PAGE CHAPTER III. Inquiry into the doctrine of the Trinity The term Trinity not found in the Scriptures Gen. xlviii. 16, "The angel which redeemed me:" xxxi. 13, "I am the God of Bethel;" Exod. iii. 2, "In a flame 78 ib. Judges ii. 1, "I brought you out of Egypt;" Gen. xxii. 79 Isaiah lxiii 9; Ruth iv. 14; Nehem. v. 8, referred to, 79,80 An allusion to a three-fold nature of Christ 80 Psalm xcvii. 7; Judges xiii. 21, 22; Job i. 6, "The sons 81 Judges xiii. 16; 2 Sam. xxiv. 16, referred to ib. ib. 19-21, ferred to 84, 85 87 Psalm lxxxix. 27; [1] Chron. xiv. 8, xviii. 1-8, referred to Jer. xvii. 5, explained Psalm xxiv. [1,2] "The earth is Jehovah's," &c., compared Heb. i. 2; Eph. iii. 9, referred to; 1 Cor. x. 25, 26, "Whatsoev- Heb. i. 2; John iii. 35, referred to 1 Cor. x. 22, "Do we provoke the Lord?" &c. examined 90 91 ib. ib. ib. 92, 93 94 ib. 1 Kings xix. 10, referred to 95 Psalm xxiv. 8, compared with Eph. iv. 8, examined Psalm lxviii. 18, referred to; Locke's note quoted 96 97 John xvii. 2, v. 30, and John xiv. 24, "The word which ye hear," 99 Psalm xlv. 6, as quoted in Heb. i. 8, "Thy throne, O God," &c. examined ib. PAGE The Editor's substitution of the term "Jehovah" for "God," no- ticed ib Direct application of Psalm xlv. to Solomon, illustrated 100 101 Heb. i. 10-12, "Thou, Lord, in the beginning," &c., examined ib. 102, 103 The Editor's substitution of the term "Jehovah" for "Lord" ib. The Editor's endeavor to weaken the force of the evidence re- Isaiah Ixiii. 11; Jer. xxiii. 4, "I will set up shepherds over ib. Ezek. xxxiv. 23, "I will set one shepherd," &c., examined Figurative application of the terms "The sons of God," "The 110 113 b. b. 103, 109 Luke ii. 7, 21, 40, 42, 51, 52; Matt. xi. 19; Mark iii. 5; John iv. 114 The commonly-received doctrine of Christ's two-fold nature, 115 Moses and the chiefs of Israel termed gods and men, and 116 Terms, phrases or circumstances strictly applicable to God alone ib. The argument of Moses and others being types of Christ, no- ib. Exod. xxv. 8; Deut. vii. 6, x. 15, xiv. 1, referred to ib. 117 ib. 118 PAGE 120 Isaiah Ixiii. 5, "Mine own arm;" and Rev. i. 8, "I am Alpha Gen. xxv. 30, [Jer.] xlix. 7, 13, 8, 9, 11, referred to 121 Inconsistency of ascribing to Jesus the following expressions: Rev. 1. 8, and its context, examined Psalm lxxviii. [13], "He divided the sea," noticed 122, 123 123 124 ib. 125, 126 Psalm xcv. [6, 7], "For Jehovah is a great God," examined SECTION SECOND. On the Prophets 126 Prov. viii. 1, "Doth not wisdom cry?" &c. ver. 22, 27, 30, ex- amined 127 Psalm cxxx. 7, lxxxv. 10; Numb. xvi. 46, referred to 129 1 John iv. 8; John i. 1; 1 Cor. i. 24, 30; 2 Cor. v. 21; Deut. xxviii. 37; Zech. viii. 13; Gen. xii. 2; Zech. ii. 5, referred to ib. Deut. xxviii. 28, xxix. 4; 1 Kings xviii. 37, referred to 133 Isaiah vii. 14, "Behold, a virgin shall conceive," compared with Matt. i. 22, 23, examined ib. The term "shall conceive," considered 134 Gen. xvi. 11, 4, 5; Jer. xxxi. 8; 2 Sam. xi. 5, and Isaiah xxvi. 17; Gen, xxxviii. 24, 25, referred to 135 Exod. xxi. 22; 2 Kings vii. 12; Amos i. 13, referred to ib. 136 The inconsistency between Christ's being possessed of all pow- 137 139, 140 Matthew's reference to Isaiah vii. 14, in his gospel, compared 141 ib. Hosea xi. 1, 3, noticed Isajah ix. 6, "For unto us a child is born," examined 142 143 PAGE The context of the verse in question, compared (with) 2 Kings 144-146 The decision left to the public 147 ib. 148 Verses 1, 2, of Isaiah ix. applied in an accommodated sense to ib. Matt. i. 23, " And they shall call his name Immanuel," explained ib. "your godship" Psalm lxxxix. 19, examined by a reference to its context Isaiah xxviii. 16, compared with Isaiah viii. 13; 1 Peter ii. 7, 8, A proof of Christ's changeable nature Isaiah xl. 3, "Voice of him," &c. and Mal. iii. 1, examined Reference to Mark i. 2, 3 The verse in question in the original Hebrew Luke i. 69; John i. 29, 30, referred to Isaiah xl. 10, compared with Rev. xxii. 12, examined Acts xvii. 31; John viii. 28; xvii. 1, 2; Heb. i. 8, 9, shewing 149 150 151 153 ib. ib. 155 ib. ib. 157, 158 Isaiah xliv. 6, compared with Rev. i. 8, and xxii. 13, examined 159 160 Rev. iii. 14; Col. i. 15; 1 Cor. xv. 24, referred to Jesus calls himself a servant of God, addresses Christians as his brethren, &c. 168 Several questions put to shew the inferiority of the Lamb 168, 169 Rom. xiv. 10-12, examined ib. John iii. 29; Eph. v. 23, compared with Isaiah liv. 5, examined 173 Jer. xxxiii. 16, examined; 1 Cor. xi. 3, referred to 175, 176 The simple term "Jehovah" exclusively applied to God PAGE The reason for the different expressions used by God to the Prince of Tyrus, and to Jesus, explained 182 1 Cor. iv. 5, explained 183 That others besides Jesus were endued with the power of know- ing the state of the heart, shewn 184 The perishable nature of Jesus and his kingdom, explained 185 The epithet "Most holy," applied even to inanimate things ib. The Editor's remarks on Hosea xi. 1, noticed ib. Hosea iii. 5; Acts ii. 21; 1 Cor. i. 2, examined 186, 187 Locke's paraphrase on 1 Cor. i. 2, and his note on Rom. x. 13, quoted 188 Amos iv. 13; Zech. iii. 2, and ii. 8, noticed 189 CHAPTER IV. On the Editor's Replies to the Arguments contained in Chapter 192 Mercy ascribed to the Son, and justice to the Father, according 193 All the power Jesus enjoyed was given unto him by God Jesus was like the sun, an instrument in the hands of God The alleged compound nature of Jesus, noticed The terms "forever" and " everlasting" explained Gen. xvii. 8; Jer. vii. 7; Dan. vii. 18, referred to Phil, ii. 6, "Who being in the form of God," &c. examined The term "first-born" explained Exod. iv. 22, [Jer.] xxxi. 9; Psalm lxxxix. 27, referred to Instances wherein Jesus himself and his apostles spoke of him as a creature Jesus's alleged two natures again noticed The phrase "from the beginning" noticed The Editor's introducing the two-fold nature of Christ Inconsistency of God's emptying himself of his glory and offer- ing up supplications for the same, to himself John xviii. 22, referred to; Micah v. 2, examined The force of the words "son" and "own son" noticed Psalm Ixvii. 6; 1 Tim. i. 2, referred to 195 196 197 198 201 202 ib. ib 207 .ib. 208 ib. 210 211 ib. 212 213 216 218 |