صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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was an iron door, and on the other was a small flight of stairs. Zemor first tríed the door, which was locked, but by their united efforts it was soon forced open. But who can paint the surprise and rapture of Zemor when he found that it contained the object of his pursuit, his lovely Sulema. He related to her in as few words as possible what had passed since her imprisonment and gave her in charge to some of his men, while he ascended the stairs to attempt to force his way into the interior. When he reached the top, he found an iron door which for a long time defied his utmost effort to force open, but having accidentally touched the spring by which it was fastened it flew open, and discovered a large apartment, which appeared to be in the very centre of the castle; he examined the trap-door, and found that a sofa placed on wheels hid it from view, which on being touched by the spring rolled off in some groove made for the purpose. He now headed his men, and having passed through many apartments he came to the hall, which was filled with armed men. Zemor having ordered some of his men to attempt to open the gates to those without; he attacked them, and at first gained some advantage over them, as they were taken by sruprise, but Kandor putting himself at their head, they would soon have conquered Zemor, as they were in much greater numbers, but his men having succeeded in opening the gates, the other party rushed in and soon conquered them. Kandor having fled when he found all was lost, he was followed by Zemor, and they engaged hand to hand, the contest was long and furious; but at length Zemor succeeded in dispatching


The castle was now in the hands of the conquerors, and he returned to Sulema and found her in much alarm for his safety, he soon calmed her fears, and told her the castle was theirs, he then enquired of her how she had been treated, and what had passed since his absence; she briefly stated to him how she had been seized, and placed in the apartment in which he found her, where she was to have remained until she consented to be his wife, but that she had been treated with great respect during the time she remained a prisoner. Zemor collected his men, and leaving a sufficient number to take charge of the prisoners, he proceeded towards the city, first conveying Sulema to the cottage and made the widow's heart happy at the restoration of her daughter; he then marched at the head of his men to the house of the officer of justice, where he found him in company with an aged man of a miserable aspect, and from the description which Sulema had given him he appeared to be the same person whose distress she had relieved. He related to the officer the success of his enterprize, and that the castle was in the hands of a part of his men to guard the prisoners. The old man advanced towards Zemor and, having thrown of his disguise he discovered him to be the Schah of Persia; Zemor prostrated himself at his feet, and the Schah having commanded him to rise, he thus addressed him. " 'Being in the habit of wandering from place to place to relieve the distresses of my subjects, chance lead me to the cottage where the lovely Sulema resides, I was much gratified with its neatness, and I wished to satisfy myself as to the character of its inmates, I entered and was much pleased with my reception, and on my taking my departure I left a ring, with the intention that if ever she was in distress it would be of service to her, and I gave directions to the officer of justice, that if ever the ring was presented to him he was to inform me of it, and I would repair to his house. I am likewise satisfied with the courage you have shown in attacking the castle of the robber Kandor, and as a reward for your bravery (as all his property belongs to the state) I bestow the castle and all it contains to you and the gentle Sulema, may you long to enjoy the reward of valour and benevolence."

J. B. B.



"Brevity is the soul of wit."—Thus says Shakespeare, and not only is it the soul of wit, but 'tis the life of everything-'tis the great desideratum ; in writing, speaking, doing, &c., be careful not to be prosy or tedious cannot be too much impressed upon the mind.

"When 'tis done, then 'twere well
It were done quickly."

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To proceed then at once; wending my solitary way down the noble street that now ornaments the eastern part of this great metropolis, and which is honoured with the title of His Most gracious Majesty, or in plainer terms, walking one morning down King William street, London bridge, a bright thought entered into my head conjured up in all proba bility by witnessing the greatn umber of pedestrians, as well as cabs, palan quins, chariots, coaches, buggys, light carts, Hanson's patents, &c. &c. making towards the steam-boat wharf, that as I was not particularly engaged I too would have a trip; bustling along then, shouldering and being shouldered, pushing and being pushed, I soon found myself with a motley group waiting by the starting quay, and just in time to have the satisfaction of being too late, and of seeing the half-past ten o'clock Gravesend boat leaving the wharf-pleasant; addressing myself to the person next to me without looking to see who the individual was, I demanded at what time the other boat started-" In half an hour she'll be alonside; in half arter that she'll be off; in one hour and a half arter that she'll be in Gravesend-that ere is wot I calis gein you a full true an particular on it." Struck with the reply, I turned, and the fashionable query who are you was naturally uppermost in my mind, I had not however time to vent it. Ax pardon sir, (with a most gracious scrape of the right foot, accompanied by a flaming flourish of the flat blue cap which ornamented the pericranium of the person whom I had spoken with :) ax pardou sir for my intrusion, but being a little bit sarviceable to one of these smokers, that is having a little to do in the way of fastenings, castings off, and sich like, I knows a sumat about one on em-and here she comes too; ant she a nice un! lord love ye, nuffin comes a nigh her; they calls her the Canterbury at the office, but (with a most significant curl of the upper lip) what should they clerk chaps know of a wessel? Taent the Canterbury your honor, but jist step here a von side out o' all this here scrouging. Hollo young ginger wiskers, jist be so good as to take that ere orcord carciss off the gangway, or else I shall take the liberty of moving it into the vater for ye, although youre so near the fire as jist to titch the fender." This remark caused a bit of a laugh, and as I saw I had a character to deal with I encouraged him and gave myself up to his directions. Having with some difficulty (and not without bestowing a few blessings on the devoted heads of the ragged urchins who never fail to con gregate here about the departing vessel) cleared the barge with the excep tion of myself and the men waiting to moor the coming steamer, he waddled up to my side, but before proceeding further, here goes for a slight sketch

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in the way of description, Oh! I had almost forgot, he told me his name'twas 'Charley' yes, sentimental Charley, sometimes varied to Philosefer Charleey. The philosopher then was in length about three feet seven, and in width, across the shoulders, scarcely one foot less; arms reaching nearly to his knees his hand, (a complete shoulder of mutton fist) was studded with more than one large wart, and from constantly handling the ropes worn into à substance as hard as horn, and which since the days of infancy had known no covering save the pocket of his corded anti feminines. I had seen a figure like Charles, and yet could not bring myself to recollect where; he somewhat resembled in shape, though on a much larger scale, no less a personage than the Senior Don Santiago de los Santos, the misshapen dwarf that for the last six months has been delighting the eyes of the wonder-gazing cockneys at his apartments in High street, St. Giles's, or, I beg pardon for my error, according to newspaper reports, High street, Bloomsbury square; his head was much too large for the body, and the body in order to keep up the proportions was much too large for the legs; as it may perhaps seem little to compare him to any thing less than himself, imagine a wine-pipe standing on a tressell, the legs of which bow gracefully, place on the top the large two gallon funnel used by the vintner, and you will have a picture of him on a scale as much too large as the Senior is too small; to hit him exactly were impossible, so reader make up for yourself the deficiency in my descriptive powers.

If I have found the figure difficult to describe, which of the gods must I invoke to inspire me with language to descant upon his face? Assist me, physiognomists, living and dead! shade of Lavater what passions and feelings read ye there? Bacchus certainly is in the ascendant; to his influence alone is to be ascribed the brilliancy of that flaming meteor that illumines the visage the eyes then! To whom belong the eyes? Methinks supplied by chaste Diana from their smallness and their colour, and changed by her from the head of the last favourite faun which she had seen destroyed in her sylvan sport: but 'twere idle thus to attempt to criticise that face, which though made in imitation of the human race has certainly some claim to consideration for its originality, and reader, though you may not think such "Solid flesh would melt,"

Charley has wept! yes, he may yet be seen, should you in the winter season pass that way, wiping the pearly drops of a TEAR, which (as the late Charles Matthews used emphatically to say it) he has just shed, with his no way delicate yaw from his broad grinning mouth as he leaves the bar of the Old Swan, facing the entrance of the wharf.


But enough of description, or you will exclaim, will this boat never come? "I told your honor 'twas not the Canterbury," continued my new acquaintance; "and now I'll tell you how she come by her name :ven she vas fust set agoin on trial, bless her she vopt every thin, ony one that she hadn't tried again, and she varnt slack; my old commodore vas aboard that ere smoker, (pointing to the one that fast approached the wharf)." "Your commodore," said I, interrupting him,' then you have served ?" "Lord love ye aye to be sure. Í sarved on board the Billyrufan, thats where I larnt my manners; gentility was always the wogue on board the Billyrufan: my old commodore saw the other kettle boiling away jist a little a head-"Clap on her, my boy," says he to the captain of our craft, aye, aye, in she goes, puff puff, vent the smoke, slap, slap, vent the paddles-in less nor twenty minutes we valked a headnow ve Canter by yer shouted the commodore! and so they called her, not kio ving any better, the Canterbury." The boat had now reached the wharf, but before the philosophical gent. left me to attend to his duty, he touched me on the shoulder, and with a knowing look, pointing to St. Magnus," wat is there in that churchyard, and about the grave of Alderman Dolittle like a certain lighthouse?" I was puzzled-" You can't guess," says he, "vy then I'll tell you the Heddistone to be sure.

The superior speed of the Canterbury soon carried through the forests of masts which ornaments our goodly river, and I caught the dazzling rays of

the morning sun gilding the towers of Greenwich Hospital, when Charley came up to me and pointing towards the noble building, "Dos'nt yer honor think the old sea dogs may look big and almost fancy they're young again, barrin the short arms an timber toes; an here an there the loss o' a peeper, an the few grey straws wot thatches their polls, (and here he stroked his own scanty locks on his forehead to try and make the most of them) where they cruize about and see the best house in the vorld kept for em.' ” ،، Not the best in the world, Charley," said I, "though a fine building, there are many finer even in England." (I wish I could describe the look of the man of sentiment when I uttered that.) " Come, come, yer honor, that wont do ; vy vot did Boney vant to konker England for only to live in Greenwich, and he warnt the vorst judge of vat vas good; vy I'll tell yer, saving yer honor, if any von vent ashore there and said it vas'nt the best house in the vorld, vy he'd have all the fleet in chace, and could any save himself from being well ducked by jumping as quick as he liked into the water."

Blackwall we rapidly passed and entered upon that part of the Thames which constitutes its greatest beauty, 'tis here it expands and swells itself into a mighty stream, which seems to threaten as it rolls along to rush with resistless force over the surface of the low flat country through which it takes its course; the sun shone brightly though not with a deal of power, but yet 'twas sufficient to tip with sparkling brilliancy the miniature waves which danced along as the swift flowing tide sought with apparent eagerness its parent ocean. The band which had hitherto only given evidence of its existence in sundry tuning sound, darted in gallant style into Rule Britannia as we neared Woolwich; the sight of this great naval depot from which so many of the thunderers of old England have gone forth, added a strong link to the chain of reflection to which the music gave rise, and a fresh interest to the moving scene through which we were darting with such velocity that scarce any time could be snatched to make ohservations. "I his must be a pleasant life, Charley," said I, turning to the old fellow at my side; "for ever passing andre-passing-for ever gazing on the glories of this splendid series of views, but time has rendered them familiar to you, and you do not feel the same emotions that a stranger who merely sees them in going down does." "Lord love yer honor, I knows every inch of the river side as well as a baby knows the smell of his bren butter, and could tell jist the zact spot ve vos in vith my eyes shut; and yet 'tis a pleasant life enuff, ve sees more nor sum people, and we does some good as is knowed. I'll tell you vot our captain did von day, an I likes him for it; ve vent on the Gravesend list there no, ve vent across to that ere French place, vot does you call it, I always thinks on a six foot dancing mastar vot used to duck and nod ven he comed into the cabin-the lads aboard give him a name, the Bowing-longun they called him, but sum how that's too long for the name of the place; Bowlong, that's it-vell ve started in the evening, but jist afore we left London-bridge in valks von o'the Gravesender's, and there vas a great fuss aboard along of a homan vot vas veeping like fuu, only she did'nt look very funny. There's human natur in my old carcus, though mayhaps you may'nt think it," said the philosopher as he squinted up into my face," so I goes up to her." "Vot is it my lass," says I, "but I'm blowed if she vas'nt acrying so she could'nt speak: howsomdever, some on 'em said as she vas left cos she did'nt come in time by a wessel vot sailed in the morning to Amerikey wi' all her kin, her husband, an' her children, for she vos married yer honour, an that she vent to Gravesend, but the tide serving, an' she being a packet that she ought to vent in, she'd gone down sum vay. Here vas a mess. Vell, our captain hears on it, an' spoke to her, an' I'm blessed if I did'nt see a big tear in his eyes ven she called for her little uns. You'll say, perhaps, I vos a fool, but I turned away, and gulped down my spittle. Come, come,' says the captain, an he tuk hold on her hand, you shall see 'em yet, to night too, so don't cry; I'll put you on board, so jist run on to the Canterbury.' She looked up, she did'nt say thankee, but she looked at him, an then kivered her face in her handkercher. Let go that head rope.' Aye, aye-all gone.' Avay she goes: ve cleared the pool. The captain vispers to the engine-afore ten we hailed the

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wessel off Margate, and six hearts wot vas nigh broke slept in quiet." "Your captain is a noble fellow, Charley," said I, " and I envy him his feelings at the time of their meeting; but surely we have not come so near the end of our journey." Yes, that's Gravesend, and there is old Tilbury." "And whose fine home is this, by our side." "That, yer honour; vy, that belongs to the Dispatch." "To the Dispatch; why, how's that? To the editor, I suppose ?" "Yes, yes, that's it. Can't yer tell us vy the Dispatch is like von o' our horse guards?" "No, I never guess riddles, Charley." Why, acos its chiefest ornament is its Harmer (armour)."

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I landed amidst sounds of joy and gladness, and I promised my quondam chaperon, that I would again take with him a trip in his favourite Canter by yer, which promise, gentle reader, with your kind permission, I shall most rigourosly fulfil.


"Nothing extenuate, nor aught set down in malice."

Physionomie de la Societie en Europe, depuis le xiv. sicle jusqu'a nos jours Quatorze Tableaux par Madon.

It is with the most heartfelt satisfaction we congratulate the public on the appearance of this beautiful and highly interesting work; it reminds us of former days when the chaste and elegant designs of the matchless Stothard adorned our books and decorated the walls of our apartments. Happy indeed are we that his mantle has fallen upon one so capable of following in his footsteps as Madon; a name hitherto unknown to us, but which will soon be spread over the civilized world. We sincerely hope he will go on with the good work that he has so ably begun, and that in a short time his tasteful, beautiful, and modest productions will supersede the namby pamby, unmeaning, unintellectual faces that fill the windows of our print shops; and above all will soon consign to merited oblivion, those indecent and vulgar productions-those unfeminine faces wantonly luring like so many painted sepulchres; pictures only fit to hang on the walls of a gin palace or a beer shop.


"Cruse's One Hundred Original Double and Single Cathedral Chants, affording an agreeable variety of appropriate harmony for the Psalms of each Morning and Evening Service throughont the month." D'Almaine and Co.

In this extensive and industrious collection we have much to admire, and consequently should have much to say, but we are obliged for want of space to refrain from a critical analyzation of the contents. Mr. Cruse's Chants are excellent specimens of chaste and correct harmony, many of which lay claim to decided originality, and are, in every respect, well worthy an introduction into our cathedrals, and of being associated with the popular chants of the most celebrated church writers.

The collection (which, by the bye, is the cheapest extant,) will be found particularly useful to the young composer, many of these chants affording curious examples of ingenuity and invention. We also recommend the work as valuable to organists in general.

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