day which was, in the morning, looked forward to what dismay, turn out to be one of real advantage in some way or other; then some would say, "How lucky it rained, and we were obliged to stop at home!" forgetting that they should have been satisfied at first. This year, in particular, calls forth our liveliest gratitude; yet I fear many will soon forget the lovely spring and summer which we have just so freely enjoyed! How wrong, how unthankful, to forget such great mercies! "O taste and see how gracious the Lord is! Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord!" N. U. M. Sent by O. T. K. EXTRACTS FROM THE PUBLIC NEWSPAPERS, &c. WISE SAWS.-All fools are obstinate, but all obstinate persons are not fools. Sorrow induces sloth.-When you intend to marry, look first at the heart, next at the mind, then at the person.—A child may be taught how to control its passions, but you cannot compel it to do so.-No oppressor is so intolerable as a cowardly tyrant-arrogance with power is mean, without it ridiculous. Better it is to lose an advantage by over caution, and procrastination, than run into mischief by want of thought, and precipitation.We must conceal, on some occasions, what we feel, and on others, what we do not feel.-Ingratitude is so disgraceful a vice, that no one will admit himself guilty of it.-When you can do good, do it; you may not have another chance of performing for a benefit.-Fools are like parrots, often valued for the noise they make. By perseverance we must succeed. If men would only be determined to overcome a difficulty, they would find it half performed before they thought they had commenced: it is the want of exertion, and not of ability, that makes so many unsuccessful.-Rich gifts wax poor, when givers grow unkind. BRANDY AND SALT.—A small tract has been published by W. Lee, Esq., of Leeds, on the excellent properties of brandy and salt as an efficacious medicine in several dangerous diseases. Mr. Lee states, that it not only cures ordinary complaints, but such as have long been considered incurable without the use of the knife. He has known it cure the head, ear, and tooth-ache; inflammation in the eyes, ague, colic, pains in the side, chilblains, burns, scalds, cancers, and consumption, and he believes it never did the least harm. He then gives the following method of making the remedy: -Fill a bottle three quarters full with brandy, after which add as much salt as will fill the bottle for corking; shake it together for ten minutes; let the salt settle to the bottom, and be particularly careful to use it when clear, the clearer the better. Though it is fit for use in 20 minutes after it is put together, it is good at any time after. The dose should consist of equal quantities of the preparation and hot water, usually two table-spoonfuls of each; and when applied externally as an embrocation for rheumatism, sprains, &c., it should be used undiluted. NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. We have received the communications of O. T. K.; M. C. T.; A Constant Reader; N. N.; A Printer; W. F.; E. D.; A Layman; and an Anonymous Correspondent. INDEX. A. Page Child, a pious .. Address from a Clergyman.. 372 Children, employment of... Admonition, a friendly Agricultural labourers... Allotments, garden .... ...... population Allotment system, beneficial ef- tenants, encourage- 70 Chimney sweeping. 140 233 2 the end of the law Page 33 28 347 115 340 .... 228 95 ...... 30 173 219 373 |