10 For one day in thy courts to be Is better, and more blest, Than in the joys of vanity A thousand days at best. I in the temple of my God Had rather keep a door, Than dwell in tents, and rich abode, With sin for evermore.
11 For God the Lord, both sun and shield, Gives grace and glory bright; No good from them shall be withheld Whose ways are just and right.
12 Lord God of Hosts that reign'st on high,
That man is truly blest, Who only on thee doth rely,
And in thee only rest.
1 THY land to favour graciously
Thou hast not, Lord, been slack; Thou hast from hard captivity Returned Jacob back.
2 The iniquity thou didst forgive That wrought thy people woe; And all their sin, that did thee grieve, Hast hid where none shall know. 3 Thine anger all thou hadst removed, And calmly didst return
From thy fierce wrath which we had proved1 Far worse than fire to burn.
4 God of our saving health and peace, Turn us, and us restore; Thine indignation cause to cease Toward us, and chide no more. 5 Wilt thou be angry without end, For ever angry thus? Wilt thou thy frowning ire extend From age to age on us?
1 Heb. The burning heat of thy wrath.
6 Wilt thou not turn, and hear our voice,
And us again1 revive;
That so thy people may rejoice
By thee preserved alive.
7 Cause us to see thy goodness, Lord,
To us thy mercy shew;
Thy saving health to us afford,
And life in us renew.
8 And now what God the Lord will speak,
I will go straight and hear; For to his people he speaks peace, And to his saints full dear, To his dear saints he will speak peace, But let them never more
Return to folly, but surcease To trespass as before. 9 Surely to such as do him fear Salvation is at hand;
And glory shall ere long appear To dwell within our land.
10 Mercy and Truth that long were missed
Now joyfully are met; Sweet Peace and Righteousness And hand in hand are set.
1 THY gracious ear, O Lord, incline, O hear me, I thee pray, For I am poor, and almost pine With need, and sad decay. 2 Preserve my soul, for I have trod Thy ways, and love the just; Save thou thy servant, O my God, Who still in thee doth trust. 3 Pity me, Lord, for daily thee I call; 4. Oh, make rejoice Thy servant's soul; for, Lord, to thee I lift my soul and voice.
5 For thou art good, thou, Lord, art prone To pardon, thou to all Art full of mercy, thou alone To them that on thee call. 6 Unto my supplication, Lord, Give ear, and to the cry Of my incessant prayers afford Thy hearing graciously. 7 I in the day of my distress Will call on thee for aid; For thou wilt grant me free access, And answer what I prayed. 8 Like thee among the gods is none, O Lord, nor any works Of all that other gods have done Like to thy glorious works.
9 The nations all whom thou hast made Shall come, and all shall frame To bow them low before thee, Lord, And glorify thy name.
10 For great thou art, and wonders great
By thy strong hand are done,
Thou in thy everlasting seat Remainest God alone.
11 Teach me, O Lord, thy way most right,
I in thy truth will bide,
To fear thy name my heart unite,
So shall it never slide.
1 Heb. I am good, loving, a doer of good and holy things.
12 Thee will I praise, O Lord my God, Thee honour and adore
With my whole heart, and blaze abroad Thy name for evermore.
13 For great thy mercy is toward me, And thou hast freed my soul, Even from the lowest hell set free, From deepest darkness foul. 14 O God! the proud against me rise, And violent men are met
To seek my life, and in their eyes No fear of thee have set.
15 But thou, Lord, art the God most mild, Readiest thy grace to show, Slow to be angry, and art styled Most merciful, most true. 16 Oh, turn to me thy face at length, And me have mercy on; Unto thy servant give thy strength, And save thy handmaid's son. 17 Some sign of good to me afford, And let my foes then see, And be ashamed; because thou, Lord, Dost help and comfort me.
1 AMONG the holy mountains high Is his foundation fast, There seated is his sanctuary, His temple there is placed.
2 Sion's fair gates the Lord loves more Than all the dwellings fair Of Jacob's land, though there be store, And all within his care,
3 City of God, most glorious things Of thee abroad are spoke; 4 I mention Egypt, where proud kings Did our forefathers yoke; I mention Babel to my friends, Philistia full of scorn,
And Tyre with Ethiop's utmost ends, Lo this man there was born:
5 But twice that praise shall in our ear Be said of Sion last;
This and this man was born in her, High God shall fix her fast. 6 The Lord shall write it in a scroll, That ne'er shall be out-worn, When he the nations doth enrol, That this man there was born. 7 Both they who sing, and they who dance, With sacred songs are there; In thee fresh brooks, and soft streams glance, And all my fountains clear.
1 LORD God, that dost me save and keep, All day to thee I cry;
And all night long before thee weep, Before thee prostrate lie.
2 Into thy y presence let my prayer With sighs devout ascend, And to my cries that ceaseless are, Thine ear with favour bend.
3 For cloyed with woes and trouble store Surcharged my soul doth lie; My life at death's uncheerful door Unto the grave draws nigh. 4 Reckoned I am with them that pass Down to the dismal pit; I am a man,1 but weak, alas! And for that name unfit. From life discharged and parted quite Among the dead to sleep; And like the slain in bloody fight That in the grave lie deep. Whom thou rememberest no more, Dost never more regard; Them from thy hand delivered o'er, Death's hideous house hath barred.
1 Heb. A man without manly strength.
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