صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

we feel ourselves in contact with the vastest individual mind that ever yet inhabited the body of a man. We know (to quote the Poet's most appreciative translator)—

"from what agonies of heart and brain,

What exultations trampling on despair,

What tenderness, what tears, what hate of wrong,
What passionate outcry of a soul in pain,

Uprose this poem of the earth and air,
This medieval miracle of song."

His labor kept him lean for twenty years; and many a time he learned how salt his food who fares upon another's bread,-how steep his path who treadeth up and down another's stairs. But Dante saw and conquered,realizing what he had to do, knowing how to do it, being worthy of his work. Therefore, singly among authors, he deserves the epithet his countrymen apply to him,divine.

"The Divine Comedy" is the supreme epic of the world. The supreme novel remains to be written. It is doubtful if human literary art may attain completeness more than once. But as our authors labor to embody truths of human life in arranged imagined facts, they should constantly be guided and inspired by the allurement of the ultimate ideal. The noblest work is evermore accomplished by followers of the gleam. Let us, in parting company, paraphrase the sense of a remark made centuries ago by Sir Philip Sidney, that model of a scholar and a gentleman:-It is well to shoot our arrows at the moon; for though they may miss their mark, they will yet fly higher than if we had flung them into a bush.


1. What is meant by style in literature?

2. Make three patterns of words,-the first notable for

sheer selection, the second notable for rhythm, and the third notable for literation.

3. Write a theme, containing approximately three hundred words, that shall be judged for its quality of style.



ments of Style in Literature."

WALTER PATER: "Essay on Style," in "Appreciations." HERBERT SPENCER: "Philosophy of Style."


Actions and Reactions, 112, 137.
Adam Bede, 20, 33, 116.
Addison, Joseph, xi; Sir Roger
de Coverley, xii.

Eneid, The, 160, 161, 162.
Alcott, Louisa M., 78; Little
Women, 78.

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 137;
Marjorie Daw, 137.
Alice in Wonderland, 18.
Ambitious Guest, The, 174.
American Short Stories, 174.
Amiel, Henri-Frédéric, 9.
Andersen, Hans Christian, 11.
Angel in the House, The, 158.
An Habitation Enforced, 112.
Anna Karénina, xxi.
Arcadia, 102.

Archer, William, 8.

Ariosto, Ludovico, 102; Orlando
Furioso, 102.
Aristotle, 69, 70.
Arnold, Matthew, 184.
Assignation, The, 38.
As You Like It, 12.

At the End of the Passage, 110.
Aubignac, Abbé d', xviii, xx;
Pratique du Théâtre, xviii.
Aurora Leigh, 158.

Austen, Jane, 7, 21, 29, 90,
130, 131, 221, 222; Emma, 90,
130, 146; Pride and Prejudice,
131, 146.

Bacon, Francis, 34.
Baldwin, Charles Sears, 174,
175, 180; American Short
Stories, 174.
Balfour, Graham, 54.
Balzac, Honoré de, xiv, xvi,
xvii, 55, 58, 157, 163, 184;
Eugénie Grandet, 173; Human
Comedy, 163.

Barrie, Sir James Matthew,
xxiv, 13, 28, 135, 136.
Beach of Falesá, The, 182.
Beowulf, 133.

Bernhardt, Sarah, 165.
Besant, Sir Walter, xxiv, 37;
The Art of Fiction, 37.
Beyle, Henri, see Stendhal.
Boccaccio, Giovanni, xiv, 64,
101, 180; Decameron, 64, 101,

Boswell, James, 125.

Brontë, Charlotte, 13; Jane
Eyre, 13, 122, 124, 170.
Brougham, Lord, xxiii.
Browne, Sir Thomas, 213.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett,
158; Aurora Leigh, 158.
Browning, Robert, 157.
Brunetière, Ferdinand, x, 167;
History of Classical French
Literature, x.

Brushwood Boy, The, 28, 35, 205,

Buffon, Comte de, 207, 218.
Bunner, Henry Cuyler, 137,
152; A Sisterly Scheme, 152;
The Documents in the Case,

Bunyan, John, 81; Pilgrim's
Progress, 65, 81.

Burbage, Richard, 165.

Cable, George Washington, 111.
Calderon, 219.

Camoëns, 160; The Lusiads,
Captive, The, 91, 124.

Carlyle, Thomas, 10; Heroes
and Hero-Worship, 10.
Carmen, 173.

Carroll, Lewis, Alice in Wonder-
land, 18.

Cask of Amontillado, The, 143,

Cervantes, xiv, 8, 219; Don
Quixote, xxv, 162, 219; The
Curious Impertinent, 219.
Chateaubriand, René de, 18.
Child's Dream of a Star, A, 185.
Cimabue, 99.

Collins, Wilkie, 18, 51, 75, 153;
The Moonstone, 75.
Colomba, 173.

Colvin, Sir Sidney, 179.
Cooper, James Fenimore, xvi,
29, 146, 186, 220; Leather-
stocking Tales, 221; The Last
of the Mohicans, 173; The
Spy, 146.

Coppée, François, 159; The
Strike of the Iron-Workers,
159; The Substitute, 159.
Coquelin, Constant, 165.
Corneille, Pierre, xx.

Crawford, F. Marion, xxiv, 26;

The Novel: What It Is, 26.
Criticism and Fiction, 40, 134.
Curious Impertinent, The, 219.
Cyrano de Bergerac, 165.

Daisy Miller, 173.

Daniel Deronda, 130, 149.
D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 7, 18.
Dante Alighieri, 32, 160, 225;
The Divine Comedy, 160, 224,

Daudet, Alphonse, 79, 107, 144,
174, 186, 187; Sapho, 19,
79; The Elixir of the Reverend
Father Gaucher, 107; The
Last Class, 174.
David Copperfield, 72.
David Swan, 65.
Deal in Cotton, A, 137.
Decameron, 64, 101, 180.
Defoe, Daniel, xv, 103, 122;
Robinson Crusoe, 103, 122.
De Quincey, Thomas, 10, 214;
The English Mail-Coach, 214.
Dickens, Charles, xx, 23, 70,

72, 81, 104, 147, 185; A
Child's Dream of a Star, 185;
A Tale of Two Cities, 68,

147; David Copperfield, 72,
Martin Chuzzlewit, 86; Our
Mutual Friend, 70, 96, 103,
152; Pickwick Papers, xxV;
The Old Curiosity Shop, 104,

Divine Comedy, The, 160, 224,

Documents in the Case, The, 137.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 125,

Dream-Children, 223.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
Strange Case of, xxii, 33, 38,
126, 182.
Dryden, John, xx.
Dumas, Alexandre, père, xvi,
xxiii, 9, 42, 50, 145.
Du Maurier, George, 117.

Eckermann, J. P., xx.
Egoist, The, 72, 84, 92, 113.
Elia, Essays of, 223.

Eliot, George, xvii, xxiii, f,

13, 20, 25, 27, 28, 29, 33, 37,
41, 45, 51, 67, 70, 72, 73,
83, 87, 88, 116, 123, 129, 130,
184, 186, 221; Adam Bede,
20, 33, 116; Daniel Deronda,
130, 149; Middlemarch, 70,
79; Romola, 28, 37, 114, 148;
Silas Marner, 29, 67; The
Mill on the Floss, 12, 87, 112.
Elixir of the Reverend Father
Gaucher, The, 107.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 43, 80;
Representative Men, 80.
Emma, 90, 130, 146.

English Mail-Coach, The, 214.
Erasmus, xiv.

Erckmann-Chatrian, 163.
Essays of Elia, 223.
Esther, Book of, 174.
Eugénie Grandet, 173.
Evangeline, 159.

Evan Harrington, 73, 127.
Experimental Novel, The, 111.

Faerie Queene, The, 102, 161.
Fall of the House of Usher, The,
96, 114, 117, 143.

False Dawn, 113.
Ferber, Edna, 193.
Fielding, Henry, xv, 103; Tom
Jones, xxv.

Flaubert, Gustave, xvii, 25,
26, 114; Madame Bovary, 26;

Salammbô, 114.
Franklin, Benjamin, 80; Auto-
biography of, 80.

Freeman, Mrs. Mary E. Wil-
kins, 111.

Freytag, Gustave, xxiv; Tech-

nic of the Drama, xxiv.
Froude, James Anthony, xxiii.
Furetière, Antoine, xvii, xviii;
Roman Bourgeois, xvii.

Garland, Hamlin, 111.
Gentle Boy, The, 191.

Gesta Romanorum, 64, 101.

Gift of the Magi, The, 143, 194.
Gil Blas, 66, 122.
Giotto, 99, 101.
Glanvill, Joseph, 195.

Goethe, J. W. von, xx; Con-
versations with Eckermann,


Goldsmith, Oliver, xv; The
Vicar of Wakefield, 84, 85.
Goncourt, Jules and Edmond
de, 28.

Gossip on Romance, A, 56, 108.
Greene, Robert, xxiii.
Gummere, Francis B., xvii.

Hale, Edward Everett, 182;
The Man Without a Country,

Hamlet, xiv, 8, 9, 82, 165, 169.
Hardy, Thomas, 111; Tess of the
D'Urbervilles, 111.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, xxvii, 7,
15, 20, 28, 29, 31, 38, 65, 71,
72, 73, 146, 148, 154, 159,
175, 180, 186, 187, 191, 193,
205, 223; David Swan, 65; The
Ambitious Guest, 174; The
Gentle Boy, 191; The House
of the Seven Gables, 7, 28, 31;
The Marble Faun, 38, 73, 154;

The Scarlet Letter, xxv, 15,
20, 29, 36, 71, 72, 73, 146, 223;
The White Old Maid, 148.
Hedda Gabler, 148.
Hegel, G. F. W., xix.
Henry Esmond, 28, 122.
Henry IV, 49.

Henry, O., 143, 193, 194; The
Gift of the Magi, 143, 194.
Heroes and Hero-Worship, 10.
Hervieu, Paul, xxiv.

Homer, 74, 133, 157, 160, 162;
The Iliad, 94, 133, 160, 162;
The Odyssey, 133.

Horace, 74.

House of the Seven Gables, The,
7, 28, 31.

Howells, William Dean, 40,
134, 135; Criticism and Fic-
tion, 40, 134; The Rise of
Silas Lapham, 173.

Hugo, Victor, xvi, xxiii, 25, 26,
50, 112, 145, 149; Les Misér-
ables, 26; Notre Dame de
Paris, 112, 145, 149, 173.
Human Comedy, 163.
Humble Remonstrance, A, 60, 70.
Huxley, Thomas Henry, xxi.

Ibsen, Henrik, 8, 12, 147;
Hedda Gabler, 148; Rosmer-
sholm, 147.

Iceland Fisherman, The, 112.
Iliad, The, 94, 133, 160, 162.
Irving, Washington, 7, 181, 222;
Rip Van Winkle, 181; The
Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 181.

James, Henry, 21, 27, 37, 57,
72, 78, 118, 137, 151, 181;
Daisy Miller, 173; The Art
of Fiction, 27, 118; The Turn
of the Screw, 151, 181; What
Maisie Knew, 137.

Jane Eyre, 13, 122, 124, 170.
Jerusalem Liberated, 160.
Johnson, Samuel, xv, xviii, xx,
xxiii, 125.
Jonson, Ben, 81.
Just So Stories. 23.

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