صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

And all within his care,

3 City of God, most glorious things Of thee abroad are spoke;

4 I mention Egypt, where proud kings Did our forefathers yoke,

I mention Babel to my friends,

Philiftia full of Scorn,

And Tyre with Ethiops utmost ends,

Lo this man there was born:

5 But twice that praife fhall in our ear Be faid of Sion last,

This and this man was born in her,

High God fhall fix her fast.

6 The Lord shall write in a scroll
That ne'er fhall be out-worn,
When he the nations doth inroll,
That this man there was born.

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Both they who fing, and they who dance,
With facred fongs are there,


In thee fresh brooks, and foft ftreams glance,

And all my fountains clear..



ORD God that dost me save and keep,


All day to thee I cry ;

And all night long before thee weep,

Before thee proftrate lie.

2 Into thy prefence let my pray'r


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With fighs devout afcend,

And to my cries, that ceafelefs are,


Thine ear with favor bend.

For cloy'd with woes and trouble ftore
Surcharg'd my foul doth lie,

My life at death's unchearful door

Unto the grave draws nigh.

4 Reckon'd I am with them that pass Down to the difmal pit,

I am a § man, but weak alas,

And for that name unfit.



Heb. A man without manly ftrength.

5. From life discharg'd and parted quite

Among the dead to fleep,

And like the flain in bloody fight
That in the grave lie deep.
Whom thou remembereft no more,

Doft never more regard,

Them from thy hand deliver'd o'er

Death's hideous houfe hath barr'd.

6 Thou in the lowest pit profound Haft fet me all forlorn,

Where thickeft darkness hovers round,

In horrid deeps to mourn.

7 Thy wrath, from which no fhelter faves, Full fore doth prefs on me;




§ Thou break'ft upon me all thy waves,

§ And all thy waves break me. §The Heb. bears both.


8 Thou doft my friends from me estrange,

And mak'ft me odious,

Me to them odious, for they change,

And I here pent up thus.

9 Through forrow, and affliction great, Mine eye grows dim and dead,


Lord, all the day I thee intreat,

My hands to thee I spread.


10 Wilt thou do wonders on the dead, Shall the deceas'd arife

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14 Why wilt thou, Lord, my foul forfake, And hide thy face from me,

15 That am already bruis'd, and || shake

With terror sent from thee? || Heb. Pra Concuffione.



Bruis'd, and afflicted, and so low

As ready to expire,

While I thy terrors undergo

Aftonish'd with thine ire.


16 Thy fierce wrath over me doth flow,

Thy threatnings cut me through: 17 All day they round about me go,

Like waves they me pursue.

18 Lover and friend thou haft remov'd,

And fever'd from me far:

They fly me now whom I have lov'd,

And as in darkness are.



A Paraphrafe on PSA L. CXIV. This and the following Pfalm were done by the Author at


fifteen years old.


HEN the bleft feed of Terah's faithful fon After long toil their liberty had won, And past from Pharian fields to Canaan land, Led by the strength of the Almighty's hand, Jehovah's wonders were in Ifrael shown, His praise and glory was in Ifrael known. That faw the troubled fea, and fhivering fled, And fought to hide his froth-becurled head Low in the earth; Jordan's clear ftreams recoil, As a faint hoft that hath receiv'd the foil. The high, huge-bellied mountains fkip like rams Amongst their ews, the little hills like lambs.



Why fled the ocean? And why skipt the mountains?
Why turned Jordan tow'rd his crystal fountains?
Shake Earth, and at the presence be aghaft
and ay fhall last,

Of him that ever was,
That glaffy floods from rugged rocks can crush,
And make foft rills from fiery flint-ftones gush.



ET us with a gladsome mind Praise the Lord, for he is kind, For his mercies ay indure,

Ever faithful, ever fure.

Let us blaze his name abroad,

For of Gods he is the God;

For his &c.

O let us his praises tell,

Who doth the wrathful tyrants quell.

For his &c.

Who with his miracles doth make

Amazed Heav'n and Earth to shake.

For his &c.

Who by his wisdom did create

The painted Heav'ns so full of state.
For his &c.

Who did the folid earth ordain

To rise above the watry plain.

For his &c.







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