoy, unless their understandings are enlightened by science, and their hearts sanctified by grace. Imitate then the example of your pious ancestors ; nurture your sons and your daughters in piety; train up your household in the admonition of the Lord. Early teach them subordination. Let their habits of thinking and acting be formed, not from the camelion pages of a newspaper, whose morality is the interest of a party, and whose precepts change with the result of an election; but from the oracles of God. These teach the truest politics; these the purest morals, Hence let them learn to pay tribute cheerfully unto Cæsar, and that to speak evil unjustly of the ruler of God's people is sin. Guard them against, and guard yourselves against • visionary notions of government, founded on mistak. en ideas of human nature. Consider that man an enemy who endeavours to make you believe mankind are not depraved, when God and conscience both |