volvere, vivere, and vivus. Consideration for them prompted me to use the v and j spelling throughout the book. For their generous permission to use previously published material I owe a debt of gratitude to the following: To Msgr. Hugh T. Henry, for his translation of the hymn Aeterne Rerum Conditor; To Rev. Matthew Germing, S. J., for his instructive article on the "Revision of the Breviary Hymns"; To the editors of the Loeb "Classical Library" for the translation of selections from Ausonius, by Evelyn White; To J. M. Dent and Co., Aldine House, London, for the excellent verse translation, by Messrs. Pope and Davis, of the Epilog of Prudentius and of two hymns from the Cathemerinon, the Hymnus Omnis Horae and the Hymnus ad Incensum Lucernae. A final word of advice will not be amiss. The college student whose Latin course has been restricted to the classic literature of Rome will find himself in an entirely new atmosphere in this book. The twelve pages of the Introductory Study will give him the proper orientation; for him those pages are an indispensable aid toward an intelligent appreciation of the early Christian Latin poets. Candlemas Day February 2, 1929 OTTO J. KUHNMUENCH, S. J. ILLUSTRATIONS CHRISTUS. A MOSAIC OF THE EARLY FIFTH CENTURY. Wilpert* THE NATIVITY. Dorè CHRIST WALKING ON THE WATERS. Dorè EUCHARISTIC ARCA OR PYX OF THE FOURTH OR FIFTH CENTURY FOUND AT OUMM TOUBA EUCHARISTIC ARCA OR PYX OF THE FOURTH OR FIFTH THE LABARUM OF CONSTANTINE. Wilpert. A FIFTH-CENTURY FRESCO IN THE CHURCH OF ST. PUDENTIANA. Wilpert THE SYMBOL OF ST. MARK THE SYMBOL OF ST. JOHN THE SYMBOL OF ST. LUKE THE SYMBOL OF ST. MATTHEW FIFTH-CENTURY CENSERS. British Museum Frontispiece 30 17 ST. AMBROSE. FIFTH-CENTURY MOSAIC. Wilpert 111 143 Museum ST. MARK. Thorwaldsen ST. LUKE. Thorwaldsen THE SLAUGHTER OF THE HOLY INNOCENTS. Dorè ST. AGNES. A SIXTH-CENTURY MOSAIC. Wilpert ST. JOHN. Thorwaldsen SYMBOLIC DOVES. ROMAN CATACOMBS. Wilpert *Die Roemischen Mosaiken und Malereien der kirchlichen Bauten vom IV bis XIII Jahrhunderts; ed. Joseph Wilpert, 1924. B. Herder. 174 175 185 194, 195 202 220 221 224 BYZANTINE GOLD CROSSES AND RELIQUARY. British Museum 236 237 241 BUST OF CHRIST. A MOSAIC A. D. 500. Wilpert RECOGNITION OF THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST BY APHRODOSIUS. FIFTH CENTURY. Wilpert THE TETRAMORPH. EARLY-CHRISTIAN GOSPEL SYMBOL THE APOSTLES PETER AND PAUL. A SIXTH-CENTURY MOSAIC. SYMBOLIC MOSAIC OF THE EARLY SIXTH CENTURY. Wilpert 269 275 279 314 317 365 368 399 |