صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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sional life was ever alive to the interests of the Hospital, which he faithfully served for several years, as visiting physician and surgeon. He was graduate of the Yale Medical School, in the class of 1869.


HE recently erected operating theatre of the New Haven Hospital is so important an addition to the facilities for surgical practice in our state, and also so greatly increases the advantages for clinical instruction in the Yale medical school, that informa- The new ward is in the form of an tion concerning it is believed to be of addition extending towards the south general interest to the profession of from the main building, as may be seen Connecticut, as well as to others. in the two photographic views, and is The building is a gift to the Hospital not only an ornamental addition to the from Mrs. Henry Henry Farnam, as a group of buildings, but may well be memorial to her son, George Bronson taken as a model in the perfection of Farnam, M. D., who during his profes-the details of structure and equipment.

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It occupies a space of about 50 by 50 feet. The accompanying plans show in horizontal and vertical section the arrangement and relative size of the rooms. There is a large operating room or theatre (0) with three main rooms in immediate connection with it. There are a receiving room for accidents (A), a recovery room (R), and a surgeon's consulting and retiring room (S).


before entering the operating theatre. The entrance for students is from the outside by a separate door and vestibule (V), from which stairs ascend to the. rear of the seats. These, which are capable of seating comfortably about 75 persons, rise in three tiers rather abruptly one behind the other at an angle of 48 degress from the floor, and are arranged in a horseshoe-shaped



Access to the building from the Hospital proper is a well-lighted and warmed corridor (C), which opens into a hall (H), from which is partitioned off a small etherizing room (E), where those patients who come for operation from the Hospital wards may be anesthetized

curve around the central arena devoted to the operation itself. The first seat is about 6 feet from the floor of the operating theatre, bringing the eye of the observer about 84 feet from it, and as the diameter of the curve of the arena is 15 feet, this brings the operating

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