صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

and how the Lord had helped and delivered her in the time of her deep distress. He will never forsake those who put their trust "under the shadow of his wings."

Then Elisha bade her go and sell the oil, and pay her debts, and reserve the rest for the support of her family.

The oil brought a large sum of money; no doubt, like the wine which our Lord gave by miracle at Cana, it was better than any other that could be bought. Thus it was her dear boys were saved from being sold into bondage. God is the God of the widow and the fatherless, and he will provide for them. We should help and plead for them. God is angry with those who do them any


God is as able to help and provide for us in the ways of his providence, as he then was to aid the poor widow by miracle. His bounty has followed us in a perpetual stream; and will it not still flow on by our side, and shall we not drink of it for ever?"

When in straights and difficulties, let us think of the widow's pot of oil, and cast our care on him who has given us so many proofs that he careth for us."

Let us think of the instructions of the great Teacher; "Take no thought," said he, " for your life; what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air; for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.'



1. What was the character of the husband of the poor widow?

2. What is of no moment in reference to the good man? 3. What ought we to do rather than get into debt?

4. How should we help the widow, and fatherless, and those who are in trouble?

5. What is a great charity?

6. What did the widow not say?

7. What was done with the empty vessels ?

8. How has God's bounty, and how will it, follow us? 9. Of what should we think in straights and difficulties ? 10. What did the great Teacher say in reference to food and raiment?



As the people of God were in much trouble on account of wicked Ahab, and the priests of Baal, Elisha used to journey from place to place to encourage and comfort them. Among the towns he passed through, one was called Shunem. Here a generous and a pious woman lived, who knew that he was 66 a holy man of God," and she constrained him by her kindness to come into her house to repose and refresh himself.

Moreover, she said to her husband, "Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the wall," to which he may have easy access, and where he may enjoy meditation, being removed from the noise and bustle of the family, and "let us set there for him a bed, and a table, and a stool, and

a candlestick; and it shall be when he cometh,

that he shall turn in thither."

the chamber and furnished it.

And they built

Elisha, and his servant, came into it, and the mistress of the house very kindly provided for them. So the prophet, to show how much he felt obliged, asked her, if he could do any thing for her? But she said he could not. "I dwell," said she," among my own people and kindred, and am contented and happy."

But as his servant had observed that she had no child, the prophet asked God to give her a son,— and God heard his prayer. Dutiful and pious children are an especial, and a gracious gift of God.'

And, no doubt, the parents were much pleased with their little boy; and he delighted to go about with his father. One morning as he went with him into his fields to look at the reapers, he was suddenly taken very ill; perhaps he was struck with the heat of the sun, as he cried, "My head! My head!" And his father bade a lad take him up, and carry him home to his mother. And he did

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