Anniversary of the Dedication of the Churches of Ireland. TI. SUNDAY.-Double, first Class. All from the Common of the Dedication of a Church, p. 363. suppliciter exoramus, ut beati Malachiæ confessoris tui atque pontificis adjuvemur meritis, cujus instruimur exemplis. Per Dominum, &c. Amen. jesty, that as we have been edified by the example of blessed Malachi, thy confessor and bishop, so we may be aided by his merits. Through our Lord, &c. Amen. St. Livinus, Bishop and Martyr. XII.-Double. Collect. Deus, qui sanctorum mar- O God, who hast sealed the merits tyrum merita pretiosissimo Filii of thy martyrs in the most precious tui sanguine dedicasti, vene- blood of thy Son, mercifully look upon randum natalis diem beati Li- us who celebrate the glorious birthday vini martyris tui atque pontificis to immortality of blessed Livinus thy honorantes propitius intuere; et martyr and bishop, and grant to us iisdem incolumitatem, pacem peace and safety, and in thine own ac tandem vultus tui hilarita- time the vision of thine eternal brighttem sine fine concede. Per eum- ness. Through the same our Lord, dem Dominum, &c. Amen. &c. Amen. Proper of the Society of Jesus. DECEMBER. St. Francis Xavier. III.-Double of second Class, with an Octave. In 11. Vesp. Com. of I. Vesp. of St. Peter Chrysologus. Octave Day of St. Francis Xavier. X. DEC.-Double. The Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. XVIII.-Greater Double. All as in Vesper Book, p. 196. JANUARY. The Betrothal of the Blessed Virgin Mary. XXIII.-Greater Double. All as in the Vesper Book, p. 204, with Com. of St. Joseph. N.B.-The Friday Offices of the Lent Season will be found in their proper places in the Vesper Book, pp. 168-187. concede propitius, ut ad tui nominis confessionem, quorum excitamur exemplis, eorum precibus adjuvemur. Per Dominum, &c. Amen. mercifully grant that, as we are stirred up by their example to confess thy name, so we may also be assisted by their prayers. Through our Lord, &c. Amen. In I. Vesp. Com. of II. Vesp. of St. Andrew Corsini, as in Vesper Book. Ant. Amavit. Y. Justum. Collect, Deus, qui, p. 355. The Patronage of St. Joseph. III. SUNDAY AFTER EASTER.-Double of second Class. MAY. St. Francis Jerome. XI.-Double of second Class, with Octave. Deus, qui beatum Franciscum ad animarum salutem eximium verbi tui præconem effecisti; ejus nobis intercessione concede, ut legis tuæ mandata et jugiter scrutemur in corde, et fideliter operibus exequamur. Per Dominum, &c. Amen. O God, who for the saving of souls, didst make the blessed Francis an illustrious preacher of thy word, grant unto us, through his intercession, that we may continually ponder in our hearts the judgments of thy law, and in our lives faithfully fulfil the same. Through our Lord, &c. Amen. |