Looks tow'ard Namancos and Bayona's hold; 166 171 Weep no more, woeful Shepherds, weep no more, For Lycidas your forrow is not dead, Sunk though he be beneath the watry floor; So finks the day-ftar in the ocean bed, And yet anon repairs his drooping head, And tricks his beams, and with new fpangled ore Flames in the forehead of the morning sky: So Lycidas funk low, but mounted high, Through the dear might of him that walk'd the waves, Where other groves and other streams along, With nectar pure his oozy locks he laves, And hears the unexpreffive nuptial song, In the bleft kingdoms meek of joy and love. There entertain him all the Saints above, In folemn troops, and sweet societies, That fing, and finging in their glory move, And wipe the tears for ever from his eyes. Now, Lycidas, the fhepherds weep no more; Henceforth thou art the genius of the shore, In thy large recompenfe, and fhalt be good To all that wander in that perilous flood. 175. 180 185 Thus fang the uncouth fwain to th' oaks and rills, While the still morn went out with fandals gray, He touch'd the tender ftops of various quills, With eager thought warbling his Doric lay: And And now the fun had stretch'd out all the hills, 190 At last he rose, and twitch'd his mantle blue: XVIII. The Fifth ODE of Horace, Lib. I. Quis multa gracilis te puer in rofa, rendred almoft word for word without rime, according to the Latin meafure, as near as the language will permit. HAT slender youth bedew'd with liquid odors WHA Pyrrah? for whom bind'st thou In wreaths thy golden hair, Plain in thy neatness? O how oft fhall he On faith and changed Gods complain, and seas Unwonted fhall admire! Who now enjoys thee credulous, all gold, Who always vacant always amiable Hopes thee, of flattering gales Unmindful. Hapless they 5. 10: Towhom thou untry'd seem'ft fair. Me in my vow'd Picture the facred wall declares t' have hung My dank and dropping weeds To the ftern God of sea. 15 Ad Ad PYRRHAM. ODE V. Horatius ex Pyrrhæ illecebris tanquam è naufragio enataverat, cujus amore irretitos affirmat esse miferos. UIS multa gracilis te puer in rosa Qu Perfufus liquidis urget odoribus, Cui flavam religas comam Simplex munditiis? heu quoties fidem Emirabitur infolens! Qui nunc te fruitur credulus aurea, Fallacis. Miferi quibus Intentata nites. Me tabula facer Votiva paries indicat uvida Sufpendiffe potenti Veftimenta maris Deo. J XIX. On the new forcers of confcience under the Ecause you have thrown off your Prelate Lord, And with stiff vows renounc'd his Liturgy, To seise the widow'd whore Plurality From them whofe fin ye envied, not abhorr'd, Dare ye for this adjure the civil sword 5 To force our confciences that Christ set free, II May with their wholsome and preventive shears 16 And fuccour our juft fears, When they shall read this clearly in your charge, 20. I. To the NIGHTINGALE. Nightingale, that on yon bloomy spray Warbleft at eve, when all the woods are ftill, Thou with fresh hope the lover's heart doft fill, While the jolly hours lead on propitious May. Thy liquid notes that close the eye of day, First heard before the fhallow cuccoo's bill, Portend fuccefs in love; O if Jove's will Have link'd that amorous pow'r to thy foft lay, Now timely fing, ere the rude bird of hate Foretel my hopeless doom in fome grove nigh; 10 As thou from year to year haft fung too late For my relief, yet hadft no reason why: Whether the Mufe, or Love call thee his mate, Both them I ferve, and of their train am I. II. Donna leggiadra il cui bel nome honora De fui atti foavi giamai parco, 5 . E |