صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Local Marine

Revision of

Merchant Shipping (Part III. Masters and Seamen.)

Persons entitled by virtue of this Act to vote at the Election of Members of such Local Marine Board, containing the Christian Name, Surname, and Residence of each such Person, and the Number of Votes to which he is entitled, and shall sign such List, and cause a sufficient Number of Copies thereof to be printed, and to be fixed on or near the Doors of the Custom House at such Seaport for Two entire Weeks next after such List has been made, and shall keep true Copies of such List, and permit the same to be perused by any Person, without Payment of any Fee, at all reasonable Hours during such Two Weeks.

CXIII. The Mayor or Provost of every Seaport at which there List of Voters. is a Local Marine Board, or such of them, if more than One, as is or are for the Time being so appointed as aforesaid, shall at least Twenty Days before the Twenty-fifth Day of January in the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and in each succeeding Third Year, nominate Two Justices of the Peace to revise the said Lists; and such Justices shall, between the Eighth and Fifteenth Days of January both inclusive in the Year in which they are so nominated, revise the said List at the Custom House of the Port, or in some convenient Place near thereto, to be hired, if necessary, by the said Collector or Comptroller, and shall give Three clear Days Notice of such Revision by advertising the same in some local Newspaper, and by affixing a Notice thereof on or near to the Doors of such Custom House, and shall make such Revision by inserting in such List the Name of every Person who claims to be inserted therein, and gives Proof satisfactory to the said Revisors of his Right to have his Name so inserted, and by striking out therefrom the Name of every Person to the insertion of which an Objection is made by any other Person named in such List who gives Proof satisfactory to the said Revisors that the Name of the Person so objected to ought not to have been inserted therein; and the Decision of the said Revisors with respect to every such Claim or Objection shall be conclusive; and the said Revisors shall immediately after such Revision sign their Names at the Foot of the List so revised; and such List so revised shall be the Register of Voters at Elections of Members of the Local Marine Board of such Seaport for Three Years from the Twenty-fifth day of January then next ensuing inclusive to the Twentyfourth Day of January inclusive in the Third succeeding Year; and the said revised List, when so signed, shall be delivered to such Mayor or Provost as aforesaid of the Place, who shall, if necessary, cause a sufficient Number of Copies thereof to be printed, and shall cause a Copy to be delivered to every Voter applying for the same.

Merchant Shipping (Part III. Masters and Seamen.)

Local Mari ne


CXIV. The said Collector or Comptroller, if required, shall for Registers to be the Assistance of the said Revisors in revising the said List produced. produce to them the Books containing the Register of Ships registered at such Seaport; and the Registrar General of Seamen, if required, shall also produce or transmit to such Revisors such certified Extracts or Returns from the Books in his Custody as may be necessary for the same Purpose.

CXV. The Two Justices aforesaid shall certify all Expenses Expenses to properly incurred by any such Collector or Comptroller as be paid by aforesaid in making and printing the said List and in the Board of Revision thereof, and the Board of Trade shall pay the same, Trade. and also all Expenses properly incurred by any such Mayor or Provost as aforesaid in printing the same or in Elections taking place under this Act; and the said Board may disallow any Items of any such Expenses as aforesaid which it deems to have been improperly incurred.

CXVI. Every Person whose Name appears on such revised Persons on List, and no other Person, shall be qualified to vote at the revised List Election of Members of the Local Marine Board at such Sea- qualified to port to be held on the Twenty-fifth Day of January next after vote. the Revision of such List, and at any occasional Election held at any Time between that Day and the next ordinary triennial Election of the Members of such Board.



CXVII. Every Male Person who is according to such revised List of the Voters at any Seaport entitled to a Vote shall be of Members of qualified to be elected a Member of the Local Marine Board Local Marine of such Seaport, and no other Person shall be so qualified; and if any Person elected as a Member after such Election ceases to be an Owner of such Quantity of Tonnage as would entitle him to a Vote, he shall no longer continue to act or be considered as a Member, and thereupon another Member shall be elected in his Place.

CXVIII. No Act of any Local Marine Board shall be vitiated or prejudiced by reason of any Irregularity in the Election of any of its Members, or of any Error in the List of Voters herein mentioned, or of any Irregularity in the making or revising of such List, or by reason of any Person who is not duly qualified as herein-before directed acting upon such Board.

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CXIX. Every Local Marine Board shall keep Minutes of its Minutes and Proceedings, and the same shall be kept in such Mode (if any) Business of as the Board of Trade prescribes; and such Minutes, and all Local Marine Books or Documents used or kept by any Local Marine Board, or by any Examiners, Shipping Masters, or other Officers or Servants under the Control of any Local Marine Board, shall


Local Marine

fails to dis

ties, Board of Trade may assume its

Merchant Shipping (Part II. Masters and Seamen)

be open to the Inspection of the Board of Trade and its Officers; and every Local Marine Board shall make and send to the Board of Trade such Reports and Returns as it requires; but, subject as aforesaid, every Local Marine Board may regulate the Mode in which its Meetings are to be held and its Business conducted.

If any Local CXX. If any Local Marine Board, by reason of any Election Marine Board not taking place, or of the simultaneous Resignation or con charge its Du tinued Nonattendance of all or the greater Part of the Members or from any other Cause, fails to meet or to discharge its Duties, the Board of Trade may in its Discretion either take into its own Hands the Performance of the Duties of such Local Marine Board until the next triennial Appointment and Election thereof, or direct that a new Appointment and Election of such Local Marine Board shall take place immediately.

Duties, or di

rect a new


Board of
Trade, on
may alter Ar-

made by Local



Local Marine

Boards to establish Shipping Offices.

Board of Trade

Control over



CXXI. If upon Complaint made to the Board of Trade it appears to such Board that any Appointments or Arrangements made by any Local Marine Board under the Powers hereby given to it are not such as to meet the Wants of the Port, or are in any respect unsatisfactory or improper, the Board of Trade may annul, alter, or rectify such Appointments or Arrangements in such Manner as, having regard to the intentions of this Act and to the Wants of the Port, it deems to be expedient.

Shipping Offices.

CXXII. In every Seaport in the United Kingdom in which there is a Local Marine Board such Board shall establish a Shipping Office or Shipping Offices, and may for that Purpose, subject as herein mentioned, procure the requisite Premises, and appoint and from Time to Time remove and re-appoint Superintendents of such Offices, to be called Shipping Masters, with any necessary Deputies, Clerks, and Servants, and regulate the Mode of conducting Business at such Offices, and shall, subject as herein mentioned, have complete Control over the same; and every Act done by or before any Deputy duly appointed shall have the same Effect as if done by or before a Shipping Master.

CXXIII. The Sanction of the Board of Trade shall be necessary to have partial so far as regards the Number of Persons so appointed by any such Local Marine Board, and the Amount of their Salaries and Wages and all other Expenses; and the Board of Trade shall have the immediate Control of such Shipping Offices, so far as regards the Receipt and Payment of Money thereat; and all Shipping Masters, Deputies, Clerks, and Servants so appointed as aforesaid shall before entering upon their Duties give


Merchant Shipping (Part III. Mosters and Seamen.)

such Security (if any) for the due Performance thereof as the Board of Trade requires; end if in any Case the Board of Trade has reason to believe that any Shipping Master, Deputy, Clerk, or Servant appointed by any Loctl Marine Board does not properly discharge his Duties, the Board 7 Trade may cause the Case to be investigated, and may, if it thinks fit so to do, remove him from his Office, and inay provide for the proper Performance of his Duties until another Person is properly appointed in his Place.


CXXIV. It shall be the general Business of Shipping Masters Business of appointed as aforesaid

To allord Facilities for engaging Semen by keeping Registries of their Names and Characters;

To superintend and facilitate their Engagement and Discharge in manner herein-aiter mentioned;

To provide Means for securing the Presence on board at the proper Times of Men who are so engaged;

To facilitate the making of Apprenticeships to the Sea Service;

To perform such other Duties relating to Merchant Seamen and Merchant Ships as are hereby or may hereafter under the Powers herein contained be committed to them.

such Offices generally.

and Dischar

CXXV. Such Fees, not exceeding the Sums specified in the Fees to be Table marked P. in the Schedule hereto, as are from Time to paid upon Time fixed by the Board of Trade, shall be payable upon all Engagements Engagements and Discharges effected before Shipping Masters ges. as herein-after mentioned, and the Board of Trade shall cause Seales of the Fees payable for the Time being to be prepared and to be conspicuously placed in the Shipping Oflices; and all Shipping Masters, their Deputies, Clerks, and Servants, may refuse to proceed with any Engagement or Discharge unless the Fees payable thereon are first paid.

CXXVI. Every Owner or Master of a Ship engaging or dis- Masters to pay charging any Seamen or Seaman in a Shipping Office or before a Fees, and to Shipping Master shall pay to the Shipping Master the whole of deduct Part from Wages. the Fees hereby made payable in respect of such Engagement or Discharge, and may, for the Purpose of in part reimbursing himself, deduct in respect of each such Engagement or Discharge from the Wages of all Persons (except Apprentices) so engaged or discharged, and retain, any Sums not exceeding the Sums specified in that Behalf in the Table marked Q. in the Proviso as to




Penalty on
Masters tak-

ing other Re-

Business of Shipping Offices may

be transacted

at Custom Houses.

In London

Sailors Homes may be shipping Offices.


Master's Superintendence.

Merchant Shipping (Part III. Masters and Seamen.)

Schedule hereto: Provided that, if in any Cases the Sums which the Owner is so entitled to deduct exceed the Amount of the Fee payable by him, such Excess shall be paid by him to the Shipping Master in addition to such Fee.

CXXVII. Any Shipping Master, Deputy Shipping Master, or any Clerk or Servant in any Shipping Office, who demands or receives any Remuneration whatever, either directly or indirectly, for hiring or supplying any Seaman for any Merchant Ship, excepting the lawful Fees payable under this Act, shall for every such Offence incur a Penalty not exceeding Twenty Pounds, and shall also be liable to be dismissed from his Office by the Board of Trade.

CXXVIII. The Board of Trade may, with the Consent of the Commissioners of Customs, direct that at any Place in which no separate Shipping Office is established the whole or any Part of the Business of the Shipping Office shall be conducted at the Custom House, and thereupon the same shall be there conducted accordingly; and in respect of such Business such Custom House shall for all Purposes be deemed to be a Shipping Office, and the Officer of Customs there to whom such Business is committed shall for all Purposes be deemed to be a Shipping Master within the Meaning of this Act.

CXXIX. The Board of Trade may appoint any Superintendent of or other Person connected with any Sailors Home in the Port of London to be a Shipping Master, with any necessary Deputies, Clerks, and Servants, and may appoint any Office in any such Home to be a Shipping Office; and all Shipping Masters and Shipping Offices so appointed shall be subject to the immediate Control of the Board of Trade and not of the Local Marine Board of the Port.

CXXX. The Board of Trade may from Time to Time dispense with Shipping with the Transaction before a Shipping Master or in a Shipping Office of any Matters required by this Act to be so transacted; and thereupon such Maiters shall, if otherwise duly transacted as required by Law, be as valid as if transacted before a Shipping Master or in a Shipping Office.

Certificates of
Masters and



for Masters

and Mates.

Examinations and Certificates of Masters and Mates.

CXXXI. Examinations shall be instituted for Persons who to be instituted intend to become Masters or Mates of Foreign-going Ships, or of Home Trade Passenger Ships, or who wish to procure Certificates of Competency herein-after mentioned; and, subject as herein mentioned, the Local Marine Boards shall provide for the Examinations at their respective Ports, and may


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