ALTERATION Of Style in the review, - - 145 Justifying a selection as the substitute for the whole, ib. Page. The term "God" frequently applied to existences inferior to God, 168 The term " for ever" often applied to created beings, 170 John i. 1, explained, 171 Hindoos believe in one Godhead, consisting of numerous persons under it, 172 Jesus performs wonderful works, which do not amount to equality with those of God, 173 CHAPTER III. The first position of the Editor, on the ubiquity of Jesus, 175 John iii. 13, explained, ib. viii. 58, xi. 8, ib. xi. 38; Matt. xxvi. 2; John xiii. 6, xvi. 32; Matt. The second position of the Editor, on the incomprehensibility of the nature of Jesus, ib. The third position of the Editor, on Jesus forgiving sins in The fourth position of the Editor, respecting the almighty Deut. xviii. 15, 18; Acts iii. 22, vii. 37, considered, 187 188 Matt. xxvi. 42; Luke xxii. 32; John xii. 27, separately ex Page The fifth position of the Editor, respecting the judgment of The sixth position of the Editor, respecting the worship accepted by Jesus ib. Luke xvii. 15, 16; Matt. xiv. 33, xv. 25; Mark viii. 29; Jesus himself worshipped the Father; Matt. vi. 9, xxvi. 53; John xvi. 26; Luke xxii. 41, 42; Mark xiv. 35, 36; Luke vi. 12, x. 21 ; John xi. 41; Matt. xxvii. 46; John iv. 22, 196 The seventh position of the Editor, respecting the form of 197 Mohummud joins his own name with that of God in his 201 202 CHAPTER IV. Texts adduced in support of the atonement, explained, 203 Whether Jesus suffered as God or as Man, for mankind, ib. ib. The last inconsistent with justice, 206 Jesus averse to the death of the cross, ib. Matthew xxvi. 37, 39, 42, 43; Mark xiv. 36, considered, Luke xxii. 42, 44; John xii. 27; xi. 17, 18; Matt. xxvi. 53, 54, considered, ib. 207 The application of the term Saviour to Jesus a supposed Obadiah 21; Nehemiah ix. 27; 2 Kings xiii. 5, considered, 208 ib. 209 Exodus xxiii 20, 21, Genesis xxx. 27; Jeremiah xxvii. 18; Genesis xlviii. 16; The Author offers no opinion on this doctrine 214 ib. The cause of the final success of Alexandrians (afterwards called the Orthodox) over Arians, |