Quotation of a part of "The Introduction to the Precepts of Je The assertion of the Editor as to his ignorance of the Author's The Editor's ridiculing of the suggestion offered as to the study of the Bible ib. The reason assigned for his disapproval of the suggestion ib. Impossibility of a belief in the Trinity and Hindoo Polytheism, unless inculcated in youth No liberal parent can take advantage of the confiding credulity of his children; The duties of liberal parents 13 ib. The force of early-acquired prejudices 14 15 ib. The reason assigned by the Editor, for his omission of several arguments in the Second Appeal, noticed 17 The Editor's position of the insufficiency of the Precepts of Je sus to procure men salvation, noticed ib. The irregular mode of arguing adopted by the Editor 18 The sufficiency of the Precepts of Jesus for salvation proved 19 Mark xii. 29, "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord," referred to 20 PAGE Matt. vii. 24, "Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine," re ib. ferred to John xv. 10, "If ye keep my commandments," &c. and v. 14; ib. The argument adduced by the Editor to depreciate the weight 21 22 The verse "If righteousness came by [the] law," &c. explained 23 The Editor's omission to notice those passages that represent repentance as a sufficient means for procuring pardon Luke v. 32, xxiv. 47, xiii. 3, referred to The parable of the prodigal son, referred to Prov. xvi. 6, "By mercy and truth iniquity is purged," &c. CHAPTER II. Inquiry into the doctrine of the Christian Atonement.-A change of arrangement by the Editor Gen. iii. 15, " I will put enmity between thee and the woman," &c. examined 24 ib. ib. 25 ib. 26 ib. Gen. iv. 4, "The sacrifice offered by Abel, and approved of God, in preference to his brother Cain's, examined 29 John viii. 56; Heb. xi. 26, noticed; Heb. xi. 4, referred to 29, 30 How far sacrifices are divine institutions 31 Micah vi. 7, 8, referred to ib. Hosea vi. 6, Isaiah i. 11, [16-18,] Psalm 1. 8, [8-15,] referred to 32 [1] Sam. xv. 22; Prov. xxi. 3; Eccl. v. 1, referred to In what sense such expressions as "This man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins," and others like them, should be tak 33 en ib. Common notions of justice; Exod. xx. 5; Matt. xviii. 8, referred to 35 Numb. xiv. 19, 20; 2 Chron. xxx. 18-20; Psalm cvi. 23, xxxii, 5, referred to 36 Psalm cxlı. 2; Isaiah lv. 7; Jer. vii. 21-23, referred to 37 PAGE ib. Heb. x. 4, "It is not possible that the blood of bulls," &c. examined ib. Gen. xxii. 3, [13,]; Heb. x. 5, referred to 38, 39 The death of Jesus was a spiritual and virtual sacrifice Priesthood without sacrifice exists under the Christian dispen- 1 Peter ii. 4, 5, quoted in proof of spiritual sacrifices 40 ib. b. 41 ib. The Editor's reference to Noah's sacritice, and God's promise to Abraham, and his quoting Job, [xix. 25,] "I know that my Redeemer liveth," &c. examined 41, 42 Matt. v. 8, 11, Luke xi. 28, referred to 42 Isaiah lxiii. 16, lx. 16; Job xix. 24-26 referred to 43 The sense in which the application of the term "Lamb" is made to Jesus, discussed 44 John xxi. 15; Luke x. 3; Gen. xxii. 7, 8; Jer, xi. 19, "But I was like a Lamb," &c. referred to 45 , The account of the scape-goat, examined 46 Exod. xxviii. 38, referred to. ib. Psalm ii. 1, compared with Acts iv. [25, 26,] and Psalm xvi. 811, compared with Acts ii. 25, 27, &c. &c. noticed as bearing no relation to the vicarious sacrifice of Jesus 46, 47 Psalm xl. 6-8, examined by referring to their context 48 The object of Jesus's mission was to deliver divine instructions 49 John x. 17, "Therefore doth my Father love me," &c. examined ib The assertion of the Editor that "This iniquity, if it be such, the Father willed," examined 52 The Editor's objection to the application of human notions of justice to judge the unsearchable things of God, examined The Editor's applying human notions of justice to Divine things 54 The orthodox divines, like the Editor, have recourse to human notions of justice in their atteinpt to prove the atonement of Christ 53 55 Examination of Isaiah vii. 14, deferred to the subsequent chapter 50 Isaiah xi. [3] "And he shall make him of quick understanding," &c. examined; Isaiah xix. 19, 20, noticed ib. The Editor's attempt to prove the atonement from the applica- 56, 57 57, 58 PAGE Answer to the question, "When previously to Christ's coming, 58 Isaiah xxxv. 10, "The ransom of the Lord," &c. examined ib. Isaiah xlii. [2,] 51, "He shall not cry," &c. "The Lord is well ib. 2 Cor. v. 21; Isaiah liii. examined 59 Answer to the question, "Is not our repentance sufficient?" &c. ib. 60 Ezek. xxxiv. 23; Dan. ix. 26, examined 61 Hosea iii. [5]; Joel ii. 28; Amos ix. [11], noticed 62 Obadiah ver. 21, examined; Micah iv. and v. noticed 62, 63 Nahum i. 15; Hab. [ii. 4,] "The just shall live by his faith," compared with Rom. i. [17]; Gal. iii. 2, [11?] noticed 64 ib. Zech. iii. 8, 9, vi. 12, 13; Malachi iii. 1, noticed 65, 66 66 67 Rom. iii. 24, "Being justified freely," &c. ch. viii. 32, 15, 16, Reference to a few texts explaining the terms "sacrifice," " ransom," "offering," &c. 71, 72 Of a two-fold nature in Christ 72 Allusion to the three-fold nature of a Hindoo incarnation ib. Solemn denial of ridiculing Christ's intercession 73 The Editor's assertion, that "the blood of no mere creature could take away sin," noticed ib. The Editor's assertion, "As to the appointment of Jehovah by b. Arguments in proof of the finite effects of Christ's appearance 75 The Israelites punished finitely for sins committed against the 1 Chron. xxi. 11 [12] and 15; Judges xiii. 1, referred to The phrases "everlasting fire," and "everlasting punishments," b. 76 76,77 77 |