Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, in Four Books. To which is Added Samson Agonistes: and Poems Upon Several OccasionsJohn Baskerville, 1759 - 390 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 23
الصفحة 215
... quid volui mifero mihi ! floribus austrum Perditus ------ In this edition , and in that of Milton's poems in 1645 , there was prefixed to the Mask the following . dedication . To the Right Honorable JOHN Lord Vicount BRACKLY fon and ...
... quid volui mifero mihi ! floribus austrum Perditus ------ In this edition , and in that of Milton's poems in 1645 , there was prefixed to the Mask the following . dedication . To the Right Honorable JOHN Lord Vicount BRACKLY fon and ...
الصفحة 324
... Quid fit amor nefcit , dum quoque nescit , amat . Sive cruentatum furiofa Tragoedia fceptrum Quaffat , et effufis crinibus ora rotat , Et dolet , et fpecto , juvat et fpectaffe dolendo , Interdum et lacrymis dulcis amaror inest : puer ...
... Quid fit amor nefcit , dum quoque nescit , amat . Sive cruentatum furiofa Tragoedia fceptrum Quaffat , et effufis crinibus ora rotat , Et dolet , et fpecto , juvat et fpectaffe dolendo , Interdum et lacrymis dulcis amaror inest : puer ...
الصفحة 328
... Quid juvat humanâ tingere cæde manus ? Nobileque in pectus certas acuiffe fagittas , Semideamque animam fede fugâffe fuâ ? Talia dum lacrymans alto fub pectore volvo , Rofcidus occiduis Hesperus exit aquis , Et Tarteffiaco fubmerferat ...
... Quid juvat humanâ tingere cæde manus ? Nobileque in pectus certas acuiffe fagittas , Semideamque animam fede fugâffe fuâ ? Talia dum lacrymans alto fub pectore volvo , Rofcidus occiduis Hesperus exit aquis , Et Tarteffiaco fubmerferat ...
الصفحة 332
... quid volui manifeftum tollere crimen , Ipfe quod ex omni parte levare nequit ? Arguitur tardus meritò , noxamque fatetur , Et pudet officium deferuiffe fuum . Tu modò da veniam faffo , veniamque roganti , Crimina diminui , quæ patuere ...
... quid volui manifeftum tollere crimen , Ipfe quod ex omni parte levare nequit ? Arguitur tardus meritò , noxamque fatetur , Et pudet officium deferuiffe fuum . Tu modò da veniam faffo , veniamque roganti , Crimina diminui , quæ patuere ...
الصفحة 335
... Quid tam grande fonat diftento fpiritus ore ? Quid parit hæc rabies , quid facer ifte furor ? Ver mihi , quod dedit ingenium , cantabitur illo ; Profuerint ifto reddita dona modo . Jam Philomela tuos foliis adoperta novellis ...
... Quid tam grande fonat diftento fpiritus ore ? Quid parit hæc rabies , quid facer ifte furor ? Ver mihi , quod dedit ingenium , cantabitur illo ; Profuerint ifto reddita dona modo . Jam Philomela tuos foliis adoperta novellis ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
aftra againſt agni Amor anſwer Atque beft beſt caft cauſe Chor Dagon darkneſs doft domino jam domum impafti doth earth elſe eyes fair falſe fame fave feaſt feek fhades fhall fibi fide fing firſt foes folemn fome fong foon foul fræna ftill ftream ftrength fuch glory Hæc hath Heav'n himſelf honor houſe Ifrael ipfe itſelf jam non vacat juſt king Lady laſt leaſt lefs leſs loft Lord Lycidas malè mihi moft moſt Muſe muſt numina Nunc o'er Olympo paſs Philiftines pleaſe pleaſure pow'r praiſe preſent quæ quid quoque reft reply'd Samf Samfon ſee ſeek ſenſe ſerve ſet ſhall ſhe ſhould ſome Son of God ſpeed ſpread ſtate ſteps ſtill ſuch ſweet thee themſelves theſe thoſe thou art thouſand throne thyſelf tibi Tu quoque ulmo virtue weakneſs whofe whoſe wilt wiſdom worſe ΙΟ